A new companion

After the fight Gè Míng wouldn't leave Darick alone asking him all sorts of questions but quickly those stopped as out of the truck hoped a fully covered strange man in a biker suit.

This new stranger that came with Darick had music playing out of speakers on him and held a medical case in one hand.

Darick didn't pay him much attention but Gè Míng just stared at him quietly while he went from punk to punk to inject them with first an empty needle which he drew blood then a full needle with a mixture that seemed to help heal before skipping over to Darick who was trying to convince the old lady in the car that her husband would be alright despite being knocked out by the airbag.

"Well that was neat wasn't it. Here give this to the old man it should wake him right up and I have a little healing potion right here that should help the recovery process" the weirdo said throwing a needle at Darick who casually grabs it out of the air.