The underground

The trio found themselves in a crowded city without much idea of where to start beyond a name and Dr.Stein’s work which involves horrible chimera monsters.

Since it involves a good deal of crime to procure the body parts and the fact that a lot of his work was brutally gruesome they decided to try and start looking in some of the seedier parts of the city which Darick was against bringing Gè Míng to due to his age but the kid would have none of that as he wanted to practice his fighting to keep up his training.

This lead them to a club in an ugly area in one of the outer regions of the city. They took off their wigs for this and the bouncer didn’t want to let Gè Míng in at first but after the kid jumped from the ground onto Darick’s shoulders the security would have had to stop Darick which wasn’t going to happen as his simply didn’t stop walking while Tral passed them a few extra coin telling them to ignore the midget.