


"Hi." I put down the book I was reading and looked up at the owner of that voice. I was secretly shocked to see in front of me the madness of the women all over our campus. He sat in the vacant seat in front of me then handed me a long-stemmed rose. "Uh, for you..."

The women at another table started whispering again. The canteen was filled with whispering noises.

"What did Wright see in that woman? I'm better than her, ah."

"She charmed our Wright! That bitch!"

"Girl, you are disgusting. Your saliva is on my arms, look!"

I took a deep breath. I have been receiving insults from them for two weeks now. I'm already getting used to it. I stood up and arranged my book. I also put my bag on my shoulder. "Uh, I can't accept that. I'm sorry."

I was about to leave when a warm hand grabbed my arm. The women at the other table sighed. The murmur grew louder. I confronted him. He was still holding the rose and looking at me seriously. "'Don't listen to what others are saying to you. Just believe me. I'm serious about you."

I stared at him. Six foot, all muscles and the most arresting face — thin lips, straight nose, chiselled jaw — his unique eyes hypnotizing. Sometimes I get caught staring into those eyes and forget where I am. Wright is the sexiest man — sinful and beautiful — my eyes have ever graced. I sneezed and averted my gaze before I even melted into the intensity of its gaze.

"Why me?" I kept my voice from shaking.

"Why not you?"

What is his intention? We only met because of the coffee. I was passing by their side but the woman bumped into me. To my great annoyance, she poured the hot coffee left in her glass to me. My skin turned red.

Wright got angry with the woman and dragged me to the Clinic for treatment. He also lent me the varsity jacket he's wearing.

Yes, Wright was kind to me, but I didn't like the way he approached me every day after that. I think that in every step I take, someone will kill me.

"I mean, there are a lot of beautiful women who like you. Why don't you just date them, so you won't have a hard time anymore." It's not that I'm counting but he's been courting me for two weeks. Others said that Wright was the only one who had been courting me for so long.

"I'm surrounded by women who wanted me, but you're the only one that I wanted." He touched my hair and pinned the loose strands in my ear. When he smiled, my knees almost softened. "I love your simplicity, Melissa."

This ain't good.

"Uh .. t-thankyou." I quickly took the rose in his hand to finish our conversation. I adjusted my glasses. "I might be late for my class."

I walked over to the door. I breathed a sigh of relief when I got out and quickened my pace. My heart was still beating fast. Curse his silver tongue!

I stopped when he blocked my way. I walked backwards. What else does he need?

"Why?" I asked.

It scratched his neck like a shy teenager. "We'll have a gig later at Floderizo Bar. Can you watch?"

Bar? Floderizo? That Bar is known because that's where some well -known personalities go. The only ones who can get in there are the members. Not just members, rich people are participating.

"Uh, I don't want to. Sorry." I said quickly. Disappointment reflected in his eyes. I averted my gaze. "And Grandma won't let me."

"I'll pick you up." He says determinedly.

"You don't know my address," I said. I adjusted my eyeglass again and walked to his side.

I felt his warm hand on my arm again. I’m starting to get pissed. "Tell me so I know."

"You're too persistent, Wright."

He stared at me. "Can you... Can you say that again?"

"Which one?" What did I say?

"My name."

"Uh..." What's the matter with that? That's his name ah? Geez! "Wright."

"Music in my ears, babe." I stared as his eyelids weighed down.

I was swallowed. "Wright .. P-Please let go of my arm."

"Not until you give your address." I can't do anything either. I took a deep breath. I give up. I said our full address. It's up to him to find out. "I will pick you up at six o'clock."

Six ?! Wait! What can I say to Grandma ?!

"Huh? Wait-" I couldn't speak anymore because he already runs away from me. I even saw his hand raise as if he had won the lotto. I rubbed my forehead. "I'm upset. I'm pissed!"

After my class at four o'clock, I went home immediately. I waved to Grandma when I saw her crocheting in her rocking chair. Grandma is still strong today, I sometimes help her sell vegetables in the market. I cooked Grandma dinner before I went into my room and got dressed.

I chose to wear a black skater skirt and black sleeveless. Because I'm wearing pure black, my white skin floats even more. I have also combed my shoulder-length hair. It's natural to curl up at the end. Wright might say, I prepared for him. I just don't want to be out of place or embarrass him because I look like a maid when he is with me. I went out of the room and caught up with Grandma who was standing in front of my door.

Her eyes pierced my whole being. Suddenly her eyes twinkled and a smile grew on her lips. "Sweetheart, where are you going and why are you all dressed up?"

I was embarrassed to smile. "I have... a friend who will pick me up."

She caressed my hair. Grandma rarely sees me with my hair down so maybe she's excited to touch it. "Friend? Be careful, sweetheart."

"Yes, Grandma," I said. I no longer have a father and mother, they died in an accident. So Grandma was the only relative who took me in. I have no other acquaintance who is a relative of ours but her, she is Mama's mother. "Mom and Dad are always watching over me."

"My granddaughter is so beautiful. You got the beauty of your mother and strong-will from your father." Her hands covered my cheek and then lowered her head. She kissed me softly on the cheek.

Grandma and I looked at the door when there was a knock. I went there and then opened the door. He's just in a dark polo and it was folded up to the elbow but its elegance is still visible. No matter what beautiful dress I put on, I will still look like a maid when I stand next to him.

"Good evening." His eyes dropped to the dress I was wearing. I was so bitten on my lower lip. "Beautiful."

"Is that your friend, Melissa?" Grandma adjusted her eyeglass. Her smile widened even more on her lips. She even laughed softly.

"Grandma, he is Wright. He is just a friend." I explained.

"You're so handsome, son."

"Do we look together, Grandma?"

"All right, Grandma. We're leaving. Don't forget to lock up." I ordered then hurriedly pulled Wright out.

He opened the passenger seat door of his car for me. That's why he found our house. His car has GPS. I shouldn't underestimate someone like him.

I took a deep breath. He turned to me, still has a smile on his lips and I looked straight at the roadside. "Wright, after you play, can you take me home as soon as possible? I still have a project to do."

His forehead wrinkled when he turned to me. "We haven't arrived yet, you want to go home. Don't you want to be with me? Don't you want me?"

"If I say 'Yes, I don't like you', would you stop?"

He no longer spoke and caressed his jaw. I just looked out of the car and didn't say a word. After half an hour, we arrived at Floredizo Bar. Wright helped me get off the car.

Five bouncers were standing in front of the back door. I was still hesitant so I stopped walking. Wright seemed to felt my hesitation. He touched my waist, I looked up at him.

"I'm here." He said softly. I nodded and walked with him. Those big guys let us in right away, the backstage was still noisy and disastrous.

A woman interrupted us and wrapped her arm around Wright. "Long time no see, Wright."

She is a tall, well-shaped body. But I know what a fake chest looks like. And hers is screaming fake. And I don't know why I felt annoyed when it pressed against Wright's arm.

Wright just smiled at her and then removed his arm from the woman's hold. The woman was not amazed at what Wright had done. He pulled me back and continued walking. Many women greet him but he ignores all of them.

"Hey, Wright."

Who is she?

"You wanna get laid tonight? I'm free." The woman said seductively. He ignored her and pushed her away, I saw Wright's eyebrows meet.

He gripped both of the woman's arms tightly and pushed hard. She would have fallen if only a man hadn't touched its back. "I. Don't. Need. You. Bitch. Back off."

He took my hand. I saw his chest rises and falls because of the speed of his breathing. Oh my God, he is so pissed. Wright looked at me as I squeezed his hand. I bit my lower lip. He let out a deep breath and then squeezed my hand back. I smiled as he calmed down.

We went to the second floor. Wright pulled me into a room full of glass. When you look at the bottom of it you can see the people dancing on the dance floor.

"We've been waiting for you for a while, Wright." Another woman approached us. I know her. Shee is the vocalist of Wright's band. Raquel Aquino. Many men worship her. How they will not? She is so beautiful and by the time she sings, you will be hypnotized by her angelic voice. She looked down at me. "Why did you bring her here?"

Wright's eyebrows met again. "What's wrong if I bring here the one I'm dating, Racky?"

"S-Are you serious? I thought-"

"Shut up!" I winced when Wright shouted. Only now have I heard him shout like that.

"Easy, dude." I looked behind Racky. It was also one of Wright's bands. Leon Salvador. Wright's most mysterious friend. He rarely smiles, and when he stares at you it's as if you're too small for him. "You don't need to shout at her."

"Hey!" Said another man. He went to Wright and put one arm on his shoulder. Only one person I know has red hair. It's Fier Joaquin. Who wouldn't know him, with his reputation as the boyfriend in an hour? Different women are with him from time to time. "You took Melissa with you. I'm Fier."

"Nice to meet you." I winced at the greeting.

He laughed and went in front of me. "Nice? Hey, Sweetheart, I'm an asshole."

"Then, let me rephrase my greetings. It's so nice to meet an asshole like you, Fier." I don't know, it just slipped off my tongue.

"I like you." After Fier said that I quickly went behind Wright.

"She's not your toy, Fier." Wright said in a warning tone.

He smirked. "I know. She's yours."

"Fier, Wright, Racky, we're ready," Leon said authoritatively. The two stopped giving death glare.

Wright pulled me toward the glass. He pushed me to the place where I could see the stage.

"Watch me." He whispered from behind me. I sighed as he quickly kissed my cheek.

They descend on stage. People shouted as they started playing. I watched how some people got lost there, I also saw some well-known personalities who almost lost their heads in the headbang. At least I couldn't help but be startled by the sound.

"Why is your grandmother the only one with you in your house?" Wright asked me. We were already in the middle of the dancefloor and slow dancing to the tune. It's not just pure rock that is played in bars. My hands were on his shoulders. His hands were wrapped around my waist.

"Because my parents are dead. They died when I was only seven years old."

"Oh... I'm sorry." He kissed my hair. "As for me, the parents are still alive but I can't feel their presence."



I smiled sparingly. "You can't have it all. Something is missing in human life. No one has a perfect life."

"When you become mine, I'm whole."

I raised an eyebrow at him. I'm sure he's not drunk yet. "How many girls have you catch using that sweet tongue of yours?"

"Damn. I never sweet talk to any girl I fucked. It's just pure sex." I winced at what he said. Music is getting louder. "Wrong choice of word?"

I blushed. "I'm a virgin but my mind is not that innocent, Wright. I'm aware of men's libido."

"But you're different, Melissa. Just give me a chance to prove it."

I never spoke again. I just stared into his eyes. I felt his hands disappear from my waist and it moved to either side of my face.

"What will you do?"

He touched my eyeglass. "I'll just look at what you're hiding under these thick glasses."

"H-Huh? No. I can't see."

"Just a moment." I closed my eyes when Wright took it off. Gradually I stared at his face. Even though my vision was a bit blurry I knew he was smiling. "You're hiding the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen."

"I-I can't see, Wright. Give it back to me." I tried to take the eyeglass but he raised his hand.

"You don't need this. Just close your eyes and feel me."

I did what he ordered. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I felt something warm and soft touch my lips. I widened and Wright's eyes are closed. Because of the soft and addictive sweetness of his lips, my eyelids weighed down and gradually closed again. Wright kissed me softly as if he was just adjusting me to the sensation he was making me feel. My mind was tangled and I no longer knew where we were.

I stared as he parted from me.

"So beautiful." He whispered. He pressed our foreheads together. "Have you felt it?"

I can't lie to myself anymore. "Y-Yes .."

"Happy to hear it."