Chapter 3: Brave Girl



"Aunt Linda, you look more appealing than the last time we me.” An elderly woman turned around, and a wide smile flashed on her face when she saw him. Wright greeted her warmly as we entered the expensive boutique.

After my last subject, he immediately brought me here. He told me to find a dress that fits for an unknown event.

"My goodness, sweetheart! You really know how to run that mouth of yours. Just like my brother.” She said as he hugged him.

He laughed and kissed her forehead. "I learned from the best."

“Happy birthday, my dearest nephew.”

“Thank you, Auntie.”

Today is Wright's birthday, he's twenty-one, and it’s also 5th monthsary today. There will be a fancy celebration at La Mencion De Agoncillo. All rich businessmen and their relatives are invited. I can’t help but feel nervous and anxious because he will finally introduce me to his parents. I hope they are kind to people like me.

I hope they don’t think that I’m after Wright’s money. I really do love him. So much that it hurts.

I also know that he will receive many expensive gifts, so I thought of a gift that he will definitely appreciate.

Myself. Yes, I decided to stay for the night, and I hope everything went well. I also informed Granny that I won’t go home tonight and lied to her about doing overnight schoolworks.

I trust Wright and I know he loves me.

He will never waste something that is important to me. I love Wright so much; I will give him everything I can provide.

A hand caressing my shoulder, and that brought me back to reality. I didn’t notice that I lost myself in deep thought.

"By the way, Auntie, this is Melissa, my girlfriend."

I smiled sweetly. "Good afternoon."

Her aunt's eyes widened. "G-Girlfriend?! B-Bu— Does your mother know about this?"

"I’ll introduce her tonight, Auntie.” He held my hand and put kissed the back of my palm while his eyes are focused to me. “That's why we're here. I want her to wear the best dress. I want her to standout and every guest are looking at her. I want to watch the men feel envious that this woman belongs to me."

Why did Aunt Linda look nervous at what Wright said?

"I don't know what's in your mind, Wright. But I see how happy you are now, so who am I to be a hindrance?" Aunt Linda took a deep breath and closed her eyes. When she looked up, there was a smile on her face. "Oh, well. Let's see what I can do for you, young lady."

Aunt Linda took me to the fitting room while Wright stayed at the waiting area. I entered and turned to Aunt Linda who was looking at me intently. I smiled hesitantly. I guess, people who belong to high society doesn’t want to have any connection with the people belong in the lowest rank.

Two of her staff come inside the dressing room and proceed with measuring my body.

"U-Uhm... C-Can I get a dress that’s a little cheap? If my savings is not enough, maybe I could pay monthly, would that be alright, ma’am?" I said nervously.

I don't want people to call me a gold digger or a social climber. I loved Wright because he brings out the best of me. He took me to places I’ve never reached before.

Her laugh surprised me. Here I stand before her, nervous and anxious. And she laughed at me?!

"You're funny, young lady. All the clothes you see in my boutique are expensive and of good quality. Some of it are made in other countries, how dare you look for anything cheap in this place. You’ve got some nerve, don’t you think?"

“I’m… I’m sorry. I have no intention to offend you. Believe me, ma’am. I just want to pay for the dress and I want you to understand that people like me doesn’t often go to expensive place like this.”

“People like you?” She stared at me, puzzled. “Let me guess, you think that I hate you or brand you as a gold digger.”

I nodded. “I can’t help but think that way, ma’am. I have nothing and Wright has everything. It’s natural that people will think that I’m after his money.”

“That’s true.” She agreed. “Both oh his parents are business tycoons. Millionaires. And Wright is their only child.”

“I… I understand, ma’am. That’s why I have to prove that I’m not after his—”

“Sweetheat, my dearest, save the explanation for tonight. I am nothing but his aunt.” She stood up in front of me and smiled gently. “I understand you, young lady. Just for the record, we do not look down to anyone. My husband is from a family with no wealth— only good education. And do you want to know where it leads him?”


“Success. The man who owns a small eatery, now owns five Michelin restaurants, 2 big grocery stores, and a good heart.” My heart melt because of her voice. I was wrong, this woman did not judge my social status. “Happiness is in here, Melissa.” She placed her hand on top of my chest. “Everything in this world will depreciate and can be replaced. The only thing I can say to you— be yourself and all the best will follow.”

I can’t help but hugged her tightly. “Thank you, ma’am.”

She patted my back, and I heard her chuckled. “My goodness, I wish I have a daughter.”

After the fitting, I got out of the room and Aunt Linda told me to wait until the dress was fixed to my size. I went to see Wright and he immediately stood up to welcome me back.

“What’s the color?”

“It’s a secret.”

“But I have to match my next tie with your dress.” He encircled his arms on my waist.

“I already chose a next tie for you.” I put my index finger on the tip of his pointy nose and smiled sweetly.

He laughed. “Damn, don’t smile at me like that.”


“Just because.”

“But I always smile at you this way.”

“Not on my birthday!” I laughed and he pulled me closer to him. “I can’t wait to receive your gift to me.”

I swallowed. “You have to wait until midnight.”

One hour before the sun sets and Aunt Linda called me to try the dress. I let Wright go and walked inside the fitting room. The two staffs helped me dress up while the others started putting make up on me and decorating my hair.

I’m not used to this kind of extravagant clothes. Wearing pants and shirt are enough for me, but when I met Wright, I started wearing skirts and blouses. That’s because I don’t want hear people say that his girlfriend looks older than him.

I took a deep breath and came out wearing the royal blue mermaid style dress. It hugged my body shape. Its mermaid style starts in half of my thigh. The fabric was filled with Swarovski’s crystals. They only put light make up on me and straight out my hair.

Wright stood up straight when he saw me and then a sweet smile curved on his lips. Aunt Linda raised a thumbs up. He’s well-dressed, in an obviously expensive black suit. His dark eyes slid down my trim figure, then back up again to my face.


“H-Hi. Do I look okay?”

“Okay?” He towered me and stared at my face. “Baby, you took my breath away.”

“I don’t look old, do I?”

“Old?” He chuckled and turned to his Auntie. “Aunt Linda?”

She raised one of her brows. “Young lady, are you looking for flaws in my creation?”

“N-No, ma’am. It’s beautiful. I can’t recognize myself in the mirror!”

“Of course! I am currently fighting the urge to burn the clothes you wore.”

“Auntie…” Wright warned.

“It’s just a joke. Melissa and I shared genuine conversation a while ago.”

“About what?”

“It’s a secret between us.”

Wright turned to me. I beamed. “I won’t tell you.”

“Alright. Based on my observation, Aunt Linda didn’t threaten you.”

“Why would I?! I don’t give threats to anyone. My dearest nephew, you hurt my feelings.”

Wright pulled away from me and put his hands on his Auntie’s shoulder. “Auntie, what you have is a gift of God. Look at my girl, she’s beautiful but I can’t believe you made her a Goddess. I am so blessed to have you.”

“My dearest nephew, you really know the words I wanted to hear.”

Aunt Linda excused herself when a customer came in. Wright came back to me. He was handsome man— all dark sensuality and wicked spirit. He towered over me and made me feel small and feminine. I like the way his suit hugged the powerful lines of his body, emphasizing its fierce masculinity.

A woman walked towards us while holding a black box. She stopped beside me and opened it. I reached for the necktie and put it on Wright’s collar. He kissed my cheek when I’m done tying it up.

“Thank you for being with me in my special day.”

“I will always with you even if it isn’t special.”

He smiled sweetly. “Thank you.”

“But my feet are killing me.”

He laughed and turned to the staff beside me. “Could you please get us some comfortable shoes? My girl isn’t used to stilettos.”

The staff nodded before leaving.

“Is there a problem?” Aunt Linda popped behind Wright.

“Auntie, Melissa isn’t used to high heels.”

“But the shoes are the perfect match in her outfit.”

“She isn’t used—”

“Nonsense.” Auntie held both my hands. “Come here, sweetheart. I’ll teach you how to walk and stand in a way where your feet won’t hurt.”

“O-Okay, ma’am.”

I tried to walk a few times, but I always stumbled or fell to my knees. Thank goodness, Wright always helps me.

"Maybe we need something to motivate her."

Aunt Linda pushed Wright away from me and sent a nice-looking employee of hers to him. I frowned when Wright smiled at my behavior as the women clung to him. This freaking jerk!


“Help me, baby.” His plea sounds so fake.

"Oh, what are you going to do? Don’t look down, walk straight, get your man back!" Aunt Linda whispered.

I looked at my shoes. So, this is my motivation. I looked at Wright again and slowly stood up. I only took two steps when I tripped again. The women helped me not to get on my knees. When I look at Wright, his arm is wrapped around the woman’s waist.

I glared at him. He raised both of his hands as if to say that he won’t do it anymore.

With a sigh I stood up and began to walk. This time, I'm desperate to grab him, so I could strangle his neck. On my final step, I stumbled but Wright managed to pull my waist and the back of my head hit his chest.

"Excellent. The reason why I pushed the stilettos to her, even if she isn’t used to it, is to make sure that you won’t leave her side, Wright.”

His hands caressed my exposed shoulder. I sighed at what he did.

“I won’t leave her, of course.” His face came close to my ear and whispered. "You are tempting me."

Both my cheeks warmed at what he said. “I’m not doing anything to you.”

When our ride parked in front of the boutique, we bid our farewell to Aunt Linda. She kissed my cheeks and whispered. “Just be yourself, my sweet child. Good luck and I’ll see you at the party.”

I smiled at her. “Thank you, Aunt Linda.”

He opened the backseat door and let me in first. He joined me and I immediately placed my hand on his leg. He looked at me and I gave him a quick kiss. His eyes widened.

"Happy 5th monthsary, baby." I said softly.

He touched his lips and stared at me, dumbfounded. After he recovered from that, his lips curved a seductive smile. "Damn. Was that your present? It’s not even midnight yet."

“No. I just had an urge to kiss you. You don’t like it?”

“I’m not complaining.”

I slowly slid my arms around his neck and pulled him in close. I smiled softly as I tilted my head upwards, wordlessly inviting him to kiss me. As Wright lowered his head and claimed my lips in a deep kiss, I melted against him, my hands tangling in his hair as my breath escaped me on a whispering sigh of pleasure.

Wright’s hands wrapped around me, his manly fingers digging into my skin with just enough pressure to tantalize without hurting me. His tongue dancing with mine as our teeth nipped at lips and we gasped into each other’s mouths.

I was the who pulled away first. We look into each other’s eyes and then he smiled while biting his lower lip. “You said, you’ll give your gift for me at midnight? What happened? Change of plans?”

My heartbeat quickened. I averted my eyes from him. "I think you turned me into a kissing monster."

He laughed and reached a few strands of my hair and kissed it. “That’s quite an accusation. I didn’t turn you into that. I just awakened the monster you’ve been keeping in your closet for so long.”

“You wish!”

We arrived at his mansion. The big gate opened when the guards recognize his car. I was mesmerized with the house’ design. It’s made of concrete and big windows. I thought I could only see that in Korean dramas I watched. We got out of the car and went to their garden because that was where the celebration would be held.

I can’t help but be amazed of how luxurious Wright’s lifestyle. I feel like I don't fit in here. Am I going to alright? I feel like people will eat me alive.

Why did Wright choose me? I was nothing compared to the women around him. I’m not pretty enough. I don’t have a body like a supermodel.

Wright squeezed my hand and he looked at me. He looks worried. "Don't be nervous. I'm here."

I sighed deeply and pushed my hair at the back. “Wright, what if—”

“We will not talk about ‘what ifs’, right now. Look at me, Melissa.” He said in a serious tone. “Don’t overthink. I am with you. I won’t go anywhere.”

I nodded. “Okay.”

Many raise an eyebrow at me and whispered to each other. I swallowed the lump on my throat and focus on Wright. If he is with me, others don’t matter. We stopped in front of a couple. The middle-aged woman looked at me from my head down to my toe.

"Wright, I did not expect you to bring…” She eyed our entwined hands. “…a friend in your party.”

"Mom, Dad, this is Melissa Quizon. She isn’t my friend. She’s my girl.”

"H-Hi, ma’am."

I want to punch myself because I stuttered. I was really nervous, what do you want me to do?!

One of her eyebrows rose and her judgmental eyes scoured my whole being. "Girlfriend? Don’t make me laugh, Wright."

Wright put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. "It’s not a joke, Mom. She’s my girl. You asked me one time— why am I smiling out of nowhere? Yup, she’s the reason."

The lady's eyes widened. "B-But… But, how did this happened?”

“Sweetheart, calm down. Come on, let’s not make a scene.” Wright’s father put his hand on his wife’s back.

“But Claire is—"

"'Let's not talk about her." Wright said in an authoritative voice.

Their eyes fought a silent battle. Who are they talking about? Who’s Claire?

Wright's jaw clenched a sign that he was displeased. Mister Agoncillo broke the silence and offered his hand to me. "Nice to meet you, young lady. What's your name again?"

"M-Melissa, sir." I'm nervous! Wright's dad has difference aura. I feel like I’m talking to Aunt Linda. Maybe they are sibling.

Mister Agoncillo smiled at me.

"You can call me, Tito Sean. And welcome to our family, Melissa." Then he turned to his wife and son. "Wilma, quit it. Our son is grown up. He knows what he's doing. We can’t push our decision to him."

"But, Sean—"

"Ssh. Chill out, my love. Everything's under control." He held his wife’s shoulder and walked away from us.

Wright's hands rested on my waist. "I told you it's alright. Dad likes you."

I looked up to him. "Wright... are hiding something from me?"

Shocked, but he recovered immediately.

"Oh, baby. I'm not keeping anything from you." I am not convinced. "Babe, don't spoil our night. Please?"

"I'm sorry."

He pulled me closer and caressed my exposed back. "I'm excited about your gift. Can’t wait for midnight.”

I averted my gaze. "Why don’t we greet your guest first? They came here for you."

The party has already begun. I almost lost all the feeling in my face because of the non-stop smiling whenever Wright introduced me. Some women are throwing shades at me while some are treating me like I wasn’t there at all. It was tiring but I don’t want Wright to be worried.

Right now, Wright and I are dancing in a slow music. My left hand was on his shoulder while one of his hands covered my right hand. My head was also leaning against his chest. I heard his heartbeat, and it calms me. He feels like home.

"Are you tired? Does your feet hurt?" He said softly in my ear.

"To be honest? I feel like I’m standing on my knees."

"Do you want to sit down for a while?"

"No. Let’s stay like this for a while.” I slowly placed both my hands on his neck. Then, he encircled his arms on my waist.

“I saw a lot of my old friends throw second look at you. This is the last time that I’ll let you dress up like this.” He chuckled and buried his face on my neck. "Where's your gift? It’s past midnight.”

I was swallowed. “I put it in your pad.”

“In my pad? I was with you all day, how did it—”

“I have my ways.”

I put my index finger on his lips. “I have my ways.”

He pulled me away from the dance floor. I could no longer bear the pain in my feet. He also ignores the people who greet him. We got to the parking lot. We immediately got in his car, and half an hours later, we reached his condo unit.

“Why are you so excited?” I tried to hide my nervousness.

“Because I can’t think straight.” He opened his unit, and I closed the door behind us. He started to look around. He acts like a child! “Where is it? Is it under the couch? Is it behind the curtain? Did you hide it in the kitchen cabinet to make sure that I won’t see it because I don’t cook?”

While he’s busy looking around, I reached for the red ribbon and put it on top of my head. I cleared my throat, and I got his attention.

“Stop looking around. It’s right here. I’m right here, baby.”

He stood up slowly while his lips are slightly open. I avoided his gaze while walking closer to me. When he closed the distance between us, he put his finger on my chin and raised it. Our eyes met.

“I’m not pushing you to this.”

“I know. I did this on my own will.” I whispered.

"Are you sure, baby?"


“Okay.” Yes, I'm sure. I want him more than anything.

My hands were still shaking as I reached behind my back. I unzipped my gown and unsnapped my bra, letting it fall, leaving my breasts bare to his eyes. I took comfort in his sharp intake of breath, knowing that he liked what he saw in front of him.

My panties were next; the wispy lace thong quickly joining the pool of clothes on the floor. And then I stood in all my naked glory in front of him, waiting for him to make the next move or to tell me what I should do. I didn’t have to wait too long.

Wright took another deep breath and then slowly walked towards me, stopping just inches from me as I stood there trembling. “Such a beautiful, brave girl.”

His praise sent shivers of awareness coursing through me and I felt my nipples harden to peaks as his gaze swept over me again. He picked me up, took me to his room and put me down on the bed.