Chapter 12: Good night


I was just looking outside his car’s window until Eugene and I got to our house. Eugene opened the passenger seat door and helped me get out of the car. I could still feel the weakness in my knee when I got up.

I don’t know when Wright will give up. Why would he want to take my son? I can't understand him! I hate myself! Why can't I forget him? Why does my body still seem to miss his caresses?! Annoying!

I can’t believe, all of this happened in just a day! I'm thankful that Eugene arrived on time. Because I didn’t know what would happen if Wright caught up with me.

"Take a break. You need that." I could only nod in response to him. I am still weak.

I knocked and Minerva peeked out the window before letting us in. I'm glad, I can really trust this woman. I sat down on the sofa and grabbed five hundred pesos from my wallet and handed it to Minerva. After that she said goodbye and went home. I took off my shoes and raised my knees. I laid my head on top of it.

I don't know what to do, Grandma. What is really right? Why did God take my Grandmother right away when I needed someone I could lean on?

I could no longer hold back my tears. I felt someone sit next to me and rub my back. Eugene is so kind to me. I don’t want to lose him. I turned to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. I squeezed my head on his chest. My sobs got louder.

"Eugene..." I said weakly.


"Can you... sleep here? I want you here. Don’t go home." I moved away from him a little. He wiped away the tears that kept running down my cheeks.

“Melissa, are you sure about this?”

I don’t know but when I Eugene’s presence is here, I feel safe and assured. I know that he would not hurt me or harm me. He’s our protector. I was so lucky and I met someone like him.

He smiled. But there was still concern in his eyes. "Where will I sleep?"

I don't want him to sleep on the sofa because he doesn't fit in it. He will not be comfortable. "Uhm, in my room. I’ll sleep in Reid’s room."

He chuckled and my forehead furrowed. "Woman! You're going to torture me."

I swallowed. Of course. It is difficult for men to hold back when they smell the woman and especially when in that bed. "I’m sorry. I know what I suggest is a bad idea, but I still proposed it."

"I'm okay here on the sofa."

He doesn't fit in here. Even with an electric fan, he still wouldn’t be comfortable. "You don't fit in here.”

"In Reid's room, then. We used to sleep together, so I guess he won’t throw a fit."

Yeah! Reid's bed turned out to be big.

"Okay." I hugged him again. My gratitude to Eugene is growing. "Thank you, Eugene. Thank you for always being around."

Eugene went out first to get his extra clothes in the car. I went to my room and changed into my pajamas. I wore the Lightning McQueen brand that matched Reid’s. I grabbed two pillows and pulled out a blanket for Eugene. When I came out, I found him opening the door of Reid's room. He was also dressed in a white t-shirt and boxer shorts.

I averted my eyes because this is the first time, I’ve seen Eugene look like this. I heard his faint laugh before entering Reid's room. I was embarrassed to look down to hide the redness on my cheek. I look like a teenager who blushed with just seeing a man’s thigh.

I entered the room. There was a small light coming from Reid's lampshade. "Extra pillows."

He approached me and took the blankets and pillows. "Thank you."

He put it on Reid’s side. His bed is big because he is restless when sleeping. I just woke up one night to find him kissing the floor of his room. I sat on Reid’s side and kissed him on the forehead. I watched his sleeping form, he really looked like his father. I noticed that he was hugging the relatively large teddy bear that Eugene had given me back then. I feel relieved when I see my son next to me.

I felt someone hold my shoulder. Eugene pushed me to lie down beside Reid. I moved so that he also had space by my side. I lay on his arm and we both stared at the ceiling. His hand played with my hair.

I feel so safe. So damn safe.

He took a deep breath. "But oh, can't you see. That no matter what happens. Life goes on and on. So baby, just smile. Coz I'm always around you. And I'll make you see how beautiful. Life is for you and me. "

I smiled as he started to sing. He doesn't have any singing talent, but I appreciate that he doesn’t care. I bit my lower lip. Although, I knew he was just doing that to make me feel better. I turned to him and then hugged him to the side.

He continued to sing even though he knew he had no talent there. "Take a little time baby. See the butterflies' colors. Listen to the birds that were sent. To sing for me and you. Can you feel me. This is such a wonderful place to be. Even if there is pain now. Everything will be all right. For as long as the world still turns. There will be night and day. Can you hear me. There's a rainbow always after the rain. "

I laughed as he crouched at the end of the bed. He looked down at me and caught me smiling. His free hand caressed my chin. "You're smiling now. Finally."

"I've been thinking about it. Your problem is even bigger than mine."

"That's too much. I only sing when I’m with you."

Eugene and I both laughed. I didn't notice that we had another person next to us.

"Noisy. Stop!" Reid complained while his eyes are closed. He rotated.

"Oh!" Reid fell on the bed. Eugene and I are the only ones at fault. Eugene and I both interrupted Reid’s dream.

"Ugh! M-Mommy… ‘my… ‘my” He cried.

Eugene and I quickly got up and approached my crying son. I don’t know but the smile on my lips can’t be erased. And the creator of that smile was Eugene.

Eugene picked up Reid and placed him on top of the bed. We are on both sides of him. Until he fell asleep again. I slowly left Reid's side.

"Good night." I whispered.

"Good night." He could no longer stand because Reid's thigh was wrapped around his waist.

I slowly closed the door and went to my room.



I woke up with a heavy thing on top of my stomach. I looked up and immediately saw a foot resting on my stomach. Then I realized that I had slept in another house and that Reid was next to me. He was lying upside down so that his foot was facing me. He was really naughty when he’s sleeping. I still remember when he was a baby, he would cry when I held him and only stop when his mother picked him up.

He had been really rude to me before, especially to her Mother's other suitors. He was kind to me only because I was the one who took care of him since he’s a child. All he knew was that his Mommy and I were friends, because I couldn’t find an opening to tell him that I’ll court his mother.

I got up and looked at the wall clock. Fifteen minutes before six. I had to get up because I will duty today and he has school. "Reid, wake up. You might be late."

He just growled. I made the shaking even stronger to wake up his spirit. He got up and rolled his knuckles on his eyes. He also yawned before looking at me. There’s really no denying how much he resembles to Wright. He needed a father, but the decision was still up to Melissa. I have nothing to do with his decision. All I can do is give her advice.

"Does your back still hurt?"

I hope he doesn’t remember that he fell last. Come on, it's his mother's fault.

He shook his head. "I had a dream. Mommy pushed me and I fell in a pile of bacons. Hard bacons. Maybe it’s burned bacons."

He doesn’t remember! Good.

"Come on, I'll cook for you. Your Mommy is awake."

I got up and went straight to the comfort room for personal hygiene. I was brushing my teeth with Reid. I can also see him glance at me and copy what I do. I secretly smile when I catch him looking at me.

It was as if something touched my heart because it was like he is my son. I wish I were his father. If only I had been a little earlier. But I could do nothing but wait for when Melissa to be ready and open herself to me. Not just a friend, but as a husband.

We headed straight to the kitchen afterwards. He offered to peel the white onion. He seems to know how to cut it, but I didn’t let him. He is in a bad mood and doesn't want to talk to me. He doesn’t have a choice but to listen to me because I am older than him.


I lowered the pot I was holding and quickly went to Reid’s side. His thumb is bleeding. I hurriedly put his fingers on the sink. He minced the garlic while I’m busy take care of the pots.

When the bleeding stopped, I took their first aid kit from the bathroom and coated it with medicine. I didn’t use alcohol because I knew it would hurt him more. I don’t want to hurt Reid. Even though I knew he wasn't crying, I knew his wound was painful.

"Uncle Doc, can you make my Mommy happy?" I looked at him and stopped putting betadine on his wound. I stared into him, puzzled.

Then, I smiled. He’s starting to open up to me. "Yes. Why?"

He grinned. "Nothing."

I didn't let him help me because he might get hurt again. He just looked at me as I peeled the potatoes. He was perched on a chair and watch me do the works.

"This is how it feels when you have Daddy."

I don’t know if I should ask this. But it's not bad if I say so. "Do you want to meet your Daddy?"

He shook his head and hugged his knees. "No. I hate him. I don't like people to hurt my Mommy. I’ll protect my mom. I’ll punch them in the face! Look how big my fists are."

I just chose to keep quiet so as not to arouse Reid’s curiosity. He just watched me until I cooked the corned beef.

"Taste it if it's okay." I blew it first and touch the spoon on his lips.

He smile widened after sipping it. "You're good at cooking, Paps!"

It was as if I was stuck in a rut when I heard those words from Reid. "What... What did you just call me?"

He covered his mouth. Maybe he realized the word he said. He jumped to get off the seat.

"Beats me." He said quickly and then ran out of the kitchen.