4: The start of journey.

"mom is it needed for me to go, I can stay here and study, and also I will take admission to a nice university just because I got a seat there why do you want me to go?" asked Rosie

"listen this was your dream so you have to go" replied Rosie mom

"but mom see the situation here, even you, how come I will leave you?"

"my dream is your dream so for all this don't make any excuse I am strong enough now to handle your father so go and pack your clothes" commended her mother to Rosie

"okay but see I will come with a bright future and 1 day we will live our life on our way" replied Rosie.


{LUKE a top student who wants to prove to his father that he will do anything right from the top, who dreams to become top software company CEO.}

Luke surprised by seeing the post letter for his admission

He informs his mother "mom I got a seat in the university, so I will pack and move and tell dad not to worry, I am going to show him that I can"

"Name, fame, and money! I just want to win, Mom."

"Ok, when should you go to London?"

"In two days" replied Luke

After 2 days- the day of joining.

"Hello, students. Geography says that the whole

world revolves around the Sun. But the reality is, the whole

world revolves around success. Look at the wall behind me.50,000 students have passed since

the day this institute was established. But the photos of just seven

people got onto that wall. Because they were achievers." Spoke one of the professor name {Peter}.

"A lot of students here

would fear the word 'failure'.But as they always say,

failure is the first step towards success. Well, if anybody has something to say,

the dais is open. Please come and speak" Requested peter

Luke stood up

"sir can i"

he walks on the dais and speaks out

-"Hi, sir


I'm Luke.

You just said that failure

is the first step to success.

I don't believe that, sir.

These quotes would seem nice as

morning messages on Facebook and WhatsApp.

The world which revolves

around success according to you,

that same world would be waiting to take

over and vanquish for just one failure.

Here, we shouldn't have any

other goals than winning.

If you don't mind me saying this sir,

Even you aren't successful according to me,

Because there won't be

any full stops in success. There would be only commas.

You've put a full stop

to your success, sir."

"Because everyone has his

own way in achieving success.

Success is not a destination,

success is a journey."

Thank you, sir.

Everyone gives him a round of applause.

Everyone there spends time knowing each other but luke keeps chatting with girls having coffee.

There he comes the other smart guy of the university.

"Hi, Luke.

This is Jackson.

I'm the top ranker in this

institute's entrance exam.

You spoke greatly about

success and scored well.

But don't try to

compete with me in the exams.

Your opinion about success might change." said Jackson.

"Hello, top ranker. you can go and study." replied luck

Outside the gate, the vehicle arrives.

{Kevin the other guy who got a seat in the university,

but has low knowledge.}

"This is so big?

How will you live here?" asked Kevin's father

"I'll be fine, you take care.

Eat on time and take

medicines properly. See you."

"Hey, Kevin...

You too eat food on time

and don't worry about me." Call me every two days, son. Screams Kevin's father.

"Okay dad, go now." Replied Kevin.

Carrying a load of a suitcase in his hand he calls out for help.


Can you tell me the

way to the boy's hostel?" asked Kevin.

"Go straight and take left,

you'll find a notice board.

It'll be written in that. Go now." Replied Luke.

"It's heavy, can you help me?" Requested Kevin to Luke

"Hey, you've already arrived late.

On top of that, you're asking for help.

Everyone has to carry their

burden here. Bugger off." Replied Luke to Kevin.

(There she arrives, Rosie enters the university asking for help)

"Excuse me, can you please tell

me where the girls' hostel is?" Requested Rosie.

Luke friend replied

"Go straight and take left,

you'll find a notice board.

Everything will be written

in that, go and search."

"I have excess luggage,

can you please help me?" Rosie requested.

"Huh! Everyone has to clear their own

backlogs and carry their luggage here" Replied Luke's friend to Rosie.

"And you have to shut your mouth.

The hell with your senseless verses!" Shouted Luke on his friend.

"Don't you have the common sense to

help her when she's asking for it? Idiots!

Come... Come, I'll help you." Luke helped Rosie.

"Yeah. Thank you very much.

What's with him, bro?" asked Rosie to Luke about his friend.

"Hey, instead of sitting there

and gossiping about girls, why don't you come here and help him?" ordered his friend to help Kevin

Luke keeps flirting with Rosie.

"Where are you from?

-India- asked Luke


I have never seen you." - replied Rosie.

"Well, this is a college and

you should be very careful." (said Luke)

"About what?"(asked Rosie)

"There'd be many idiots like them.

Every guy plans to flirt ten

girls at the beginning of the year

hoping that there'd be at least one girl

who falls for them at the end of the year

after getting filtered in the semesters. So be careful" said Luke.

Luke crossing his line he asked,

"By the way, do you like coffee?

-Yes, why?

Well, all of this starts just with that

single line, 'can we meet over a coffee?'.

After that, there would dating,

the meeting, chatting, and whatnot, said Luke

"Yeah, I know." Replied Rosie.

Luke tries to ask her for coffee.

"Shall we catch up over a coffee?

No... No... I'm unlike any other guys.

I asked because I felt you're interesting." Said Luke

from the cafe 1 of his classmate's screams.

"hey Luke, You said we shall catch up over

a coffee. Where did you go?"

listening that Rosie reacts...

"What you said is true,

there are many idiots in the college.

I can take care of myself. Thanks."

Luke grumbles to himself

"Anyway, she's gone.

Come over, let's have a coffee."

Later in the evening, they get their room

where Luke and Kevin share their room.

One intelligent one foolish.