(Luke and Rosie catch up for coffee)

If you have said this yesterday,

we'd have had four coffees by now. said Luke

( Luke called out waiter)

-Take the order, Two coffees.

-Okay, sir.

"I'm Rosie.

You know my name, right?"

(Rosie introduced herself to Luke.)

"I'm Kevin.

One more coffee please." Ordered Kevin.

(since then their friendship bond began, all together and all fun, with Small... little words and Sweet... Sugary souvenirs)

There it comes to the big fest ...

"Attention guys!

We have a college fest in two days.

The theme is Retro."

Luke, Kevin, and Rosie performed for the dance.

("It is the friendship that made them

smile though for every tear in their eyes

Considering struggles as

theirs and living dreams)

The day for semester exams has arrived...

Kevin and Rosie prepare hard for the exam, whereas Luke was preparing for the next semester exams.

As they finish the exam,

it was the day of the results.

Students check their results,

"Luke... Congratulations, top ranker.

Superb, yaar." said Rosie.

"What about you?" asked Luke.

-"I passed" Replied Rosie.

"But, Kevin got two backlogs."

Kevin in tears... he gets a call from his father.


Hey, you said results would be out today.

What happened?" asked Kevin's father.

"The thing is that I have passed the exams,

father. And I scored good marks too" Lied Kevin.

"Hey, my son has passed the exams," yelled Kevin's father on the farm.

"How are you doing, father?" asked Kevin

"I'm fine and we have a

good yield this year.

The Mother earth whom we

believe never lets us down." Replied Kevin's father.

"Alright!" said Kevin.

"Hey, don't be so engrossed

in your studies. Eat on time,

-Take care." instructed Kevin's father.

"okay father" replied Kevin.

(Kevin gets depressed and doesn't talk to his friends and goes to his room and luke follows him)

Hey Kevin...

"What happened, dude?" asked Luke.

"I feel like dying" Replied Kevin.

"Why?" Asked Luke.

"My father had kept great hopes on me.

And I thought to achieve

something great by coming here.

But nothing is easy in here.

I'm unable to cope with education.

I can't live lying to my dad

about having two backlogs." replied Kevin.

"Will you die for just two backlogs?" Asked Luke

"What do you get to lose?

You would say anything.

Everything is easy for you.

I never even saw you studying.

I keep studying the entire night.

But you'd get the first

rank and I get failed.

Why does everything

happen wrong with me?" cried out Kevin

"Hey Kevin, your problem isn't your father.

It's you.

Do you know why so many people

are left behind as failures here?

Instead of identifying their strength,

they get scared of others' strength.

They keep thinking about what

others are doing, how they are and why it happens only to

they and they lose themselves.

Here, everyone is a hero of their life.

Everyone has their strength.

I've got my strength

and you've got yours.

Your confidence is that strength. Stand on what you believe.

The bloody victory would come by itself and land at your feet." Motivated Luke to Kevin.

"Hey Luke, I get great courage when you are by my side," replied Kevin.

"Your courage isn't me, it's your father," said Luke.

"Come on... now let's go and sleep"

Next day:

-"Hey Luke, someone's looking for you." said one of his classmates.

-"Who?" asked Luke.

"Don't know, he is waiting

for you at the backfield." replied his friend.

"Hi, Luke... Jay, MP

I'm Jackson's father."

-"Hello, sir," said Luke.

"Luke, the thing is that Jackson went into a depression from

the time semester results came.

I came to know that you're the reason behind that.

Jackson wasn't interested in studies during his childhood.

It was me who made him study hard by promising him that I'd buy him whatever he wants if he tops the exams.

Gradually, getting the first rank became his obsession.

No one came in his way to date. The first time... you came in his way." said Jackson's father.

"I came to tell you that it'd be

good if you slow down a little," commanded Jackson's father.

I envy Jackson for having a father like you, sir.

There is nothing wrong with wishing your son to achieve the first rank.

But asking someone to step down for that... That's wrong.

I have a problem, sir.

When someone says I'd lose, it's my habit to win and show them.

Your son did that mistake and

now, you are doing the same." replied Luke.

"How much do you need? Everything has a price.

Your father is a mere clerk and you have a small flat in

board colony.

Tell me, how much do you need?

How much do you need?" bragged Jackson's father.

"I think it's a habit for

you to give and take.

Fix the price.

Exactly after five years from today,

I'll pay you the amount with interest." ordered Luke

"Hey, listen to brother. Or else..." screamed one from the crowd

"Who the hell is that?

Who said that?" shouted Luke.

Luke losses his anger and starts a big fight in the crowd.

and shouts out in anger.

"Take them away from here without making any sound. Your son has confidence in you that you'd do something.

If he comes to know about this,

he loses his confidence in you.

At least, let that endure.

Fix the price. Exactly five years from today." commands and leaves the place.

Luke gets a call from Rosie.

"Hello, yes what happened?" asked Luke

"Why are you speaking in anger, whatever meet me at 5 pm in my room. Okay," Replied Rosie.

"Okay I will be there," said Luke

(Rosie starts to clean her room and talks to herself...

"I can't wait to tell what I feel to him, I just hope he accepts and we stay happily after" Rosie talks to herself blushing.