20: Habit of Winning.

While Everyone having fun and spending time,

(Rosie goes out to get some fresh air, Seeing that The CEO moves out walking behind her.)

{Rosie receives a call from her mother}

"yes, Mom how are you?" asked Rosie

"I am fine, How are you? are you having fun over there?" asked Rosie's mom.

"I am fine now, and I am having fun here, Just now I was done having dinner, and you need to know this," she replied.

"good and what is that I need to know?" asked her mother.

"my CEO, You know him very well, even I was shocked when I met him, He is Allan, Mom." Rosie spill the bean.

"Wait, Allan your best friend, my son," asked Rosie mom in surprise.

"yeah, My best friend, But not your son! mom" she answered.

"good now I feel that you are fine, If he is with you give him the cell I want to speak with him" requested Rosie's mom.

"he is not here, He is having dinner," answered Rosie.

(Allan comes from behind and snatches the cell from Rosie and speaks with her mother)

"Hello aunty, Me Allan, your son. How are you?" asked Allan.

"I am good son, everyone is good and even jasmine is listening to you" replied Rosie mom.

"good, aunty I only made Rosie come here and don't I will take care of her" Replied Allan.

"no worries now, I know you and you know me, we make a history son, just be with her and have fun, Okay I will cut the call."

"yeah aunty, Do pray for me and her."

"Yeah, we will, Okay bye. Love you" said Rosie's mom.

"love you too aunty bye," replied Allan.

(all this conversation Rosie was looking at him, in Zealous.)

"wait, My mom never told me I love you, how come she told you?" questioned Rosie.

"cause she loves me not you" answered Allan.

(he gets closer to her, eye contact and says slowly)

"don't worry Rosie, I love you," said Allan.

(he gets closer to her lips, Try to kiss and then..)

"Sorry I need to go" Rosie makes an excuse and she leaves.

(Allan gets pushed by her and later he chuckles).

Whereas in INDIA.

Luke Gets a way to reach Allan.

He finds out that one of the company is headed in Mumbai. Headed By Mr Vivek.

(Sitting in Mumbai,

he can turn the cards anywhere in India.)

"Sir, Mr Luke is here." said the receptionist.

(luke enters the workroom to meet Vivek)

-"Mr Luke, Come in," said Vivek

-"Hello, sir." greeted Luke

"Please, come. What an inspiration!

From nowhere to somewhere." Appreciated Vivek.

"Thank you, sir," replied Luke

"Even no one knows about you. Mr Vivek, one of the

leading Corporate kings in India." said Luke.

"Thank you," replied Vivek

"What can I do for you, Mr Luke?" asked Vivek.

-"A small obligation." Replied Luke

-"Please say, Mr Luke. But...a village you are trying to save and a friend there and should leave that one village for him.

Except that.

Mr Luke, this is my decision board. Any of my dreams is before

coming on to this board only. Once it enters onto this board,

no one can change that. If I let go of just this one village,

there are 83 villages on the way. It's a ten billion dollar project,

which is around 75,000 crores." warned Vivek

"But still Mr Luke, you're such a big man. You take away your friend.

Give him a good life." said Vivek.

"I already told him, sir, he isn't listening. I don't care how many thousands of crores you've invested and how many villages are going.

I told him that, I'll give this one to him.

Leave this one village." Requested Luke.

"It isn't possible Mr Luke," said Vivek.

-"It should be Mr Vivek." replied Luke.

"What if it is not possible? Your dream will be left

behind like a dream." cautioned Luke.

"Mr Luke, this is a national project and everything is legal," answered Vivek.

"No, Mr Vivek. This is your project and there is nothing legal about it. The cost of this project isn't 70,000 crores but just 50,000 crores.

You have overestimated the project by 50%, to make the Government invest more and for you to invest less.


Just 33 out of these 83 villages have voluntarily agreed and the rest of the 50 villages were grabbed by force.

This is not a national project. This is your project and

everything is illegal about it Mr Vivek and you are working as your CEO said." Luke spoke in many alerts.

"Wow! Do you think the Government isn't aware of all this?

Or do you think that the

opposition doesn't know about this, who is ready to jump in on

Government's mistakes? Everyone knows about it

but none would speak.

When we step in somewhere, we make the world go away from there.

Leave all that, your friend is there right?

He's sitting alone in the tent. Is anyone behind him?

There'd be none because they got habituated.

No, we made it a habit." Answered Vivek with much confidence.

"Habit... Huh! Habits change Mr Vivek. I'll change them.

I'll change their habits and your habits too." once again cautioned Luke.

"Careful, Luke. I think you just have the habit of winning till now. Make a habit of losing from now." chuckled and said Vivek.

"I told my mom, in my childhood. And I'm telling just you after that

I have a fear of losing. I reached this far with that fear.

You've introduced that fear to me again.

Get ready Mr Vivek... [snaps fingers]...to turn down that board." Luke gave the alert and was leaving.

"good luck, Luke. As you said My CEO is not part of this cause this is my project, my freaking project so don't dare to bring the CEO in between. You go and start thinking how to win, cause I have a habit of winning" Advised Vivek.

"Okay, Mr Vivek do not worry but 1 thing, This time you will lose." Luke left saying these words to Vivek.

(In the car)

Luke receives a call.

"Luke, please tell me, you are coming back." asked his PA.

"It'll take time for me to come back," answered Luke.

"But Luke,

your appointments and meetings..."

(Luke opens up with a plan)

"Listen carefully to what I'm saying. I'm opening an office in India.

All my operations will be from here. Whoever wants to meet me or if there is any appointment divert them here." Luke cleared his Plan.

"Where in India?" asked his PA.

(Luke sends her text which includes the address.)