Chapter 3: Ananda Goblin Lair!!

Chapter 3: Ananda Goblin Lair!!

Shiva asked the system what he should do to prepare for clearing the dungeon.

"I don't know. I haven't seen what type of monsters you have to fight. We would have to wait and see. Don't worry. We will figure out together.", It replied in its monotonous voice.

"So, what's your use? If you can't even tell me anything, huh?" Shiva was pretty annoyed that it didn't even tell him that much.

"Well, I can figure it out on my own. I don't need your help. So, useless." Shiva calmed himself down and remembered that he was attacked by goblins. So, it must be a goblin-related dungeon, he thought.

The system was surprised at how fast his mood changed and on seeing his train of thought.

"I knew that you could figure it out on your own. That's why I didn't help you. You will learn many more if you depend on yourself." The system said out of nowhere interrupting my thoughts.

"Fuck off. You genius wannabe. Don't disturb me." Shiva cursed the system on its cheekiness.

Shiva remembered that he had some goblin swords from his previous fight. He could use them on his expedition. He rushed to the place where he had thrown the swords. He picked a sword and he could see its information.

Bamboo-Steel Sword (Level-2) (Common)

Attack power +5 Durability 13/15

He picked another sword and dual used them to become familiar with dual sword style. He could feel his attack power increasing by a bit. He downloaded dual sword-style videos from YouTube again and tried whatever he could learn with it.

At dusk

The sun was already set and Shiva was rushing towards home after his heavy practice session. When he reached his house, he could see his father and all the more his angry face. Shiva knew how to cool his father. So, he lowered his head and neared his father wearing a pitiful expression and apologized.

Ram could see that Shiva was acting but being a single father, he loved his son and daughter too much to scold them. So, seeing his pitiful expression defeated him and he didn't say anything just said to not enter the dungeon. Shiva agreed instantly to not worry his father. After having dinner, the family of three sat together to watch the news.

On the news, the noon phenomenon was being discussed. All people of age group 15-50 experienced the headache and they could see the screen urging them to clear the dungeon for survival or perish. The news focused on these topics and their crazy ideas of how will the world be affected by all this.

Shiva soon discovered that he was the only one who got his own AI system. He found other things boring. So, he headed to his room to ask the system something he just thought of.

"So, what will happen if you don't enter the dungeon?" Shiva asked.

"Nothing serious will happen. They will die on the 7th day only." It replied with a nonchalant voice.

"What? You mean we must enter the dungeon." Shiva was shocked. It meant that many people will die in the beginner's dungeon as one would enter it alone. Not to mention in the higher difficulties or in higher ranks.

"Of course. And I would be kind enough to inform you that the dungeons must be completed some number of times every week. Or, dungeon break will occur." The system spoke.

"What? You mean every dungeon should be cleared for a fixed number of times. Do we have to clear the legendary too?" Shiva asked.

"Yes, obviously. I think for beginner's dungeon, Mythic 1 time, Legendary 2 times, Professional 10 times, Amateur 100 times, and Novice 500 times. You alone don't have to do it. The dungeon must be completed at least by this number per week to avoid dungeon break." The system said in a joking manner.

But Shiva didn't find it funny at all. It was disturbing instead. And the scary thing was that nobody knew that it should be cleared that much time and one must enter the dungeon.

The system could see what worried Shiva. So, it replied before Shiva said anything.

"Don't worry too much. Your mindset is affecting me. Be glad that I am almighty. I will send a warning message to them regarding this." The system said in his bossy and dominative way.

"Can you do that? I would be very thankful if you can do it. I now feel like having the system is really like a cheat." Shiva was glad that the system was helpful.

Shiva then pondered over what to do in the next few days before diving into the dungeon and fell asleep.

Finally, the most anticipated time was here. Shiva was glad that he could now enter the dungeon.

Shiva was already in front of the dungeon when the countdown began.








Shiva put his hand on the scanner and selected the difficulty to Novice mode. Shiva didn't want to over-estimate himself and die earlier. So, he selected the Novice difficulty.

He became sure that he was inside the dungeon when he heard the announcement.

"Welcome to Ananda Goblin Lair- Novice level. Kill all the goblins present inside the dungeon to clear the dungeon."

Shiva looked around and saw many caves in front of him. The caves weren't much larger as their inner walls were only 1.4m tall. Shiva hid beside a stone and carefully inspected his surroundings. There were 5 caves and each cave must contain goblins he thought. He dual-wielded his swords and then looked at his attributes.

Name: Lord Shiva (Level 0)

Occupation: None



Attack Power:15+2*2


Attack speed:4+.4

Movement speed:4+.4


· Basic (4 Agility,2 Strength, 2 Endurance, 2 Vitality, 0 Intelligence) 0 free points

· Hidden (2 Luck)

Skills: None


· Bamboo-Steel Sword (Level-2) (Common) *2 (*2 means in two hands. He is dual wielding)

Attack power +5 Durability 13/15

Equipment: None

When he looked at his attributes, he became more confident. He picked a stone beside him and threw it inside a cave.


The sound of it hitting flesh could be heard from outside. And then from inside the cave came a dozen goblins carrying swords or axes. Shiva looked at them carefully and thought that despite him being agile he couldn't fight them all at once. He had to disrupt them and then kill them. So, he didn't think much and lunged at the group with strikes from both hands.

Brown Dwarf Goblins (level 2)


He knew that he could overpower these weak goblins depending only upon his physical prowess. So, he was confident that his strike boosted by the sword's attack power could disrupt its group. So, he swung his sword straight at them. His strike threw the goblins here and there and utilizing the gap, he just created he killed two goblins with a chop. Shiva didn't think much when he saw that he was must faster and stronger than them. So, he dodged their strike and killed them slowly.

When he finished all the goblins, he could see that he had accumulated 600 exp in total, 50 from each. He used all the exp and levelled up thrice. He had 12 free points. He added 10 to agility, 2 to strength. He collected the 4 cores and 3 same swords and stored them inside his storage function.

He then used the same strategies for the remaining 4 caves and defeated another 3 dozen goblins accumulating another 900 exp. (25 from each)

He didn't find any goblins in the 3rd cave. So, he entered the 3rd cave and followed it all the way out.

Shiva didn't believe that he cleared the dungeon just by this. He was looking forward to a boss goblin. He believed it only when he heard the announcement.

"Congratulations Mr. Shiva for completing the Novice stage by 100% completion rate. You get 2 free points for getting a 100% completion rate."

Shiva was amazed on seeing the generous announcement.

"Don't be cheeky. You got that free point because you defeated all the goblins of all caves on the first try. You won't get them if you try it again." The system interrupted Shiva from his dreams with this cold water.

Still, Shiva was glad that he got 2 free points. He used 900 exp for level up and he again levelled up twice. He got another 8 free points. He used 4 for agility, 2 for strength, and 2 for vitality.

He reached level 5.

His agility reached 18, attack speed to 5.8, movement speed to 5.8.

His strength reached 8, attack power to 31.

His vitality reached 4, and HP reaching 640.

He asked the system what to do with these cores and the weapons. The system suggested he replace the used sword with the newly dropped ones and sell them at the dungeon. Apparently, there was a market feature at the dungeon itself.

Shiva sold all 15 cores and 22 swords for 37CP. He could only get this much CP for his low levelled cores and swords. He also got 5 CP for clearing the dungeon. He didn't spend too much time on the market and immediately dived into the Amateur level.