Auxiliary Information

Being a Ranker is My Full-time Job


Equipment, Armors, Weapons have different ranks (Common, rare, Epic, Legendary…)

Monsters are of various types: Monsters, Demons, Void creatures, Evils, Undead, Leeches…

They also have different ranks: Common, Rare, Field, Mutant, Awakened, Demonic, Humanoid, World, Mythic…

i. Common monsters drop only common loots.

ii. Rare monsters drop 80% common and 10% rare. (rem. 10% is for no loots)

iii. Field monsters drop 60% common, 20% rare and 5% epic loots. And so on.


Basic: *Strength (increases attack power)

*Vitality (Increases the recovery rate of HP and MP),

*Agility (Increase the movement speed and attack speed),

*Intelligence (Increases the magic attack power),

*Endurance (Increases HP and stamina)

Hidden: Stamina, Concentration, Luck, Physique

There are no class restrictions. You can become a swordsman or a warrior or a mage. Its limited only to your own imagination.

Points distribution and calculations

Attack power: Base attack+10*Strength

HP: base +10*vitality

Defense: Base Defense

Attack speed: Base attack speed+ 10% of agility

Movement speed: Base speed+ 10% of agility

Types of Dungeon

There were 5 types of dungeons. Red, Orange, Blue, Purple, Black.

Red was for beginners (Level 1 to20), Orange for intermediates (Level 21 to 50), Blue for Upper-intermediates (Level 51-100) and so on.

Each colored dungeon had five difficulties-Novice, Amateur, Professional, Legend and Mythic

But there are no novice and amateur difficulties for Orange-colored and higher levelled dungeons.

Novice and Amateur were only for practice purposes and they didn't provide any exp for levels beyond 5.


Different types of cores have different purposes. They will be added when MC realizes them.

Brown cores have healing tendencies (revealed in 1st chapter): Has 48% chance of dropping

This percentage means brown cores have 48% chance of dropping among cores. It doesn't count with other loots.

Ranks of monsters:

1. Low intelligence

a. Common (2)- 2 indicates attributes gained per level.

(for example: Level 10 common monster has 20 basic attributes)

b. Rare (3)

c. Elite (4)


a. Special Elite (4)


a. Lord (4)

b. High Lord (4.5)


a. Mutant (5)

b. Mutant Lord (6)


a. Mutant King (6)

Their combat power or attributes both generally follows this trend. But there will always be exceptions. As some Rare monster might have achieved and evolved to become Mutant Elite.

Level-up Chart

Levels Exp required.

1 100

2 200

3 300

4 400

5 500

6 1,000

7 2,000

8 3,000

9 4,000

10 5,000

11 10,000

12 11K

13 12K

14 13K

15 14K

16 15K

17 16K

18 17K

19 18K

20 50K


Further information will be added as the story progresses.



Attack Power:101

Attack Speed:10.1

Movement Speed:10.1



1. Basic

a. Strength: 32+(11)=43

b. Agility: 41+(20)=61

c. Vitality 14+(7)=21

d. Intelligence 20 +(10)=30

e. Endurance 12+6=18

2. Hidden

a. Luck 2

Free points:12


1. Euntrolf's Bow

Fires 3 arrows out of thin air at the target.

40% chance of ignoring defense.


2. Bryte's sword

Requirements: 40 Strength 10 Agility

Deals 100% damage.

40% chance to 200% damage.


a. Mighty Slash

Throws slashes at air.

Deals 150% damage.

Cooldown: 2 sec

b. Mighty Hurricane

Creates a hurricane of swords attacks for 2sec.

200% damage. Sword unusable for 1 min.

Cooldown 1 hour

3. The Stake

AP +50 Strength +5 Durability 100/100

4. Dark Moon Blade

Requirements: 30 Strength 30 Agility

Deals 120% damage.

5. Cost:500 CP

Fires 30 bullets in one round. Bullets are coated with special elements which cause further damage. Effective firing range is 350m.

MP:100 Cooldown:30s reload time


1. Fireball

Fires a ball of fire and burns everything.

-50MP Cooldown 10 sec

2. Triple Cut

Throws cut three times. Each cut deals 100% damage.

Cooldown 5sec

3. Area of effect

Covers a wide area and lets you attack multiple enemies with one skill.

Causes 100% damage to every enemies

Cooldown:1 min Proficency:0

4. Charge

Description: Close in on enemies and stabs the enemy at its heart.

Requires Blade.

Deals 150% damage.

Cooldown:10 minutes Proficency:0


1. Lucky Necklace

+1 Luck

2. Shiva Armor

Armor covering every part of the body without affecting the user.

Increases 100% defense. Magic resistance 50%

Aerin's ring

+50% Attributes +2 Luck

+100% defense +50% damage dealt.