Chapter 19: Fighting Mutant Lord!!!

Chapter 19: Fighting Mutant Lord!!

Ranks of monsters:

1. Low intelligence

a. Common (2)- 2 indicates attributes gained per level.

(for example: Level 10 common monster has 20 basic attributes)

b. Rare (3)

c. Elite (4)


a. Special Elite (4)


a. Lord (4)

b. High Lord (4.5)


a. Mutant (5)

b. Mutant Lord (6)


a. Mutant King (6)

Their combat power or attributes both generally follows this trend. But there will always be exceptions. As some Rare monster might have achieved and evolved to become Mutant Elite.

I was shocked to see a humanoid monster for the first time and it was even a mutant lord. Well… it was a boss from a legend level of dungeon. So, it's boss also must be legendary I thought. and I wasn't happy to see my thoughts being right. From a normal perception, it looked similar to a human but its chilling red eyes, its sharp claws and its pointy tail made it look far more intimidating and dangerous. When I observed it with , I didn't even see any skill bar this time.

Even though it was just a monster and not a human being, from its demeanor and calm mentality, I could sense that it had also . Unlike me who just unlocked and had yet to use it, it was already proficient in it.

I didn't want to lose and run away from a fight this time. I activated for the first time. Just as I activated , my mind started to become calm. All the thoughts and distractions were purified from my mind reaching a tranquil state. I felt as if nothing could break me or shake my will for it will always remain tranquil even before the greatest dangers or ordeals. The pressure I felt before also vanished. Now we both were on the same combat standard and me having higher attributes boosted my confidence.

Dawnrip being a mutant lord could think just like normal human beings. So, it was arrogant and haughty. Being a mutant lord, it detested weaklings and humans all the more. Seeing a human being and a beast approaching its area, it was furious. It wanted nothing more than a chance to slaughter the raider.

Lyro sensed Dawnrip and its fury and retreated as far as possible cursing its ancestors. I had already entered Dawnrip's territory when I noticed Lyro missing. I wouldn't have guessed Lyro retreating because of Dawnrip.

Dawnrip didn't look for Lyro when it retreated. It took out its spear and aimed at me and threw it with its full strength.

I was shocked when I noticed Lyro missing. I rested on the floor and had only just finished buying healing potions when I felt danger.


I heard an air piercing sound and something lunging at me and instinctively rolled backward.


When I looked at my previous location, I could see a dazzling spear piercing the floor. Next moment Dawnrip shook its hands and the spear flew back towards it.

I equipped The Stake at my left and the Euntrolf's bow at my right and dashed towards it. Dawnrip also equipped its spear and lunged at me.

When the distance between us shortened to 5 meters, Dawnrip aimed its spear and threw it towards me.


I shifted to the right instantly when I saw it throwing its spear again instantly.


Though I reacted as fast as I could, it still grazed my shoulder. I ignored its pain and aimed my bow at it and fired it instantly. Dawnrip throwing its spear, me shifting and firing arrows all happened instantly without any rest or hesitation.




So, it wasn't able to dodge it and all 3 arrows struck it at its chest. I wasn't luck this time as it didn't pierce the armor. I had previously calculated its HP recovery rate to be 150HP every second. It was really monstrous when comparing with mine.

I didn't stop after firing the arrows and continued my movement and stroked it with a chop followed by triple cut.





It wasn't able to block my strike as it didn't have its spear. It tried to dodge my attacks but with our combat standards at par and my superior movement and attack speed, it wasn't able to. I was about to continue my strikes when I remembered that it could pull its spear back and it seemed to have sharp ends at both ends. So, I looked back and as I guessed, it was about to spear and its my heart just happened to have at its trajectory. I was really shocked with its shrewd mind. I didn't know if it planned or it was just a coincidence, I was glad that I didn't ignore it. I shifted towards the right trying to steer away from its trajectory.

I was just lucky to be able to dodge the spear. There was some distance between us when I shifted away to dodge the spear. So, I activated my fireball and fired it.

It was shocked to see that I dodged the spear but the next moment it calmed down at the sight of the incoming fireballs. It jumped backward to dodge the fireball. While it was in the air, I lunged towards its landing spot. I reached it when it had just landed and was trying to stabilize itself. I stroked it with triple cut followed by endless chop and attacks.





It tried to dodge or block the incoming strikes but failed to stop my momentum. So, it ignored my attacks and rotated its spear 360 trying to stop me. I noticed its intention when it tried to rotate. I blocked the rotating spear and was trying to stop its momentum when I was pushed back two three meters. It really had astonishing strength I thought.

It had lost about 4,000HP only and hadn't used any skills except throwing the spear or pulling it back. I knew that it didn't have any MP. So, it might have spear related skills I thought.

I knew that I guessed right next moment. It rotated its spear in its hand and its movement was so fluid and fast that I couldn't see where was the spear exactly. It was rotating at a circle of 2m radius at its hand fluidly and easily.

This didn't scare me but it excited me. I lunged at it and when we were close enough, I felt a blow.


It was a high damage and its blow cut a wound at my waist. I knew that I had to be careful now that it was using spear techniques. I didn't have any sword techniques right now or how good it would be I thought. I was only thinking that when I suffered another blow and I cursed my ancestors for being distracted even after activating state. I noticed that it was hard to maintain the state even though I had unlocked it. So, I cleared my doubts, hesitations, emotions and everything else and my mind again attained .


After this, I felt something coming at me and reacted according to the feeling and my body moved to the right. The movement itself was small but it was enough to dodge the spear. As I moved to the right, my body was already ready to counter it with a chop. But my chop missed. I knew why it missed so; I wasn't sad. I was instead happy that I was starting to master . I followed up the chop with triple cut and then with slashes each attack trying to restrict its movements and attacks.




Dawnrip was shocked to see its spear technique wasn't enough to restrict me and was losing its health rapidly. My attacks were causing more than 300 damage. So, it was losing HP rapidly. The situation didn't change and its HP soon decreased to 50% then 40%...30%...10%.

When its HP reached 10%, I was attacking it with triple cut but instead of my attack hitting it, I was thrown backward as it went berserk.

It roared and its tail fell from its body. It collected its tail and it fused with its spear forming a new spear. I had felt strange during the whole fight. Only now I realized why I felt so. It was because it never used its sharp and pointy tail. Now the spear was 3 meters long and I could see that It had changed but I didn't know what changed. It looked all the same only its size had increased.

I ignored it and rushed towards it. I fired arrows to gauge some changes in the spear.




I heard noises of metal hitting another metal. I was shocked to see it blocking all the arrows. But I calmed down as I had fired the arrows straightforwardly without any distractions or sorts. next moment I again felt something coming at me, and just like before my body reacted and moved left. I knew that I dodged but still it hit me.


I didn't know what happened and I didn't care. I had about 600HP remaining so I wasn't afraid of its next attack finishing me.

I attacked it with triple cut right when it was retracting its spear for next attack. My counter was so fast that it couldn't foresee or dodge or even try to block it.




Because of my hit, the spear slipped and it flew upward because of its circular motion. I didn't care what happened as I was focused only on my attacks. I completely ignored my defense and I hit with my endless attacks.




Soon its HP fell down to 0 and its body also faded away.






"I want to continue. I still need to kill Lyro.", I said.


I then rested on the floor to restore my HP and after restoring my HP to the full, I collected the loots.