Chapter 23: Mythic Level, here I come!!!

Chapter 23: Mythic Level, here I come!!!

I was about to enter the mythic level when I noticed that was lit up again. I then figured that it was about to level up again.

It was emitting a stronger light than before and for over 3 sec and only then it stopped glowing. I then looked at it and discovered that it had really increased to level 15. I guessed that it must have a tendency to increase its level at the multiples of 5.

AP +100 Strength +5 Durability 200/200

I entered the mythic rank after checking the stats of .









I felt that I was being transferred to someplace else. I felt the surrounding change. When I came to, I was in a barren land. There was nothing but rubbles around me. Everything was destroyed. I didn't know why I had to protect a already destroyed world.




The sky shattered forming 3 big holes. Space ships appeared from each of them. These spaceships were large enough to cover a whole village. And orcs dropped from each spaceship. Though there were numerous of them, they were like an army trained by military. They took no time to arrange themselves in order. They arranged themselves in 3 armies each consisting of 1,000 elite orcs, 2 commanders. Each commander commanded 500 elite orcs.


I had to face 3,000 elite orcs and 6 commanders. I felt that this was too much even for me. They mythic rank really lived up to it or it may have outdone itself this time I thought. but I made a bold guess that my system had a hand in this too.

I doubted that others will be able to clear this. I felt that others will probably get to try this stage with their own teams or the army wouldn't be this huge. It looked pretty suicidal to me if they have to face it alone. It felt hard even for me. At least to clear this with 100% proficiency would be harder I thought. If I had to face only an army at a time, it probably wouldn't be that hard I thought.

I observed the place and noticed that the place to enter underground was 1km behind me. And the 3 armies were aiming for that place from 3 different directions. But they all gathered around as their destination was same. The 6 commanders were together. They seemed to be discussing something and then they each headed towards their own group.

The gateway to enter the underground wasn't big. It could fit almost 100 people at a time. If we were talking about Orcs, then probably only 10-15 would fit. So, at first, only one commander stepped forward and leaded its army towards me. It intended to clear me at first. The remaining army just stood their watching their fun.



It was a level 20 commander levelled monster and I was facing its whole platoon. So, I didn't dare underestimate it and activated . Though I didn't dare underestimate them, I still took my chance. I wanted to gain experiences. So, I didn't use from the right go. I tried to be ale to use this state naturally not with the help of the system. I didn't want to depend on it too much as I didn't know what would happen in the future. I tried to clear my mind and emptied it. I took a deep breath and removed all the hesitations or emotions built up as I looked at the 500 orcs lead by Mulush. I wanted my mind to be free from any thing but instead began to feel excited.



My heart started to beat faster. I felt my blood boiling. This was the first time I ever felt so excited. I liked this feeling a lot. I equipped AK-47 and fired a whole round at the incoming army.



I missed some but most of them hit the dot as I was targeting the whole army. I equipped two swords, at my left and at my right, and lunged at the army. As I neared the army, my heart started to beat faster, faster and faster. And it reached its peak when we met finally.


An explosion occurred as I fired a fireball followed by . I cleaved around the battleground fighting them all while nimbly dodging their attacks. I was doing very good at first. I was handling them just fine with only but my condition started to get worse after a while. I had to face the brunt of the attacks of 500 Orcs at the same time and attack them too. And I couldn't even do one hit kill. I was forced to only dodge as I couldn't get enough time to counter. I tried to focus and risk my all in this fight to maybe get into the zone or something I thought. So, I didn't activate and depended only upon my senses. Mulush wasn't fighting. It was only leading its army to defeat me from the back. As we were fighting right in front of the entry to the underground, the 5 commanders had to wait. But it looked as if they weren't even interested in the underground as they were enjoying the battle clearly.

Initially, Mulush was trying to kill me and then lead the army to the underground. But it later realized that it would be very hard to do so. Though I was struggling to defeat them, I wasn't injured at all. I could do this and finish them slowly. It was to my advantage if this dragged on much longer. So, it changed its strategy and instead of trying to kill me, it ordered its army to force me back and if they got the chance, they could enter the gateway and head to the underground.

I was starting to get used their combat methods and almost succeeded to find a weakness in their group combat when they changed their strategy suddenly. I got annoyed by this. I then realized that I lost my cool so easily. My emotions were very hard to control. That must be why I can't use naturally I wondered. I only then activated when I figured out what they were planning. I backed down and entered the passage to underground and waited there. Through the entry gate was another kilometer long passage.

When the army entered the passage, I lunged at them and attacked them endlessly and restricted their movements. I was able to handle 10 Orcs pretty easily as they had low intelligence and low combat ability. So, I could handle and restrict their movement pretty easily with my high agility, strength, heavenly eyes and tranquility.

I cleaved around the passage and gained hit combos pretty quickly. This time I noticed that I was getting combos even when I changed the target.







My continuous combo was disrupted only when I was about to reach 150 hits. This didn't demotivate me. I again continued my endless attacks to achieve more hits and reach higher combos this time.

I didn't know how many orcs I killed but it was a lot. I had already lost my count as I was too focused on the fight.

Mulush was observing the fight from the sidelines and giving orders to its troops. When 50 orcs fell down to me, Mulush couldn't wait and see its army being slaughtered and toyed around like that. So, it also joined the fight. It was a pity though it couldn't turn the tide of the fight in their way. It worked better for me though.

After it joined the fight, I focused most of the attacks on it. I wanted to kill the commander and disrupt their mentality. So, some of the orcs managed to slip away from me. I didn't focus on them as I wanted to finish off their commander. And when I focused my most on it, its lively body soon turned lifeless. And the whole army grew restless.

The Orcs army had been fighting and observing their teammates dropping lifeless from the start, one by one. Their only confidence and hope was their commander who was watching the battle from the sidelines. But when even he fell lifeless on the ground with a thud, they finally broke down and retreated frantically. Though they had low intelligence, they cherished their own life. I also didn't pursue them as I had my own targets. I rushed towards those who slipped away before and finished them before they could reach the place where the civilians were hiding. Fortunately, the civilians of this world were clever enough to build a defense there as I managed to finish the suckers who passed me.

I dashed out of the passage when I finished all the slippers. I looked at my screen and noticed new system message.


I noticed that I had gotten 29,500 exp from the 55 orcs and Mulush. I was glad that I got so much exp. But my expression turned worse when I saw the remaining army. There were still more than 98.17% of them. And the 5 commanders were together discussing the recent accident. They looked furious not that I cared. I thought of increasing my level with the recent big harvest as my next step. I used all the exp to see how much I would level up this time.