Chapter 27: Finally Clearing the Mythic Level!!!

Chapter 27: Finally clearing the mythic level!!!

I tensed when the spaceship turned its aim towards me. Fortunately, they didn't fire. I didn't dare to do anything as I just stood there. Then the spaceship opened and 2 individuals looking like human beings came out. They looked just like us. But they were a little bit bigger in size, majestic and looked godly. I used to see if it could identify them.

I got information but it wasn't enough. The 2 individuals came towards me slowly and the one in the front spoke with a smile plastered on his face.

"Hello, no need to worry. We are friends and enemies. We are the DS forces. Seeing that you are just level 20 means you mustn't know about us yet."

Seeing him speak so friendly, my nervousness also decreased.

"Yes, this is the first time I have ever heard of DS force. Can I dare to ask what type of force it is?" I asked nervously. I didn't want to anger them because of my negligence.

"Ha-Ha. Of course, you can. You certainly have the status to know about us. I see that despite being level 20, you can already handle such a large army. The DS force is the biggest defensive force of this universe. We defend every planet, stars and galaxies from such attacks. The CS manages us. This is all I can say for now. You have to grow more stronger to know about us more. And maybe you can join us in the future."

His subordinate who didn't show any emotions the entire time looked shocked this time. He hadn't thought that his boss would invite such a low levelled human being to join them for nothing. He was shocked. He looked at me intensely trying to pry out all of my secrets. I got a warning as soon as he did so.


The man in the front also noticed all this and looked coldly at his subordinate.

The subordinate had worked with him for many years already. So, he noticed that his superior was displeased. He stopped scanning me and dropped his head in shame.

"Don't worry about him. He carries no harm towards you. Now, you have cleared the mythic level. So, you should receive the rewards and return to your world if you don't want extra responsibility."

I nodded and I was about to collect the rewards when I heard about the responsibility part.

"What is it?"

"Are you sure you want to know? You can't refuse this after finding out. You will receive penalty upon doing so."

"yes, I want to know."

"Alright then. Wait here and meet the king of this world with me. You will get a new mission by him."

I nodded and looked at the system notifications I had ignored until now.



I was very satisfied with the rewards. I was about to see the rare technique when I saw some strange creatures appearing out of the tunnel. They must be the civilians of this planet I thought.

Inside the Underground Passage

Right as they saw the golden cracks, the King ordered all the high court/palace elders to head outside secretly. They didn't inform the civilians about it. Only the highest authority figures and the King headed outside.

When they came outside, they saw 2 DS individuals wearing the standard DS suits. They were dazzled by its majestic appearance. The CS had designed DS to appear so grand and majestic to every individual residing in its universe. The King was in the front and offered his sincere thanks to the DS force.

"Many thanks to Mr. Douglas for making a special appearance here and saving us. Just the DS Force would have been suitable. You didn't have to appear here by yourself for this small mess."

After offering his thanks to the man, only then he looked towards me and spoke with half the sincerity.

"Thank you, Mr. System Wielder for protecting our world. We owe you the greatest debt we had ever owed."

He continued," Our world had been at the last spot since its creation and we haven't had any protectors or guardians. Will you like to be our protector?"


I said yes without any hesitation.

+50% attributes under the world you are protecting.

I was astonished to see that there were titles also. I knew the moment I saw this title that it must be an epic or very rare title. I will surely be unrivaled from now in Earth and this planet Z-99.

I was about to say something when a golden light bathed me.

"Looks like his class transformation is taking place. Let's not disturb him. I was sent here by CS, so, let's talk about that.", Mr. Douglas said to the King.

I was bathed in the golden light all of a sudden.


1. Weapon specialist

a. Swordsman

b. Archer

c. Gunner

d. Assassins

2. Warriors

a. Shield Warriors

b. Knights

c. Berserkers

3. Non-Combat Class

a. Healer

b. Clerics

c. Oracles

4. Mages

a. Wizards

b. Summoner

c. Elementalists

5. Special Class

a. Freelancer

Warriors specialized in defending against monsters; Weapons specialists focused on physical damage output; Non-combat classes focused on assisting things like healing, summoning, etc.; Mages focused on magical damage output. Every class had their own style.

I looked at each and every class and I liked the freelancer very much.

It is the rarest class as only 0.1% are freelancers. They have no restrictions on skills, weapons or anything.

I chose the Special Class, Freelancer, without any hesitation.

It said.

For example;

If you chose swordsman, you will get 20% bonus attributes and extra 1 attribute in strength every level.

If you chose assassin, you will get 20% bonus attributes and extra 1 attribute in agility every level.

But if you chose freelancer, you will get extra 1 free attribute only meaning 5 in every level. You won't get the 20% bonus.

This information didn't affect me in the slightest. I could see the potential of the Freelancer. Furthermore, I already had very high attributes. So, I chose Freelancer.

After choosing Freelancer class, the golden halo finally vanished. I didn't feel any difference from before at all. I was a freelancer before and remained the same even after the class transformation. I then looked at my attributes.

Class: Freelancer

HP:6,580/6,580 (6,100+20*Vitality)

MP:720/720 (20*Intelligence)

Attack Power:600 (150+5*Strength)

Attack Speed:28 (10+0.2*Agility)

Movement Speed:28

Defense:40 +(40) +(40)


1. Basic

a. Strength: 60+(30) =90

b. Agility: 60+(30) =90

c. Vitality 16+(8) =24

d. Intelligence 24 +(12) =36

e. Endurance 30 + (15) =45

2. Hidden

a. Luck 2

Free points:0


1. Euntrolf's Bow

Fires 3 arrows out of thin air at the target.

40% chance of ignoring defense.


2. Bryte's sword

Requirements: 40 Strength 10 Agility

Deals 100% damage.

40% chance to 200% damage.


a. Mighty Slash

Throws slashes at air.

Deals 150% damage.

Cooldown: 2 sec

b. Mighty Hurricane

Creates a hurricane of swords attacks for 2sec.

200% damage. Sword unusable for 1 min.

Cooldown 1 hour

3. The Stake

AP +150 Strength +10 Durability 200/200

4. Dark Moon Blade

Requirements: 30 Strength 30 Agility

Deals 120% damage.

5. Cost:500 CP

Fires 30 bullets in one round. Bullets are coated with special elements which cause further damage. Effective firing range is 350m.

MP:100 Cooldown:30s reload time


1. Fireball

Fires a ball of fire and burns everything.

-50MP Cooldown 10 sec

2. Triple Cut

Throws cut three times. Each cut deals 100% damage.

Cooldown 5sec

3. Area of effect

Covers a wide area and lets you attack multiple enemies with one skill.

Causes 100% damage to every enemies

Cooldown:1 min Proficency:0

4. Charge

Description: Close in on enemies and stabs the enemy at its heart.

Requires Blade.

Deals 150% damage.

Cooldown:10 minutes Proficency:0

Absorbs damage to counter enemy's attack.

Absorbs and reflects enemy's attack.

Cooldown:1 min Proficency:0


1. Lucky Necklace

+1 Luck

2. Shiva Armor

Armor covering every part of the body without affecting the user.

Increases 100% defense. Magic resistance 50%

Aerin's ring

+50% Attributes +2 Luck

+100% defense +50% damage dealt.


Level increases with user


a. Shield

Creates a circular space of 1 meter for 5 seconds. The space is immovable.

Cooldown:5 minutes

b. Boost

Boosts agility by 50% for 10 seconds.

Cooldown:1 hour

c. Invisible

Hides your presence from all. No one will detect you for 1 minute.

Cooldown:30 minutes

4. Universal Key

After observing my stats, I clicked to see the new technique I had got.

Subconsciously emits an aura which attacks the mind of the opponent and affects them. Stunning effect for very weaker monsters.

Stunning effect: Stunned for 5 seconds due to fear.

Cooldown:0 seconds

When I was checking out the new passive skill, Douglas had finished his talk with the king. He came towards me and asked me to try for DS force in the future. He then disappeared leaving behind his subordinate and the spaceship.

After Douglas disappeared, the atmosphere grew awkward. I was about to break the awkward atmosphere by saying something when I heard the system announcement. I breathed a deep breath in relief.



I was then teleported form Z-99 to Earth. I relaxed the moment I appeared outside the Lalith Dungeon. I then heard yet another system notification.


I just nodded and looked at the sky full of stars. It was evening already. I headed to the nearby park and slept at the ground. I needed to rethink something. The last mythic stage had provided some clues regarding this world to me. I wanted to organize my thoughts and even take some rest.