The Right Thing

Mircea felt the feeling of suffocation return as Etna tightened the knots at the back. Unlike the other day there were four maidens fondling her face today. Every inch of her skin was being pinched and pressed at the same time. Saints, they had left no space for her to wince even. 

All she could see was the dark shadows of the maidens who were bent over her sitting frame to make her beautiful. Prince Frey was in the capitol city, yet he didn't set foot in the palace. The ceremony was going to start in an hour and half, and somehow that wasn't enough for Etna to make Mircea ready for the ceremony. 

The letter had left Mircea flustered, however some things were clearer than ever now. Urban was her first love. Before Urban she had no chance at love as she hadn't seen life outside of the palace except for roaming at midnight in the little village.