A New Slant

Mircea observed Frey, he was gazing at her like she was an annoying bee. A bee he wanted to swat away. He hadn't answered her earlier question. Frey simply stared at her with plain annoyance written on his face. 

When she had woken up with water sliding down her neck, she had been shocked to find Frey standing beside her bed, with a jug of water in his hand. What ticked Mircea was he had no remorse on his face after waking her up like that. Even so she had let go of her anger and chosen the saints path. After all, he seemed to have answers to her questions. And up until now he had no problem responding to every one of them. 

In the past hour, he had told her most of what had gone down in Slyve. She didn't know if she had understood everything that he had told her. Mircea had been listening to him like he had been narrating a story and not who had betrayed her and tried to kill her.