Doctor’s Class and The Predicament

After recess, the teacher for Doctor's Class showed her face. She has long dark pink hair and blue eyes, with pearl white skin. She was also wearing a lab coat as she entered the room.

"Good morning class." A calm and serene voice spoke.

"Good morning ma'am." The class replied in unison.

"I'm Ms. Audrey Joy, a Top Doctor. This is my side-job, as I'm also the school's main doctor in the infirmary. So, if any of you, or your pokemons, are in pain, please make sure to go to the Doctor Building and go to the infirmary so we could monitor and see anything that's wrong with you. We also conduct check-ups, so if you're interested, please do come." She spoke unhurriedly with a certain rhythm.

"I know some of you are curious, so I'll answer your questions. As most are wondering, yes, I am from the Joy Family, but I did not take the position at any Pokemon Centers. I am fond of children, thus I decided to become a doctor of a school. Luckily, with my credentials, I was able to enter the Pokemon Trainers' School. I have been here for almost 7 years already. I've been a doctor since as long as I could remember, I'm 33 years old by the way, so you could trust my expertise regarding medicine. Unlike usual Pokemon Doctors, I am also familiar with the human body, thus I am also a certified doctor for human treatment."

After the class introduced themselves, she finally introduced her subjects' curriculum. "Doctor's Class does not only teach Poke-Biology, which is studied along with Beginner's Class, but also teaches the Biology of the human body. This is an important subject, as I'm sure each one of you have their own Pokemon." She paused as the class replied, "Yes".

"Here, you would learn more about the biology of not only Pokemons, but also the biology of the human body. The former is important, for us to know the status of our own Pokemons, while the latter so that we would know the effect of each body part, and in case we are attacked by Pokemons, we would know what to do and what first aid to register. In this class, treatment for different status conditions would be taught, both for Pokemons and People. First Aid is also an essential thing to learn so expect that too. The further the year, the more elaborate the classes regarding the lessons. This subject usually collaborates with the Beginner's Class when discussing Poke-Biology, so make sure to ask Mr. Brown"

"Yes ma'am." Satisfied with the class's response, she ended the class when she was done talking about the other infirmary doctor. The one she's working with who's responsible for teaching 3rd and 4th years; and about another two who stays standby in the infirmary.

Paul was quite tired at studying "Biology", again, but he was still interested regarding the different information and knowledge of Biology here. As people have different bodies here, he supposes that there should be some notable differences. The Doctor's Class should help with that. Not mentioning Poke-Biology, and the treatment and first aid methods. It would be tough learning, as he remembers his past life, but it would be incredibly useful in the long run too.

The Battle Class Teacher, whom they were waiting for, finally came. Mr. Figg entered the class with a smile.

"Hey class." He greeted.

"Good morning Mr. Figg." The class responded.

"So… how was the subject orientations so far?" Mr. Figg asked, curious.

"Boring" and "Okay" were the most common response he got from the children. He asked someone he noticed that didn't respond the same as others.

"Hey Paul. What did you think about the subjects so far?" He queried.

Paul stood up to answer the question, despite the judging eyes of his classmates. Honestly, Paul was saddened that most of his classmates were not that open minded regarding his age; but he kind of understood them. Who would like a kid who's just three years old, but already beat you on the rankings, and was even number one?

Thankfully, not all of them didn't like him, there were some, like Blair, the 13th ranker, who owns the Torchic with the Blue Potential. He has spiky orange hair, with matching orange eyes, and a fiery temperament. He was quite lively and talked to him regarding fire pokemons on the activities during the orientation.

Another one was the 9th ranker, Damon, who owns a Bagon with Blue Potential. He was actually quite cool, with silver hair and eyes, seemingly snobbish but actually not. He approached Paul wanting to ask if he also knows Dragon type pokemons. They had a good conversation regarding the growth of Bagon to Salamence.

The 5th ranker, Page, who also owned the Treecko with Blue Potential, was also friendly. It was quite comical how they met, Ditto was supposed to prank him in a bush, but the transform pokemon was surprised instead when something moved in the bush. It was Page's Treecko, who was sleeping on the bush, but was awaked due to Ditto's movement.

There are more, mainly those whose parents are friend with his parents. But those were few, around three, which were Rick, Patty, and Kris. The three were friends with each other since childhood and approached Paul saying their connection. They also comforted him saying that those were just snobbish rich kids being jealous of him. He was also able to talk to them regarding the cooperation of his parents with their parents' breeding houses.

Sadly, besides those 6, and Jake, Steven, and Amber, most of his classmates steer away from him. Even the scholarship students, the 2nd and 3rd rank, were quite irritated with him. Well, maybe it's the competitive relationship between top ranks, so Paul didn't care that much. Even with his current predicament with his classmates, it won't affect Paul's will to learn and of course, top the class when it comes to studies. Hey, he's quite competitive in studies, as he was used to being number one since his past life.

The rank in one's class is quite important here, not officially, anyway. The rank represents one's family's face in front of other families. The higher the rank, the more they could brag regarding their children in business gathering. Top families in Hoenn Region are just a small circle, so it is quite important for other children here to have a good rank. Though, some doesn't care that much. They just want their children to learn from the best, which in their eyes, is the Pokemon Trainers' School.

So, he was able to understand to some extent, their hostility. Though, it won't mean that he would let them be if they affected him in any way. They'll learn that he's not a soft persimmon.