Hidden Task

[ Activated Hidden task ]

[ Decode the combination lock ]

[ Time limit : 5 hours ]

[ Completion : 400 experience ]

[ Reward : 200 system points and a lucky draw ]

[ Failed : Experience will become zero and deduction of 100 system points ]

Wang Wei horrified looking at the task. This is the first task he received, but the system's conditions are very harsh.

"Genesis, is it compulsory?" Wang Wei asked Genesis in the mirror world immediately

"Yes, Mr. Wei. System will specifically mention it, if a mission is optional" said Genesis

"Brother, what should we do now?" asked Wang Yong

"Let's decode the lock. This is the only choice we have" said Wang Wei. There is only 7 more days left for him to pay back Hugo.

The other option he has is to kill boss Hugo. But Wang Wei always felt that the disappearance of his father had something to do with Hugo. To know the truth behind his father's disappearance Wang Wei should be well prepared and Hugo should be alive to unravel the truth.

Wang Wei's plan is to pay the debt back and gain himself as much time as possible to attack Hugo, and by completing the task before him, he can level up .

"But how? We know nothing about Uncle Li to guess what sort of pattern he could have used" said Wang Yong frustrated.

"There might be some clues in the house. Let's check every inch of the house thoroughly" said Wang Wei, determined.

"Wow, brother. You have knack for being a detective" said Wang Yong sarcastically.

"This matter is not a joke, Yong" said Wang Wei angrily

Immediately he calmed himself down and said, "See, Dad admires uncle Li so much. So do you think a person acknowledged by a world renowned archaeologist does things on a whim. Now, let's Concentrate brother"

Wang Wei knows it is not Wang Yong fault. He is the only one who knows the gravity of this issue. He is so close to leveling up. Though the consequences of failing this task cannot be considered severe, Wang Wei's plans will be destroyed.

"Okay. I understand" said Wang Yong and went off to check the rooms again.

"Is it my birthday?" thought Wang Wei and changed the numbers on the padlock to his date of birth but the lock didn't open

"Of course, it won't be this simple"

"I don't know what is uncle Li's date of birth. So I can't use that. It can't be dad's birthday right" he thought and changed the numbers to his dad's birthday, but still the lock didn't open

Wang Wei closed his eyes and thought about all the possibilities, but nothing worked. In the end after an hour Wang Wei gave up and looked around the house.

Even after 2 hours, the brothers didn't find any clue on how to crack the code. They took some rest and started eating the fruits they bought for uncle Li.

"Brother, I think it is a waste of time" Wang Yong started speaking cautiously, "Why don't we just leave this city. You have earned 20,000 by working part-time jobs. If we sell the house we will get at least a 100,000. It would be enough for us to start a new life" he said.

"Yong. Do you think boss Hugo is an idiot? The minute we kept the house for sale he will know what we are up to" said Wang Wei slowly.

"Maybe we are overthinking here. Boss Hugo might just really want his money back and he also has nothing to do with dad's disappearance" said Wang Yong.

"Boss Hugo has millions. Millions in federal currency. You know that 1 federal is equal to 50 yuan right. So now calculate how much money he has. Now do you think a mere 50,000 yuan will make him to take personal move on us"

"And do you think dad is in such a position that no one will help him, not even uncle Li. Remember Yong, even though our family spent all of our money and broke, we didn't have any debt in banks. If dad is in such a dire need of money, he can keep our house as collateral and could have got a loan from any bank"

Listening to Wang Wei said, Wang Yong also realized all the missing points he hasn't thought of. Not until now did Wang Yong truly feel that everything is wrong with his dad's death. Seeing that Wang Yong understood the point he made, Wang Wei continued

"As you understood my point, now let me tell you the real reason why I badly want to open this door. What if uncle Li knows what happened to dad, and he left that secret inside this room" he said tapping on the study room door and immediately he saw a surprised look on Wang Yong's face.

Other than worrying about losing the experience, Wang Wei's chief concern is also about his father. He believes that uncle Li might have known about his father and kept the secret behind this room. He also thinks that Uncle Li left this combination lock so that only Wang Wei can open it.

"I'm sorry, brother. All this time I thought that you are stressed and spoke nonsense. I'm really sorry" said Wang Yong and gave a hug to Wei.

Wang Wei tapped on the back of Wang Yong and said, "It's okay. It's okay. Even I don't know what I said might be right or wrong."

"If only it is a normal padlock we could've already opened it using my lock picking skills" said Wang Yong and laughed but before he could react further, he got pushed away by Wang Wei

"Bro, what happened?" Wang Yong asked confused and also terrified.

Confused because Wang Wei pushed him and terrified because of the strength behind that slight push. "Since when did big brother became so strong" he thought

"Where are the keys to this house?" asked Wang Wei hurriedly.

Wang Yong slowly took out a bunch of keys from the pocket and gave it to Wang Wei, still in daze.

"Have you checked all the rooms?" said Wang Wei

"Yes. I have checked all the rooms. There is nothing. This house is just empty"

"Okay now go to the home and bring back my memo book from my desk drawer" said Wang Wei listening to Wang Yong

"Which one?" asked Yong

"The one with red binding" Wang Wei said to Yong hurriedly and pushed him out of the house, locking the door from inside. Wang Yong stood outside the door, dumbfounded.

"But Why? At least say something" Wang Yong said sulking, but he ran back to their apartment as fast as he can to bring the memo book because he knows that his brother won't do anything unnecessary.

"You go back to home right now and bring me a book"

Inside Uncle Li's house.

"Yes. A key will do. Why didn't I thought of this before" yelled Wang Wei and immediately went into mirror world.

"Genesis, can I complete a task by using an item burrowed from the system?" he asked the only person who can help him with the situation

"Yes you can, Mr. Wei" replied Genesis puzzled but soon she understood why Wang Wei asked her that

"Are you sure?" asked Wang Wei again because he doesn't want to fail the mission under the premise of cheating

"Yes. I'm sure. I remember watching your predecessors did the same. The system will give a prompt if there is any there is any problem and of course by using the system item your task reward will be decreased"

"Who are my predecessors?" asked Wang Wei quickly

"Lord B-. Unauthorized to answer" Genesis slipped her tongue but soon corrected herself

"Just miss" he said and left the mirror world as he received the answer he needed

Wang Wei stood in front of the study room door, holding one of the bedroom keys of Uncle Li's house

"Submit" he said and instantly he heard a voice
