Strange Happenings

"I can feel someone watching me again, I'm telling you guys I'm not imagining things". I said angrily for the millionth time today and for the past few days. I should be freaking out but I'm trying to compose myself.

     "BELLA PLEASE, they all said it in unison. We have been hearing that for the past one week and we are telling you again, its nothing you're just stressed because of your finals." Lia says in assurance

"Moreover who will be stalking you or anything, your uncle clearly warned everyone in the city to stay away from you or else I'd have had a chance with you". Theo said wiggling his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes at their comments.

"Why do I feel strange today? Am I really overthinking? Maybe I should get enough sleep, these finals are making me a maniac". I quickly splashed water on my face and went out of the restroom.

As if someone was following me but whenever I looked back, no one was visible. I quickly went to my class and sat down, worry and fear evident.

            "You good Bella?" Mike asked me concerned. I nodded and focused on the professor at least tried to.

The days went by in a blink with us preparing for the finals. I was so occupied with the finals that I forgot the past events.


" Mike I really wanted the mint choco flavor."I pouted while looking at the strawberry flavor ice cream in my hands.

          "Bella we have been roaming around everywhere looking for it, I can't do anything if they don't have it. Anyways Sarah called me saying that, Theo and Lia had a bickering again and are impatient to go home. Can we go now?" I nodded and we walked out of the ice-cream parlour.

Theo and Lia are always arguing and we have to suffer for their actions. We decided to have fun this weekend and forget about the finals but they decided to argue and make us go home. I thought to myself. Shaking my head to their childishness.

"I really need to go to the washroom, can't hold it anymore. Theo said frowning.   "Wait until we get home and stop fidgeting with the seatbelt." Sarah scolded him.

                  "Alright I'm stopping by here to fill the car, you guys can go and freshen up. Be here in 10 minutes or else I'll leave." Mike told us.

"Master accept my greetings. Master she's here with her friends and I can't do anything as of now but give me time. I will try my level best Master. Give me a chance to serve you Master."

"Who's there? Is someone here? I'm asking you for the last time?" I asked hesitantly. Frightened was an understatement of what I was feeling right now. I grabbed the knob and opened the door but no one was there. I looked around but no one was in sight. Did I hear it right?

I explained to my friends of  what happened but they said it could be someone pulling a prank or it was meant for someone else and not us in particular.

I couldn't sleep the nights that followed. Why would someone pull a prank?  We were the only ones present there. I couldn't comprehend anything.

Is she having illusions or is it real?

Master? Who's this Master 👀

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