A Brave New World

"In conclusion your Honor, the prosecution believes that in line with community expectation, a sentence relevant to the offending be imposed, balanced against the previous criminal convictions the accused is subject to. As such, a punishment of community service and a fine would seemingly be appropriate, from the prosecutions point of view."

The crown's prosecutor, representing the Office of Public Prosecutions sat down, having delivered their verdict on the matter. Shuffling together the brief of evidence he'd sprawled across the desk, he waited patiently for the judge to continue.

"I'll take your recommendation on board Mister Prosecutor. Defense, what do you have to say about a consequence in proportion to the offending and your clients situation."

"Your Honor."

The defense council stood and addressed the court, wiping sweat from his brow.

"My client is young with good prospects for rehabilitation. The incident was a one-off, of which he has shown immense remorse for. Having served his time on remand pending the outcome of this sentencing hearing, and no prior criminal history to speak of, the defense would ask that the punishment be determined as 'time served' and my client be released immediately."

The defense council member sat back down, the chair creaking under his weight.

"I'll also take your recommendation into consideration defense council. Mister Guildford, do you have anything to say for yourself before I sentence you for your offending?"

The judge looked down from his bench at the handcuffed teen seated before him.

The courtroom was effectively empty. Even though the public were permitted to sit and watch any official court proceedings, the matter that the hearing related to was insignificant in the scheme of things.

The judge had seen countless individuals seated in the same chair the boy now sat. It was an all too familiar sight these days. Whether the crimes committed were significant or seemingly minor, each in their own way all would eventually be dealt with according to the law.

This particular matter itself was nothing spectacular, actually, it was quite common. Something that seemed to impress upon the judge that the world was at a crossroads with itself, suffering a sort of identity crisis.

A court system that was overloaded and bursting at the seams with cases waiting to be processed, a prison system beyond its capacity and broken, a society divided and seeking an escape from the ever growing struggle of day to day life.

Such was the way of the world these days, without a solution to any of these problems in sight.

Each bail application had been refused, the prosecution arguing that society needed to be protected from criminals and the court had agreed. Members of the public were entitled to being safe from those who would prey on an orderly and just society.

As for the boy who sat before him, a eighteen years old relative clean skin in the eyes of the law, with no prior criminal history, the judge could see the nervousness and uncertainty which had plagued his grey eyes had faded. Whilst being held on remand, it was obvious he had lost weight, his body thinner than when he had first ordered his incarceration.

Black hair that was short and disheveled, fidgeting fingers and a bowed head, the boy looked like a rabbit caught by the headlights of a car.

I thought those white wigs they wore on their head were something only seen in movies, thought the young boy as he finally glanced up from looking at his feet at having his named called and took in the appearance of the judicial representative.

Being nervous, the fear of the unknown, those had faded away long ago during his many court appearances and the boy was now used to being here. Finally, now was the long drawn conclusion that would decide his fate.

It was a relief. Not knowing what was to be done with him, he could at least know what it was that would happen to him.

Would the judge impose a sentence of time already served, whilst he was held on remand, and release him? Or would he be sentenced to community service? Maybe even simply ordered to pay a fine?

He wouldn't expect anything more than that. He had never so much as stolen a chocolate bar from a store before the mess he had been dragged into which resulted in his arrest.


Lost in thought about the wig worn by the judge and his robes, the boy didn't say anything.

"Mister Guildford. Do you have anything to say about your conduct that you wish for the court to hear? We don't have all day."

The judge narrowed his eyes, slightly annoyed at having been ignored. He didn't have much time left to deal with this matter, as once it was concluded that would mark the immediate beginning of the next proceedings currently on hold.

"Sorry your Honor, one moment with my client."

The defense council, a portly man dressed in a cheap suit and one assigned by the state, apologized to the judge before leaning across to the boy.

"Listen kid. Now is your opportunity to let the judge know how sorry you are and have him take that into consideration when he decides your punishment. If it's good enough, you might even mitigate it enough and be released today! So stand up and apologize already will you!"

"... I understand."

"If you understand then snap to it already! Hurry up! I've got other clients who need representation today, I can't wait around all day for you to decide whether you're ready or not."

Grumbling to himself the defense council leaned back away and rested against his chairs back. Withdrawing a handkerchief from his jacket, he wiped the beads of sweat from his forehead and checked his watch.

"Sometime today would be nice..."

He tapped the face of the watch while staring the boy down, sending the message loud and clear that he was getting jack of having to wait.

Having one last glance around the room, the boy looked over his shoulder to a young girl seated behind him, a look of immense concern on her face.

The girl was younger than him, twelve years old, long blonde hair and blue eyed. The cheap dress she wore was from a second hand shop that had been on sale. The shoes worn were well past their prime and needed immediate replacement, the soles threatening to fall apart any moment.

Apart from the judge, defense council, prosecutor and the boy, she was the only on present in the court room.

His parents hadn't appeared at any of his court proceedings. Which wasn't unusual as he and the girl behind him hadn't seen them for years.

I wonder where and what they are doing with themselves these days, the boy thought. Almost immediately he shook it free from his mind. It was best not to think about such things as it would only reignite the pain in his chest he felt when allowing himself to be swallowed by such dark thoughts.

The only thing he had to be concerned about, was the young girl. He had to be released today, for her sake, otherwise who knew what would become of her. She needed him, more than anyone else. He was her only rock and protector in a world that threatened to chew you up and spit you out.

Giving her a small smile and a wink, letting her know everything was going to be okay, he turned back to face the judge.


Breathing deep, he readied himself for what came next, trying to settle the sudden increase in blood pressure and heavily beating heart within his chest. Placing his shackled hands on the desktop, he stood to his feet and faced the judge.

"Your Honor I..."

He faltered, lost at what to say next. The spiel he had planned out to say earlier whilst seated in his cell escaped his train of thought and disappeared into the ether.

"Yes, Mister Guildford, spit it out will you?"

The judge drummed his fingers along his bench, the annoyance now clearly evident upon his face. This was taking longer than he wanted. The sooner the boy delivered his message the better.

"Your Honor, I'm sorry for what I did. I didn't mean to cause any harm to anyone and I feel really bad for my actions. But please, let me be released today so I can go back to caring for my younger sister. She needs me. Without me she has no one else to care for her and the time I've spent locked up has been very difficult for her. I accept whatever punishment you think is deserving for my crime, but please, let me go today."

"Hmm... Very well Mister Guildford, you can be seated."

He sat back down and stared back at the ground, confident that the judge would be lenient enough to provide him his freedom today. There was no way that he would stay locked up when the judge knew that his younger sister needed his care.

The judge quietly chewed over his thoughts in silence, the only sound being heard was the huffing and puffing of the defense councilman who continued to wipe away his profusely beading sweat.

"Alright, in the matter of Cole Guildford versus the Crown, I find the matter proven and the defendant guilty on all charges, as presented by the prosecution. It is the responsibility of the court to impose a sentence that is just and fair, not only to victims in these types of matters, but also to the community as a whole. The sentence imposed must therefore be one of deterrence, to send a message and therefore attempt to prevent these offenses from being committed. It is the view of the court that Mister Guildford engaged in conduct that was reckless and unbecoming of what is expected of a reasonable member of society. Therefore, the sentence I today impose is one I deem to be appropriate in the circumstances. Mister Guildford, please stand so that I may formerly sentence you."

Alright, here it comes, please god, let me go today so that I can look after her. She needs me! Thought Cole as he stood once again and faced the judge. The nervousness that he thought he had almost been free of rose back up within him, causing him to grit his teeth in trepidation.

"Mister Guildford, as I've already stated, your crimes, whether you think are minor or not, have a ripple effect that has affected the victim and the wider community as a whole. Only through discovering some maturity by doing some soul searching will you be able to reflect on your actions. It is therefore my view that you serve a custodial sentence of six years, with a non-parole period of at least four, in a Virtual Reality prison so that you may have that opportunity. Custody officers, take the accused back into custody."