Interlude - Moving Forward

"Seriously? That is hilarious bahahaha!"

Howling with laughter, Doctor Katherine Vella clutched her sides as she rocked in her chair.

Having watched the entire wretched scene unfold on the screen in front of her, she marveled at just how pitiful Cole had become.

"He really is quite delusional, isn't he... No matter. As long as he complies with what I want from him, then that's all that matters."

Catching her breath and pushing her dislodged glasses back up the bridge of her nose, she switched the computer off, stood up, and stretched.

She knew his mind was completely fractured, but the dramatic episode she had just borne witness to took her belief of just how damaged that mind was to a whole new level.

The grin worn upon her face quickly disappeared once she left the room, however.

"Really, this is all so tedious. I'm already beyond chewed up and swallowed with my overloaded work than sparing the time to be dealing with those imbeciles."

There was one last video conference she needed to partake in before she could complete her duties for the day. Not that she was particularly looking forward to it.

But it was unavoidable.

The simple fact of the matter was that regardless of the organization, there was always a strict structure that must be adhered to.

Namely, that the feeder fish were food for the big fish. Or, in layman's terms, there was the bottom-tiered staff that worked to support the bosses at the top of the business. Paragon Industries was no exception to that hard rule, having fat cats at the top meant they needed plenty of income generated by those who were below them.

Doctor Katherine, although nowhere near the bottom rung on the ladder of hierarchy, was still below those that sat above her.

Providing constant updates due to her reporting obligations on various operations and programs under her command-and-control structure was just part and parcel of her role.

Which didn't mean she enjoyed doing so.

As far as she was concerned, it hindered the progress she strived for.

Bureaucratic red tape that constantly was a thorn in her side. Obstacle after obstacle forced her to divert from one direction of innovation and onto another, separate path.

Sometimes that path enabled her to forge new and improved results, but often than not it stagnated whatever progress had been made.

"Damnit... Let's get this over with then."

Gritting her teeth, she swiped her access into a secure room that only she had the authority to enter.

The space was pretty bare, as far as rooms ago, apart from several data stools that encircled a point in the middle.

Taking her place in the center, Doctor Katherine waited impatiently, tapping a foot whilst the data stools came online.

"Standby for connection between hosts and administrator."

Another cool, computer-like voice announced to her, similar to the same system that had taken primary control of prisoner G211806233 within the virtual world.

"Yes, yes I'm standing by. Hurry up already, will you? Let's get this dog and pony show over with already."

She muttered to herself. Though she did not enjoy having to answer to the company's board, she wasn't so condensed as to risk letting them hear her displeasure towards them.

"Connection with hosts complete. Encrypted end-to-end communications network secured. Internet Protocol origin source bounce between Virtual Private Network systems strategically placed worldwide is enabled. This conference is now protected and disclosure of its contents, via video recording means or any other, is strictly prohibited under company policy 45.95.01 Subsection 2(A). Breaches of this policy are subject to internal review and sanction."

The computer voice announced as it dimmed the lights and provided the official warning.

The data stools activated, providing an illuminated hologram of several people. Neither of them was able to be formally identified through the presentation though, due to the cloaking program used to hide their features.

All that could be seen was their silhouettes and nothing more.


The one immediately to her left didn't so much as greet her then make the statement.

"Yes. To what do I owe the pleasure of this summoning?"

Sometimes, even she struggled to bite her tongue and the occasional scathing remark would escape her.

"I'll let that jibe slide this time, Katherine. Let's keep this meeting short and to the point. Have you devised a strategy moving forward?"

A hologram from another point in the room cut in.

"There's a proposal which I've previously submitted to this board before today's conference that I believe demonstrates an efficient method of resolution. Have you perused the document?"

"We have. The question that's raised is the level of effectiveness that this option stands, given the manner in which the proposal has been put forward."

"With permission of the board, I request that the proposal be granted and the matter it's related to commence immediately. Time is short and the longer these talks and submissions of strategies continue, the more difficult it will be to resolve."

Like a merry-go-round, each time a hologram separately questioned Doctor Katherine as she responded and provided an answer to their discussion.

"The proposal you raise is an interesting one. However, chances of success are slim and the burden of failure is extreme. Why waste valuable resources and commodities on such a proposal when other options may be more viable?"

"With all due respect, how many other means have already been tried? Ultimately ending in complete and utter failure? None of which were mine, might I add. This board might recognize that, at the bare minimum."

"We understand your position Katherine, this conference does not seek to reprimand you for faults that were not your own. You need not explain yourself. Your previous submissions on other operations have always yielded profitable results, though how they are completed can sometimes be... Questionable. The risk to company reputation and finances would be damaging, much less the legal issues it would cause to arise which would be just as catastrophic."

"Regardless of that, what's important is not the journey, but the conclusion and those results. I therefore once again state that my strategy moving forward is the optimal choice."


The holograms flickered, then the words MUTED appeared where their chests would be, indicating that the audio connection to Doctor Katherine had been severed for the time being.

She chewed her lip in frustration. It was always talking, talk, and more talk. The gears of decision-making and moving forward were always slow to turn.

This was the corporate world after all, which meant that checks and balances were crucial in decision making, as the company sought to protect itself from those who would damage it from outside and within.

"Okay, Katherine. This board has unanimously decided to proceed with your strategy, for the time being... The only issue we have is the specific tool you intend to use for the role."

The MUTED had disappeared from their holograms, the discussion recommencing within her presence.

She allowed herself to smile once more, satisfied that her recommendation was approved.

Not that she had any doubts, it was only natural the conclusion she envisioned had been reached.

"The board can be satisfied I already have the appropriate tool to perform the means of this strategy moving forward. That's all you need to know."

"We are satisfied, Katherine. However, one last thing before we go."

"What is it?"

She was impatient, she did not have the time nor inclination to stand around wasting time over pointless discussion points.

Couldn't this wait for another time? She thought.

"Any action that threatens to destabilize this company in any manner, will not be tolerated. Refrain from doing anything too outrageous, or you will be brought to task for it."

With that final warning, the holograms flickered and disappeared, leaving her all alone in the room once more.

"Pfft, seriously, it's all so pointless..."

She grumbled to herself as she left the room immediately. Perturbed and frustrated at wasting another second more, she had a pet project to continue working on.