A Professional Relationship


The broken voice somehow strangely echoed in the room, filling it with its hollowness.

"... Delay that command."

"Acknowledged. Command delayed. Transport of prisoner to containment has been paused pending further instruction from administrator Doctor Katherine Vella.

"Keep it short. You've kept me waiting long enough as it is."

Taking a seat on the edge of her desk, she glared once more at the figure before her.

Cole didn't answer immediately, wrapped up in the whirling thoughts of his mind from the invasive deep cleansing his mind had succumbed to during his treatment program.

Except treatment program was a far too gentle phrase for what he had suffered through.

"Let me... Just let me..."

"Yes? What is it?"

Having thoroughly dug through his memories and then been subjected to a series of scenarios and reflection episodes, he was struggling to cope.

To him, it felt as if his mind had been forcefully pulled free from his physical head, sliced open, dissected, and then rearranged in a somewhat different order compared to what its original shape was.

The experience itself had been its own separate traumatic one.

"I just... Is this... Real?"

"Real, huh? Is that seriously all you want to know?"

Full of scorn, Doctor Katherine eyed him distastefully.

"Haa... This is as real as it's going to get. Your virtual self is here, however, your physical self is still secured within a full-dive pod within Excelsior prison. Does that answer your question?"

Finally relenting, she decided that offering some kind of explanation might get this show moving forward, rather than continuing to stagnate as it was.

You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar after all.

"I-I see... So that's how it is then..."

Breathing deeply, Cole finally found the strength to look up and at his tormentor. She hadn't changed a day from when he last laid eyes upon her, that was for sure.

That same lab coat. Those same glasses. That same dark as midnight hair. That same bitter attitude.

Hell, even those same shoes with that pointed heel he remembered so vividly.

"Can I ask... At least, why I'm here?"

Staring meaningfully at his pointed question, Doctor Katherine didn't respond, apparently waiting for an answer.

What was it that she was so blatantly trying to point out?

Oh, that's right, Cole thought.

"Can I ask why I'm here... Ma'am."

"Much better. I very well prefer it when you're more docile and submissive like this. It'll make discussions between us flow much easier. You can even take a seat on that couch if you like."

Motioning to the couch beside him, she went and poured them both a mug of coffee each from a dispenser within the room.

Now that their interaction with one another was proceeding, she could afford herself the luxury of patience and common courtesy.

Whatever enabled her to get where she wanted, she would do.

"As for why you're here. Paragon Industries is facing somewhat of a problem that requires resolution. For this particular issue, you are perfectly placed to resolve it for us and we hope that you would provide your services to said complication."

Providing an explanation, as vague as it was, Doctor Katherine concisely gave the answer he sought.

Not that it answered anything.

If anything, it just confused Cole even more.

"Paragon Industries... Needs my help? This isn't my parole hearing ma'am?"

"Pfft, of course, this isn't your parole hearing. Did you think that because I wanted your insanity remedied and brought you here this was that? Don't be absurd!"

Struggling to contain her laughter, she snorted and dismissed his belief with the wave of a hand.

"Really, you make me laugh sometimes prisoner G211806233. No, your parole hearing isn't due for another five years. You've been contained in your full-dive for two whole years by this point."

"W-wait! Two years? And my parole isn't due for another five? What is this?! I thought my parole was due at the six-year mark... It's been pushed out by another year?"

Shock gripped Cole. That eternity, that forever, had only been two years? And to add further insult to injury, he was still subject to a further five years before he could be paroled?

It was nearly all too much to comprehend.

"... I'll let the failure to address me properly slide this time... A further year was added to your parole period due to your violations committed during your first week of incarceration."

"M-my first week? But it's a virtual world! I was only hurting myself... Ma'am."

"Hmph. You were informed to abide by the policies and regulations of the prison, remember? Acting prejudicial to the good order and running of the jail system is against those directions. Even if it involves a virtual self."

"I see..."

Cole trailed off, unable to think of anything to reply with. A faint flame of hope, having dared ignite itself within his chest, gave a solitary flicker before being blown out.

If this wasn't his hearing, much less his release from this place, then nothing else mattered as far as he was concerned.

It was straight back to that torment all over again.

The fear made his hands tremble.


"You said you there was a problem and that you wanted my services... Ma'am? I'm not sure I follow, seeing as I'm imprisoned currently. Even if I wasn't, there's nothing I have that I could offer."

He eyed her warily, worried exactly what it was that she wanted from him. It wasn't as if he had anything to offer.

The true fact of the matter was that as he was, there was nothing he could provide. Even in the real world, there was not a skerrick of a thing that was of any value he could give.

"That's where you're wrong prisoner G211806233. I know exactly who you are and what services you can provide. I truly believe you to be an invaluable asset, one which has the potential to yield a promising result."

"An invaluable asset, me?"

"Yes, you. What you were and who you were several years ago. Don't you remember?"

What I was? Who was I exactly years ago that would make me a valuable asset? There's not a single skill I can give... Cole thought.

Then the dawning of realization began growing.

"If you mean what I think you mean... I can't do it. I swore I would never be involved in anything like that ever again. It almost destroyed my sister and me, not to mention the relationship with our parents. I refuse."

Not a chance, absolutely no way would he even consider for a moment whatever it was she wanted from him if it involved that particular time.

"Oh, I do mean that... You used to be quite famous, quite exceptional back then, were you not? All Paragon Industries wants is for those same skills to be utilized for us and, as a bonus, we're willing to offer you something in return. You may examine these."

Snapping her fingers, a pile of documents pixelated into existence beside her. Grasping them in hand, she in turn handed them over for Cole to peruse.

"This is..."

"Exactly what it says it is."

Cole scanned through the documents in question, running a careful eye over them. Flicking through the pages, his heart began pounding and he broke out into a cold sweat.

"Is this some kind of joke?"

"Absolutely not. That there is a legally binding contract which Paragon Industries intends to honor upon completion of the required service as detailed therein. Our words alone would not simply be satisfactory, we are a large company after all. So, a contract is the most appropriate way for us to show you that we mean business, so to speak. All that's required is your signature of the agreement and you'll begin your work immediately!"

What was stipulated within was incredibly generous, any person would be mad to turn down the offer on the table.

"Even so... I still refuse."

"Is that so..."

A dangerous glint shone in her eye and with another snap of her fingers, the contract disappeared from Cole's hands.

Approaching him and bending down to his position, so they were eye to eye and were inches separated them, she carried a dangerous air.

"Would you rather be cast back into that cell? Existing as an empty shell of your former self once more?"

Cole gulped at the threat. Of course not, with every fiber of his being he refuted her assertion. If he never saw that place again, the depth of relief he would feel knowing that would be bottomless.

"O-of course not... If I ever returned there, it would be too soon... But I can't do what you're asking."

"Well, then you leave me no choice prisoner G211806233. You will be transported back to that place immediately to recommence the term of your custodial sentence. System, be-"


Cutting off Doctor Katherine as she began giving a command to the prison system's operating network, Cole shouted.

Sure, he was terrified of doing what it was that was asked of him.

But the fear of that place dominating his mind was far harsher.

"Okay, I'll do it... I'll do it. With one additional request though."