Ice Boa - Part 2

Shen and the three kittens were hiding behind bushes next to a tree. He was staring at the bait he put at the center of the snowy field. Fifteen Ice Vulture corpses were stacked there.

As for Lyra, she was taking a detour to get to the other side of Frosted Lake. As soon as the Ice Boa left the nest she would get the Ice Lotus. That was the plan. For now, it was a waiting game. They were waiting for the Ice Boa to get lured here. If the Ice Boa took the bait, he and the three kittens would immediately leave this place to safety.

Shen shook his right foot. It was how he showed nervousness. He did not know how strong the Ice Boa was. Since Lyra wanted to avoid the fight that meant the Ice Boa should be as strong as Lyra.