A New Member

Shen was panicked inside but he tried to maintain his calm facade outside. He did not want to make Lyra guilty that he lost his arm, "It's fine. I can grow it back once I return to the village,"

"Ah," Lyra nodded her head, "I forgot for a moment that you are coming from that miraculous village. I heard there's a sage that could heal anything from that village. There's no need for me to worry about you,"

'Huh? A sage?' Shen tried to recall all the classes in the village, and he was sure no class related to sage, 'Is she talking about the alchemist?' That was the only class that could make a healing potion.

Shen shook his head, "Now we only need Rotka Fruit," He stood up and looked toward Lyra, "Can you tell me where to find this Rotka Fruit? I will get the fruit for you,"

"That's enough, Shen. You have done enough for me," Lyra shook her head, "Rotka Fruit is not rare and can be found nearby. I can retrieve Rotka Fruit by myself,"