Fried Chicken

Shen observed his window status, and he noticed the insane increase in his Vitality in the last week. Vitality was catching up with the other stats; that was unbelievable. He recalled his training in the previous week and soon realized the cause of this significant increase.

It was the beating from his Master. He did nothing but get beaten up black and blue by his Master. Soon he realized his Master beating was getting harder and harder, and it was more painful with each day. "So this is the way to increase my Vitality, through beating? Or Master Yosu used some special technique, so my Vitality increased this many?"

Of course, he had to pay a big price, and he had to go through all the suffering of the beating from the beating. It was worth fourteen days of suffering, which means two weeks in the game. Sometimes he felt the pain in real life as well; that was the price.