A Few Martial Arts

"You should not try the move you have not done before. If you did not try that fancy kick, you might hit me there." Yue commented on Shen's decision to copy her movement to counter her. He might get the right idea, but his kick was too clumsy, so she quickly countered him.

Shen learned his lesson and heeded the warning as he got up. She was right about that. He should not make a fancy move if he had never practiced it before. 'I should focus on my biggest advantage, which is speed.'

They continued the fight, and surprisingly, he could only hit her once. Yeh, time flew quickly as they fought, and he realized that the stats did not matter when he could not land a blow on his opponent. Shen laid down on the center arena, looking at the sky with a red screen before his eyes, saying [You Lost].