Aquas - Part 2

"Uncle! You are the one who bumped into us!" Eunha immediately stood up for Lin Lin. For some reason, the little girl was brave enough to confront the adult. "You come from that side, and we come from that side. We can't see you coming, but you should see us!"

Eunha pointed in the direction where they came from. The uncle only bumped into Lin Lin because he came from their right while the two little girls looked forward, so they did not see him.

When Eunha yelled back, the other visitors looked toward the noise and started whispering. Most of them were pointing their fingers at the adults. No matter who was at fault, the adult was not supposed to yell at the kids like that. On top of that, when the onlookers heard Eunha's words, it was clear who was at fault.