Noob's Money Making Discovery

[You have killed Chameleon Mamba!]

[You Gained 92000 experiences!]

After half an hour of repeating the same course of action, Shen finally killed the snake. Aside from the immense strength, the snake also had a high HP. He had been triggering critical and Void Critical, yet it still took him half an hour to kill one.

"I don't think it's worth the time even though the experience gain is six times more than killing the T-bone Rooster." Shen was not happy with the result. He felt like half an hour for one monster with a high risk like Chameleon Mamba was not worth it. Not yet, if he suddenly aggroed two Chameleon Mamba at the same time, there was a high chance he would die.

The thing was, Shen could not see the Chameleon Mamba. He had to bait them out for him to see. What if one Red Willow had two or even three Chameleon Mambas? He could not see them, so this might happen.