Wyvern and Vampire 3

"Hello everyone and welcome to Youkai Academy!" a cat eared women greeted you and your peers sitting around you within the classroom you found yourself within, "I am Shizuka Nekonome and I'll be your home room teacher from now on."

It had been all of a half an hour since you split up with Moka. You'd had to take your luggage to your assigned dorm room. And the males had different dorms from girls, albeit they were right across from each other.

In the process, you had lost sight of Moka and decided to just head to class before you were late. You'd need to go look for her later, since it didn't seem like she was in your class.

"I think you already know this," Nekomone-sensei continued, "But this, is a school for monsters! The Earth has already come under the control of humans, in order for us monsters to continue to survive, we have no choice but to continue to peacefully coexist with humans, at this academy, among other things, you will be learning how to best coexist with humans!"

Hardly anyone reacted. Hardly anyone that is, but a familiar plain faced boy who rocked in his seat and went pale faced. What the hell was bugging him? Though, now that you actually focused on him, you could barely sense any youki from him at all. You think...at least? Was he just that really talented at hiding it or something?

"So, far that reason students, you will all be living your lives at this academy while in your sealed human forms!" the neko teacher continued, breaking you from your inspection of the plain boy. "Do you understand? It's a matter of being able to disguise yourself as a human, this is the foundation of our ability to coexist with humans! You are never allowed to let any of the other students know of your true monster form, and or transform. This is against the vital rules of this school, understand?"

A scoff from the other side of the attention rang out, "Hey teach, wouldn't it be better to just eat up those puny weak humans?" you glanced out of the corner of your eye, to see the one that was speaking was a tall, broad haired body with slicked back hair, "And...well as far as the girls go. We could have fun raping them all we want right." As he finished speaking, a lounge tongue dribbled down from his lips and he slurped loudly, disgustingly.

What a fucking freak

You were about to open your mouth, when the classroom door slid open and a familiar beautiful, bubblegum haired girl stepped in, "Excuse me!" Moka called out as she entered the room, a blinding cheerful smile on her face, "After the entrance ceremony I kind of got lost and couldn't find my way here, sorry I'm late."

"Oh that's fine, just take a seat," Nekomone-sensei giggled, gesturing for her to enter, "My..what a cute one." she added, looking Moka over.

"Thank you!" Moka chirped and happily skipped into the classroom.

"W-who is she!? Such flowing hair! such beautiful eyes!"

"Whoa what the hell! So beautiful! Even if it's just her sealed human state there's no way there's any other girl at this school as hot as her!"

"Hot, she's toooooo hot!!!"

"I'm so happy to be in the same class as a girl this hot!!"

Moka paused, looking around uncertainly, heck a bit scared looking even at the utter absurdity going on around her. You got that Moka was gorgeous and all, but seriously?

"Hey Moka," you waved to her from where you sat, throwing her a life line, at the cool seat, the seat at the back and beside the window, and coincidentally, there was a seat that was empty right in front of you, "There's a seat over here."

Moka's eyes lit up and she outright ignored everyone hollering like horny mutts around her, and outright leaped through the air, clearing the over ten feet distance between you both and wrapped her arms around your neck as she landed in your lap, "It's Kai! Yay, we're in the same Class♡♡♡!"


"Who the fuck is this guy!? What relationship does he have with her!?"

"Our beautiful girl! We should kill him!!!!"

You felt killing intent spike. Outright murderous intentions from many of the boys around the classroom, while girls looked on uncomfortably, some even scared.

Your eyes met that of the idiot who spoke up before about raping human girls, and you saw him staring at Moka, a sleazy smirk on his face as he ran his disgusting tongue across his lips.

It took a while thanks to Moka's appearance, but after a few minutes, things did finally calm down and home room proceeded as normal. It was the only class you'd have today and it was mainly used to let you know about your class schedules and to reinforce the rules and the fact that the main point of this school was to learn how to coexist with humans.

It was all simple stuff really, and most of the syllabus was things you had already covered years ago. You came from money, and your father was the CEO of the family company, and you were due to take over it one day, back when everything made sense.

You'd had the best tutors money could buy from a young age, and you'd already been learning the kind of things that would be getting taught this year when you were twelve.

So honestly, you just found the class relaxing in a way. It was something you in the end didn't really need to bother with paying attention all that much to, so chilling was what you did.

Until the bell rang that is an hour or so later, signifying the end of classes, for the day. Now you were free to do as you pleased. You stood up from your seat, yawning as you did so. 'I should take a look around, see if there's anywhere private I can train.' you mused. After all, compared to the elite schools out there in the human world that wanted you, this place was kind of a shit hole. You only chose it when the offer came in from Mikogami, because it was a much better place to see about honing your power.

You had the strength and power of a pinnacle A-rank monster. That was not enough for you. The fact that there were monsters above your strength out there, meant that what happened three years ago, could happen again, and you may be too weak to stop it once again

A hand waving in front of your face broke you from your thoughts, "Kai? Kai, are you there?" Moka asked, looking up at you. You looked down and found that you had a good view down her shirt from where she was standing, and the silky white bra she was wearing.

"Sorry, I was just admiring the view." you grinned at her.

Her gem like eyes followed your gaze to where you were looking, right don at her chest and the cleavage that was visible to both of you now. Moka pouted at you, raising her hand to conceal the look down her shirt. But she didn't reprimand you for it.

You felt killing intent spike in your direction once again. You resisted the urge to rolls your eyes, how annoying.

Honestly, did none of them have any balls? If they had a problem with you and Moka's relationship, they should be man enough to get up and confront you about it. Even if it was just pathetic, petty jealousy.

The sound of a chair scraping against the floor a bit away rang in his ears, and a moment later, the freak with the disgusting tongue swaggering into view, a smirk on his face.

"You are Akashiya Moka correct? I'm Komiya Saizou," he introduced himself, his attention was focused fully on Moka, before he lifted his arm up and reached over to grab your collar and lift you up off the ground "And I have to know...why are you talking to a puny guy like this?" you could have easily stopped him, but you were curious about what he was trying to do.

There was a hush in the classroom, and you heard many of the other boys whisper in fear about him. Apparently this guy was a brute that was forced to come here and molesting human women and causing problems. He seemed to think himself some kind of tough guy.

"Why don't you ditch this loser and come have fun with me?" Saizou grinned at Moka with a leer.