Wyvern and Vampire 5

Despite the absurd amount of power she was radiating, your grin only grew larger, "Noble my ass," you scoffed, letting your eyes fall onto the vast canyon of cleavage stretching out her shirt, "Maybe say that to me after you've readjusted that uniform to fit your size."

Moka scoffed right back at you, crossing her arms under her bust and pushing her breasts up and making her cleavage look even deeper, "And why should I when you clearly can't keep your eyes off of my breasts?" her smirk reigning supreme, "I had my eye on you during the day, and you barely paid attention to the other females of the school, even after they started gushing over you when you overpowered that fool from earlier, yet you can barely keep your eyes off of me. It's just a simple matter, whether strength or attractive appeal, my superiority is just natural, there is no shame in showing off my body."

"Fair enough," you shrugged, it wasn't like you were complaining at all. Though, since when were the girls of your class gushing over you? Moka pulled you out of class before you saw anything like that, "Either way, you've got the body and looks that would make a model cry in envy, and your youki is ridiculous, but let's see how that actually applies in a fight." you drew upon your youki, compressing it within your throat, heat gathering within your mouth.

A split moment later you opened your mouth wide and spat out a massive gout of flame that roared towards her like a consuming wave.

As soon as you did that, you were already moving. You circled around in a blur of speed, making to flank her. You would be hit by your own flame, but you were massively resistant to it and other elements, so it wouldn't bother you much.

From what you read about vampires, their strength was different from a Wyvern's. A Wyvern's strength came from pure raw muscle power. A natural bodied strength. A vampire though was different, while yes they were vastly superior to a human physically without even taking youki into account, their true strength lay in the fact that they had the natural ability to infuse their physical abilities with their youki, something that was apparently learnable, but something that the vampires natural abilities took to the eleven, and as such, their physical abilities were as great as their youki.

Before you could flank the silver haired Moka though, and instead of taking your attack head on and blocking or destroying it, she jumped straight into the air. At the very last moment too, meaning as you got behind her position, you were the only one open to your flames.

You stepped onto the rock she had been sitting on before her transformation and jumped into the air after her, narrowly evading your flame breath attack.

In the blink of an eye you were upon her, fist aimed at her lower back. Say what you will about humans, but they had made an art of fighting. Many an art actually, and you had all the money you needed to pay for the best of the best to teach you martial arts. And while now in her monster for, Moka still had the same build as a human, so most weaknesses should still apply.

Just before you could though, she suddenly swung around blinding fast, her leg coming around like a lightning fast whip. Her foot met your fist and you felt youki discharge from her blow as soon as it met your fist.

A massive shockwave blasted out from the two colliding limbs, yet, your fist buckled beneath her foot in only a split moment, and for the first time in three years, you felt yourself be completely overpowered in a contest of strength.

You slammed into the ground hard a moment later, and through it as it cratered inwards for a good ten feet. You lay there in a daze. Your body was hurting, but it wasn't too bad, your fist on the other hand. Your eyes went to your clenched fist still raised above you, and the purple bruising beginning to already form into existence.

You flared your fingers, and grimaced lightly. 'They're not broken, but I've had less bruising punching through steel.' you noted. How amazing. You could easily lift a bus over your head and play catch with it, but in a straight up clash, you'd been defeated instantly.

Vampire's it seemed, really were no joke.

You launched yourself out of the crater a moment later, just as the silver haired vampire landed at the edge of it. She tilted her head out of the way of your punch, and the second, and lashed out with a kick that was blindingly fast. Her red eyes widened lightly in the first bit of surprise you'd seen in her, when you didn't even attempt to dodge and took it head on.

The wind was driven out of you, and your ribs felt like they were just a moment away from shattering, but you kept your footing by brining your right arm back from where she dodged it and wrapping it around her throat and pulling yourself forward and driving a headbutt straight into her forehead.

Moka gasped and stars flashed across your vision, but you didn't let that stop you and pulled her into you with your grip around her neck to drive a knee into her stomach, you felt youki flash and it was like kneeling a plate of steel. You quickly transitioned into fully standing on your other leg, lest your knee buckle when you put pressure on it and used your other hand to grab her arm and spun with your one leg and threw her away from you.

As soon as you did, you spat out another gout of flame as quick as you could.

It never hit though, Moka flipped through the air just as you had earlier in a seamless acrobatic flip and drove her feet into the ground, slamming them in so hard, a large part of it broke and splintered, rising into the air and acting as a shield to block your flames. Even then, much of it melted and turned to molten slag under the white hot flames.

"I have to admit Kai, I am impressed," Moka hummed as the earth shield fell to the ground and shook the clearing once your flames dwindled down, other than a bit of red on her forehead, looking no worse for wear, "You are an excellent fighter, and even one such as I cannot take those flames of yours lightly."

You huffed as you lowered your leg, testing your weight on it, it was a bit painful, but nothing you wouldn't be over in just a bit of time, "Yet those hits I landed barely did anything to you."

"Oh they hurt a bit, don't feel so down, you should feel proud you can make a vampire feel pain at all," she smirked, "Really though, you have taken two of my full power blows and are still standing. Your resilience is impressive, even a werewolf would be hard pressed to do that. The physicality of a wyvern and their natural resistance to attacks is quite something, I can see why they are said to be the pinnacle of A-rank monsters, borderline S-rank."

She started bouncing on her feet, and despite yourself your eyes were drawn to her hips as her skirt flared up with each bounced displaying her panties to you and making her breasts bounce, "Now then, let's see how you do when I go on the offensive, shall we?"