Charming Wyvern 1

"She's so dazzling!"

"She's obviously the Academy's number one beauty!"

"Aaagh! Akashiya Moka! She's so gorgeous I feel like I'm gonna break out of my human form!"

You paused on your walk across the path towards school and rolled your eyes, 'This shit again?' you thought in annoyance. It had been a week already since you started at this school for monsters, yet every damn day, whenever your friend passed by any guys, they stopped and ogled her, making the cringiest of statements out loud.

"That's it, I can't take it, she's mine!" you heard one scream, right beside you in fact.

Your turned and your eyes narrowed on a tall, fat chubby boy, his form rippling as he made to transform, while you caught sight of Moka making her way through the throngs of people, an uncomfortable look on her face.

"Oi." you said simply, and let loose your youki fuelled by murderous intent.

The fat boy stopped his transformation abruptly, going pale as he jerkily turned to face you, his friends around him taking steps away in fear

"Try it, I'll kill you, your friends and your entire family," you threatened him simply and to the point, "Got it?"

He made a kind of squeaky voiced noise, and rapidly nodded his head in agreement. when you let up on your youki fuelled killing intent, he slumped to his knees and began blubbering.

You snorted, before turning your attention to the pink haired girl, "Yo, Moka!" you lifted a hand and called out to her.

She turned at the sound of your voice and beamed brightly, "Kai!" she cheered happily and skipped over to you, latching onto your arm, there was a vast amounts of shouts and cries of dismay at the action.

God these monsters were really pathetic.

"Don't do it man!" you heard one guy try and fail to whisper, as you felt a pitifully weak youki spike a bit, "I heard Saizou went looking for him back on the first day to steal Moka from him, he never came back man!"

"S-seriously?" you heard another stutter as the youki you felt diminished back to an even lower state rapidly.

You snorted, putting them out of mind and directed Moku along using her grip on you backwards the school, "So, how are you today?" Moka asked, looking up at you worriedly, "My other self landed quite a nasty blow on you last night, have you recovered okay?"

Since that first day at school, you spent the earlier days with the pink haired version, in classes and at lunch and such with her, and then after classes ended, you spent a while with the silver haired Moka that was sealed within by the rosary, training with her.

She'd even taken a liking to sparring with you, to shake off the rust she had, which was a pleasant surprise, since it allowed you to increase your skill in a fight yourself by going at it with her.

Just last night, you'd managed to finally get the hang of Youki Augmentation, an amazing feat for a non vampire apparently to Moka's knowledge. You'd wanted to try it out fully, and last night had been the most intense spar you'd had with her yet, even eclipsing the first one. Moka had landed quite the kick to your stomach that had almost pulverised your ribs after you'd taken her off guard with an arm-bar into a rising knee that had according to her actually almost broke her nose.

You'd practically hobbled back to your room after letting her feed on your blood.

"I'm fine," you waved off her concern, and when she pointedly raised her eyebrow you laughed, "No really, it still hurts a little bit, but for the most part I've recovered already, here, look." you assured her, before lifting your green blazer and school shirt up to display your stomach, full of tan rigid core muscles, the only sign of injury being the dark purple bruise about double the size of your fist over the left side of your six pack abs.

You may not have had vampire regeneration, but your recovery rate as a wyvern wasn't anything to sneeze at either.

You heard a few giggles coming from your side, and spied a clique of girls walking passed, eyeing you appreciatively. Moka, her face flushing lightly grabbed your shirt and pulled it down, "Okay, I get it," she squealed a bit, before sighing and looking you in the eye, "Still, that looks pretty bad."

"It'll be gone in a few hours," you assured her once more, before smirking at her, "How about you though, you hungry?" you asked, reaching up to tug at your slack school shirt collar and display your neck to her.

She gulped, and you could see the desire in her emerald green eyes, but she looked around, eyeing all the students around you wearily, "Right here?" she asked, nervous.

"Sure, why not?" you asked, smirk growing, "It'll make a statement if nothing else, and it might make them bother you less."

She bit her lip, before slowly nodding, "...Okay..." Moka agreed, before stepping forward and standing up on her tiptoes, encircling her arms around your neck and getting down to business. As always, her small tongue licking against your neck made you shiver a bit, before her fangs pierced ever so gently into your neck, a small appreciative moan being muffled around your neck as she started drinking your blood.

You wound your arms around her hips to keep her steady, and felt smugness wash through you as a bunch of guys passed you by, glaring daggers.

You glared right back, flaring your youki at them fuelled with intent to murder, and like sheep before a wolf, they sped up and rushed away like cowards.

Honestly, if this didn't get these loser to shut the fuck up and go jerk off pathetically in a corner to a girl they could never have, then you might just start kicking the crap out of any of them that pulled this bullshit they had been doing every damn day like clockwork, it was that irritating, not to mention fucking creepy.