Soy Boys everywhere 3

"I should have enough time before they get back." Moka mused as she entered the clearing she and Kai usually sparred at. It was littered with giant craters and destroyed trees and foliage. Yet, despite the wreck the area was in, she found herself fond of the place. She indeed spent quite a lot of time here over the past two months.

'Are you going to tell me what we're doing out here now and stop being so cryptic?' her pink haired self asked.

She ran a hand through her long silver hair, "I'm just going to work on something I recently discovered," she replied, "Something I'm sure came from drinking Kai's blood."

They feasted upon Kai's blood at least once a day, sometimes more. His blood was strong and full of powerful youki. The blood of other monsters was horrible to the taste of a vampire, the blood of a human was so much greater in taste, a staple in any vampire's diet. Yet Kai, as a hybrid had human blood that was enhanced by monster blood, and became greater than any of the other two alone.

It was exquisite and Moka could not get enough. But, beyond even that. There was such powerful deep depths of youki in his blood, that upon digesting his blood, small fragments of that powerful youki was integrated into her system and bolstered her own youki.

It was a tiny, tiny amount really. But, it added up day by day. By her estimates, her youki had grown by the amount an average E-rank monster had fully grown. Probably closer to a D-rank monster in fact.

Not truly a lot in comparison to her full power, but for a passive boost just from drinking his blood in the span of two months? With each boost becoming just a tiny tiny bit greater each day? It was an astounding increase.

And his youki, unlike hers had naturally attuned to an element. The element of fire to be precise. Where her own youki could be described as a crushing tidal wave of pure force, Kai's own, to her at least, felt more like a blazing inferno ready to burn all who opposed him to ash. Quite like her boyfriend himself actually.

She paused at the thought. 'Boyfriend.' she tasted the word in her mouth. Moka had never thought about having one to be perfectly honest. The thought had never truly occurred to her, she'd never thought she'd meet anyone she would come to care for like that outside her family, especially not romantically.

Kai had come crashing into both of their lives and burned his way through any walls she could try to muster with strength, obscene bluntness, blatant perversion and a care and dedication to her that left her breathless.

Her respect for him had probably been the in that started it all really. To have his own family be slaughtered by monsters, yet have the strength of will to take that monsters power for his own and grow ever greater, and yet not allow what happened to consume him. And his drive and dedication to his training was something else.

It was humbling to know that despite her being stronger, that when it came to true fighting ability, he was her superior, an expert of many different styles of martial arts.

That drive, and his incredible will power was what drew her initial admiration. Before any feelings ever developed, it was respect that drew her to him. Vampires after all, are a species naturally inclined to war. But from that respect that made her give him some leeway, true affection had been born.

Kai did not only look after her outer self, care for her, treat her kindly, and shower her in affection. He did so as well, to her. Making sure to include her even while within the seal, and each day free her from her sealed state and spend time with her as well, offered her his blood even after allowing her outer self to feast on it prior.

What was romantic love? She did not know, not truly, just like him. But, she knew she had fell hard and fell fast. And that, a world without him was a thought that made her chest ache.

Her stomach fluttered when he smiled at her. Playing games or watching a movie alongside him made her feel fuzzy and warm. Sparring with him made her blood sing with excitement in her veins. And, the thought of rutting with him, did not repulse her like the thought had with any other male she'd ever laid her eyes upon. No, rather it made her loins ache with desire and heat beyond her control. Like today, when he blatantly claimed her outer self and herself in front of that crowd and put that annoying little witch girl in her place, she relished it.

And despite her outer selves meek embarrassment, she did as well.

If her feelings for Kai were not love, then she did not know what was.

Bringing her hand free from her hair, she clenched it lightly into a fist. Usually, she would not use her hand, because fighting with her legs, was much more elegant in her opinion, but this was merely to test something.

She concentrated her youki further into her hand, condensing it, replicating that familiar blazing feeling. Smoke wafted from her hand and the air rippled as the temperature around her fist rapidly rose.

She could not replicate her beloved's ability to create fire from his youki. But, she could superheat it. And; 'Now time it right, pure concentrated force through speed and strength.' she coached herself.

It as something Kai had told her of. Something that mutt had been capable of doing. And if that mutt could do it, then so to could she. She already knew that, she had tested it out over the past few days while Kai was busy mastering the usage of his hybrid form.

Now it was time to take it a step further.

Her fist lashed out, and she expelled the superheated youki from her punch, just as she felt the very oxygen barrier give way, superheated youki surging through the generated shockwave.

Her hair was blown back and her skin rippled with heat as an explosion of heat and force exploded from where her punch ended.

The area shook as if an earthquake went off, and Moka bore witness to the explosive heat and force tear and burn through everything in its path, mowing down and blowing apart trees, rocks and everything alongside them.

"This will do." the silver haired vampiress smirked, pleased with her new technique.

'Eeeeeh, that's what you were trying to do!?' her outer self panicked, 'Why do you even need to get stronger and learn how to do something like that!? This is completely overkill!'

"Hmph," Inner Moka crossed her arms, her smirk growing a bit, "Kai is growing ever stronger. If he wants to satiate himself with my body, I will make him work for it." making love was one thing, but, he wanted to go beyond just that. He wanted to fuck her, like a savage animal, conquer her.

And while the thought made her nether regions throb with desire, she was not so pathetic that she'd simply submit.

And the reason she was working on this. Was the simple fact that, Kai had grown very strong now. He would be well capable of defeating the average vampire. He had the possibility of defeating her.

She would become stronger, as would Kai to take her as he desired, and together they'd push each other to new heights.

'...Erm, what about me though?' the pink haired Moka asked, nervous, and Inner Moka could just imagine her poking her fingers together.

"If you wish to sleep with him, do as you please," Moka rolled her eyes, reaching up to fix her ruffled hair due to the explosion, "You are me, I feel no need to stop you from going first should you desire to."

She was actually interested. Would her other self work up the nerve to bring it up with him, since she knew he was letting her set the pace, or would he challenge Inner Moka herself first?

...Now, time to refine this technique as much as possible. She wanted to keep it in reserve to surprise Kai with should she need it. The Succubus should keep him busy in Mononoke Arcade long enough on a little date while they picked up what they needed.