Summer Loving 10

"The human world huh?" Kurumu mused, from where she lay beside you an hour later on the sofa bed, pressing her naked body into your own nakedness from the side, "And we only need to take care of these witches, then we're free to spend our summer break as we like out there?"

"Yep," you grinned, "It shouldn't take long, and then I can take you on a tour of the human world, I can even show you guys my place."

"Count me in!" the blue haired succubus beamed, leaning up to press a kiss against your cheek, "With how strong how I feel now after the bonding, and with you two, we could finish this up in a day easy! And then we can totally buzz off and do as we like with none of the annoyances from around here!"

An audible throaty moan drew your gaze forward, to the silver haired girl facing away from you, her ample ass cheeks rippling and jiggling as she bounced up and down on your cock, pale svelte arms tied behind her back with a familiar whip.

Red hand prints were clearly visible on her bouncing, fat, round ass cheeks as your thick cock split her wide open.

You reached out, and spanked her once more, your grin widening as she mewled and tightened around you again. "What about you?" you asked.

"Oh man that's so hot." Kurumu moaned under her breath, as she reached up one one hand and palmed one of her huge breasts, tugging on her little pink nipple.

"I..already told you I was fine with it~" Inner Moka moaned, grinding her herself down against you as she came down from a bounce.

"I know," you chuckled, "I just wanted to hear your voice again." you said, before spanking her again, drawing another mewling squeal from her. God, hearing her make those sounds was so hot.

"You brute." Moka huffed, staring over her shoulder into your eyes, with her own lust clouded ruby reds.

"Oh?" you teasingly narrowed your eyes at her.

"You heard me." she bared her fangs challengingly at you.

Well, okay then. You nodded, and then in one motion jumped to your feet, supporting her entire body weight for a few moments with your cock alone, before your hands grasped her under the thighs and pulled her legs up, folding her in half in your grasp, her knees squishing her large pale breasts out, while her ankles ended locked up above her head by your grasp.

Moka's eyes widened, but before she could say anything you pulled her down on your cock at the same time you thrust into her, hard. A massive moan left her throat and never ended as you immediately set up a brutal pace, fucking her up and down on your cock at a blinding space as you stood on your bed.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Oh god! So hard! So big! You're fat cock is breaking my pussy!" a constant stream of slurred, pleasure filled babble fled the silver haired beauties mouth, her pussy spasming around you as she orgasmed one time after another from your rough fucking of her.

You turned to Kurumu, showing off the entirety of Inner Moka to her as she fucked her into a puddle of goo, her thick pale ass cheeks squished against your abs.

"Look at her!" Kurumu gaped in awe, heavily groping and squeezing her huge breasts, "She's usually so strong and proud, and so damn haughty. But you've got her acting like a little slut darling!"

You felt a familiar knot building up in your lower stomach, "Get a good look Kurumu," you ordered lustfully as you looked down at the busty blue haired short stack over your silver haired lover's shoulder, "This is gonna be you soon!" you let go, not holding back, and with a roar, hilted yourself into the voluptuous noble vampire in your grasp and unleashed your load, her lower stomach already bulged from the sheer size of your manhood beginning to swell even further from the amount you were pumping into her.

Moka's moans grew even louder and she shook in your grasp, eyes rolling up into the back of her head and tongue falling limply from between her lovely plump lips.

"Oh I can't wait~" Kurumu moaned audibly, her other hand openly going to her own tiny little pink pussy and beginning to vigorously masturbate to the sight of you dominating Moka on your cock.