Summer Loving 13

It wasn't long later, just a few minutes at most before you were done. Mountainous piles of plant monster corpses were strewn around the massive field, formerly filled with beautiful sunflowers.

Now, nothing more than a burning wasteland with dead, charred corpses as far as the eye could see.

"That didn't even count as a warm up." Moka scoffed dusting off her hands as she made her way over to you, Belmont wrapped around her thigh while she was not wielding it.

"..You guys are absurd," Kurumu landed a moment after her, staring around at the destruction the pair of you had wrought, gobsmacked, "The average guy back at school would have trouble with just one of these things, and you tore apart thousands of them in a few minutes as if they were nothing."

"There's just that big of a difference between S-rank monsters and the lower levels," you shrugged, "I mean, even Gin outside of his monster form would have been capable of tearing through hundreds of these things in a minute with his bare hands." and the area of effect attacks that you and Moka had access to, made it just that much easier.

As tough as the two species of plant monsters were, they were still plants in the end and extremely flammable. Which meant your fire breath and Moka's explosion generating attacks were extremely effective against them and the flames spread too quickly for them to do anything about it.

You opened your mouth, about to add something else, only to pause when you felt a very large youki signature appear just a bit away, and the ground twisted upwards, forming into a humanoid shape, then took on colour. A moment later, a rather ugly woman that would have probably been beautiful in the past solidified into existence.

"...What...." she looked around wide eyed, before her eyes settled on the three of you, a snarl pulling her lips back, "What...have you done you damn humans!?" As she spoke, you could feel another youki rapidly approaching from the air.

"So you're Lady Oyakata then?" you instead asked.

"This is the big bad witch attempting to genocide humanity?" Moka asked, an eyebrow raised before scoffing, "Utterly laughable, if she thinks that paltry little army could decimate humanity, then we youkai would not be living in secrecy."

"..Well it's not as small a deal as you two make out, you two are just freaks," Kurumu pointed out with a small laugh, "But, for the most part, while they'd probably kill a ton of humans, they'd be killed in the end before they could really make any proper headway."

Oyakata's eyes widened in shock at your silver haired lovers words, "Youkai!?" she gasped, outrage shining in her eyes, "And you know of my plan!? I won't ask how, but I will ask why you trash would do this!? Why are you protecting the humans!?"

"Dunno." Kurumu shrugged.

"I'm not, I'm just assisting my lover." Moka shrugged uncaringly as well.

You joined in and shrugged yourself, "I'm just doing my teacher a favour." you replied.

The old witch gaped at your answers, unable to form a reply. While she was stunned, the youki signature approaching from the sky reached you, and you caught sight of a young, pretty woman dressed in gothic attire, raven black wings on her back.

Another witch. And while not as powerful as the old one, not a slouch either. Definitely quite a bit more powerful in youki at least than Yukari Sendo.

"Master!" she cried, dropping out of the air to land beside Oyakata, her face drawn taut with shock as she took in the surrounding field, "How is this possible! How could three weak humans do this?"

The older witch gave herself a shake and regained her composure, "These are not humans it seems Ruby," the woman sneered looking at you, "They are monsters."

The younger witch, Ruby gasped, "Monsters!?" she followed her master's gaze to land on you and your lovers, "Why would monsters do this though and protect the vile humans!?"

The sheer vitriol in her words when she spat the word 'humans' was almost impressive.

"On a whim, it seems." Oyakata spat.

The woman gaped at her master, before shaking her head, "Tell me," she pointed a staff at you, a wand, her focus it seemed, while clutching a book in her other hand, "Why do this? Don't you see we're doing this for the good of all witches and monster kind? The humans have taken our land and plan to destroy this field and erect a human settlement in it, and over the ages many witches and monster like have been killed by humans, even by own parents killed by them. Don't you see it's for the good of us all to wipe them all out!?"

Moka snorted, "Don't try and foist your ow delusions of grandeur and self righteous attempts at revenge on us you fool," she sneered back, "Humans have been killing monsters for thousands of years, and so to have we monsters been killing them."

"You just confirmed it though, they are our enemies!" Ruby retorted with Moka, before turning pleading eyes upon you and Kurumu, "Please, think of all of us who have lost their lives to the uncaring nature of humans."

"..Err, how exactly did your parents die?" Kurumu asked, scratching her cheek awkwardly, "I mean, did they like group up and hunt your parents down or something?"

Rub reared back, a hurt expression on her face, "...I don't like talking about it, but very well I'll tell you," she reluctantly replied, "..When I was a little girl, a human driving a car and drunk at the same time, rammed into my mother and father as they crossed a street, killing them both."

Your hand twitched as you resisted the urge to palm your face. That was it, that was her big sob story? you ground your teeth together to keep from laughing at her and instead looked the old witch in the eye, "And how bout you?" you asked, "What did humans do to you?"

Oyakata spat to the side, "If you must know, humans started claiming our lands and building settlements and when we righteously tried to claim back our lands, the humans attacked us and picked us off one by one until only I remained of my coven."

....Meaning they attacked the humans who didn't know the existence of witches were even a thing, and upon being attacked, humans retaliated and killed them. Most likely with guns. Powerful youki or not, it didn't change the fact that the average witch was just as squishy as your average human.