
"Please, Chu Qiang. If you can find it in your heart, allow only me to do this!" the patriarch Shui Ba stepped up and begged.

He got down on his knees and kowtowed, slamming his head on the floor several times in order to show his sincerity.

The members of the two clans gasped at his action. To kowtow before someone else, it meant that the patriarch was willing to let go of his own arm and standing for the sake of his clansmen. It was a show of his deepest sincerity and if this didn't move the heart of the young martial artist, then nothing would.

"Old man Ba. I'll show you face and agree to this request of yours" he nodded in approval and let down his fist as well as his domineering aura. "I did not wish for it to come to this, but I cannot ignore my master's reputation."

"I understand" Shui Ba raised himself and concentrated sharp enough qi into his left palm in order to cut off his right arm. "Thank you for accepting this old man's reques—"

Twenty-five people stepped forward before their patriarch did anything, causing him to stop himself. For a second he thought they would retaliate and light the fires anew.

Shui Ba, raised his hand and screamed in order to stop them.

"Stop, don't do anything rash—"

But they surprised him.

Every single one of them were gritting their teeth, eyes closed as they pulled out one of their arms and consumed a pill right afterwards to stop the bleeding. The platform was marred with the scent of blood this night and the clans had seen a fair share of conflict for one night.

"This…" Shui Ba was speechless and knew not what to do as he remained on his knees.

The people who sacrificed their limb turned around to him and fashioned a forced smile through their current pain.

"How can we allow the patriarch to lose face in front of our families" they began to say one at a time.

"If we lowly members allow this, then our Shui clan is no better than a third-rate demonic sect!"

"We only lost an arm. Patriarch doesn't have to worry."

"This minor setback will not hinder our cultivation!"

"If both the patriarch and elder Quan lost their strength today then our clan will be a laughing stock."

One by one they all gave their reasons for this act of true loyalty.

Ba was moved to tears seeing his people band together to save the situation. If he died today, he was satisfied to know that he had left behind the youngsters in good hands.

Chu Qiang now appeased, raised his hands and took out twenty-five heads from his ring. He shoved them at their feet and turned around to back away. His business was done and as of this day, nobody will try and act irrationally towards his master and his guest.

"I'll give you these, do what you will with them and their families. If you want the rest of their corpses, they're back in the forest if you follow the main route."

He walked away and leaned down to grab Shui Cai's hollowed cadaver, carrying him under his arm.

"I will take this one though. If you wish to retrieve it then seek forgiveness from Lei Ba himself."

With a single bounce, he vaulted off the walls and disappeared into the dead night and its fog.

Not constricted to silence, the gathering immediately amassed for their gossips regardless of the sour outcome of this encounter.

The most pleased out of this situation were in fact the Fengs. Fortunately for them, the blame was not shifted on them even though some of the severed heads belonged to their side.

Somewhere in the back, where Feng Tai had retreated, he led his children away from the gory site. They were accompanied by Yun as well, since his father had to stay back and deal with the aftermath.

"We must make haste tomorrow and pay a visit to this Ke Lei Ba!" the elder said as they all walked back to their ancestral house. "It is good that we weren't implicated this time."

"What does father suggest we do? Bring him a gift of appreciation?" Feng Shuai spoke out, following closely.

"En, we should. I know just the thing too, but that's not all" they marched through the inner gate. "My Ai has something to do as well."

With them, a small teenage girl followed, flaunting her dress every step of the way. Her name was Feng Ai* and she was Shuai's sister, the one he fought Xiao Ming for.

Considering her tender age, she was an incomparable budding beauty. Her father and brother had been quite reserved about her relationship with other boys her age and denied anyone unsuited for her and them as well. They wouldn't just give their precious Ai to anyone with no proper background and possible influence.

"Me, father?" her soft voice worded a tone to melt for.

"You will make sure to grow close to this Ke Lei Ba and secure us a good backing in the future."

"I understand father. I will do my best."

In the back, Yun was deep in thought, more worried about Ling. He gave a glance backwards before the gates were shut close and saw her crying and running away from the scene. He wondered how she felt towards Lei Ba now that her father was injured.

He also glimpsed at her mother, Ru Hua, shouting back at her as she fled.

If he knew her well, she was probably more worried about him than her estranged father.


Back in the forest, I laid still to the tree. It had been a while since the mysterious saviour left me here to heal with the help of a pill.

I noticed after consuming it, that the more qi I breathed through my father's technique, the faster the feeling of pain dissipated. After an hour of constant rejuvenation, I was able to raise myself back on my feet even though my waist still hurt me every time I took a step.

Until the man came back, if he was coming back that is, I had an ample amount of time to check the corpses for possible loot. I never thought I would ever become a scavenger in my past life and rob the dead, but in this world everything was different. Opportunities such as this wouldn't come as often as expected…and for free no less.

I'll thank my saviour properly for this.

"Let's see what we got…ouch" I crouched and my ribs felt like they protruded from my chest.

I searched all twenty-five, at a terribly slow rate, and found that only nine out of them carried their space bags on themselves. At least some were stupid enough to carry their belongings, which meant loot for me!

I opened the first of them, one I took off the most nicely dressed of the bunch. Nice clothes equalled a good chance at getting better stuff so I naturally searched in his bag. I got a good amount of money, an odd looking stone which I'll inquire about later and…a short sword! He had a short sword, perfect for my size and not heavy.

After a few swings of it, I settled that I would train with it until I was capable of holding bigger and more efficient swords like the ones I used in my old world.

"That's a good edge and not too fancy. Balanced and light."

I swung again.

After today's encounter, I became very aware of my mediocre agility. If I wanted to survive out there, then I needed a way to increase my speed before even my strength. Fleeing was always a safer option than standing my ground against something far beyond my capabilities.

The first bag was out of the way and I took the second. As I did so, I heard a faint step and the sound of someone landing softly behind me.

I quickly turned around and was pleased to find the same young man who saved me from the bandits.

"Ah, I see you healed quite well. You're already on your feet!"

After hearing his voice, I was certain it was the same as the one who delivered me out of death's clutches.

"En" I forced myself to bow before him even with my injury, "I thank the venerable one for saving me. I will forever be grateful."

(I was getting the hang of the third person politeness.)

"No need, no need young Lei Ba! You should thank my master instead, he is the one behind this."

"Then, express my gratitude to your master…?" I pondered for a name.

"Gudu Xing Chen is his name" he quickly answered.

Gudu? I heard the mention of this name before…where did I hear it again?

Ah, right. When I was born, I think he was on everyone's tongue and heard his name being called out several times.

Why was he making sure I was cared for when I have not met him yet?


"Was he the person who tried to pry on me and failed to do so?"

Chu Qiang remained idle for a moment as his eyebrows frowned with suspiciousness. I wondered what I said.

"How…did you know? To my knowledge, master told me you were a baby when it happened!"


How did I let it slip?

Damn it! I worked so hard for six years to act like a normal child and I managed to fuck it up in a single sentence…and to someone I have never met before this day.


"It does not matter" he quickly stopped me before I even tried to come up with a lie. "My name is Chu Qiang by the way!"

He bowed slightly and cupped his fist. I followed suit.

"Did you find anything good?" he ushered to the space bags in my hands. I had nine of them after all.

"Oh! I am terribly sorry" I reached my hand out and offered them to him. "I shouldn't have taken your earnings."

I lowered my head just in case to look more credible.

I was surprised to hear him laugh hysterically though.

"Haha! Good one. You can keep them."

"But these are not—"

"Don't worry yourself about this. I have no need for these items or money!"

Satisfied with his answer, I pleaded no further and stashed them away for now. We had yet to finish our conversation and whatever he had to say, it was probably important.

Even until now, I only just noticed Shui Cai's lifeless body hanging from his arm. Chu Qiang sat down near a tree and placed him casually beside him before inviting me to sit as well.

I sat down.

From the look of his clothes, he had probably done quite the ruckus there. I only hope Yun and Ling will not hold me accountable for his actions.

"Have your parents ever told you about my master's request to them?" he began, half certain I wasn't.

I was up to the expectations and shook my head. I had never heard anything regarding Gudu Xing Chen from my mother or father.

"I see. Then it is probably necessary to tell you that my master asked your parents to send you to him after you've broken through your first layer!"

"Is there a specific reason?" I quickly inquired. If I knew his intentions early on, then I could effectively plan my moves ahead. "I owe your master a lifetime's worth of favours. Whatever he may ask, I will try my best to comply!"

Chu Qiang was fairly happy to hear that and formed a smile on his face.

"You, young Lei Ba, sure know how to talk well. I am now certain why my master is obsessed with you."


I sure hope I won't become his plaything or slave or something. I know I did say I would return the favour but surely they knew there were limits.

More so, hearing that this Gudu was obsessed with me that he even sent his henchman to protect me…I wonder if he has any doubts about my upbringing. Perhaps he even knew my secret and plans to seek something specific out of it.

Whatever it was that he knew, it was safe to assume that he wanted something from me.

Something very important.

Something desperate enough to have me handled by someone as powerful as Chu Qiang.


*Check the very first chapters at the very beginning for the Index*