Natasha Bluerose

Natasha Bluerose(Main Female Lead) POV:

"Eh, where am I?" I opened my eyes and look at the unfamiliar surrounding. Is this my room? Why are all of my posters gone!!? My prince, my knight, my hero where are you!?

I hurriedly search all over the place. Wait what is with my hands? When did it become so small?

...And this room is extremely foreign to me, This room is not my room at all. Haaah, I need to calm down and think properly first.

The last thing I remember is...

... I was dating with my prince just a moment ago. What on earth suddenly happened after that? Did I fall asleep? So this is a dream? But why does it feel so real? I can even feel pain.

Mirror, I need to find a mirror first.


On earth, at the most prestigious hospital.

The doctor read the cause of a beautiful young woman's death.

"The young mistress died due to exhaustion and her body collapsed. The result showed that she hasn't been properly taking care of her body for the past couple of years. Her lack of sleep also affected her mind. With her body that couldn't handle the stress and her mind not being well, she eventually gave up and died."

"I see, it's my fault as a father for letting my daughter do what she wants. She fulfilled her dream of creating a story and a game at the cause of her life..."


There should be a mirror in the bathroom. Ah, there it is, the bathroom is here.

I hurriedly went inside to check my face in the mirror. Eh, I can't reach?

I grabbed the stool located at the side and using it as my footing to look at the mirror.

Looking at my appearance, my eyes widen in shock and disbelief.

"Really? I know it would be like this but I keep on denying it... I have turned back to being a child."

I didn't have time to absorb what was happening when the sound of knocking came from the door.

"Big sister, it's time to wake up. Mom and dad are waiting for you at the dining table."

A cute little girl around five years old opened the door. Her long white hair cascading over her back and her eyes are deep-blue.

"Rena?!" I couldn't help but exclaim in shock when I saw her because I know this little girl and I know her very well as after all...I created her.

Rena Bluerose hailing from the Bluerose Household, that has a rank of Marquis. My knight's childhood friend.

"What's wrong big sister?" Rena's eyes blinked in confusion.

"No, there is nothing wrong with big sister. Mom and Dad are already waiting, right? Let's go." I suppressed the excitement that was about to burst inside my body.

Is she real? Is she the Rena I created? If so, then would my prince and the others also exist?


I quickly followed Rena to the dining room and saw my mother and father. The Marquis and Marquess, their appearance is exactly the same as I created them.

I properly composed myself when eating, I was very careful not to cause any suspicion and with my knowledge of the game I could join in the conversation.

I have perfect table manners so eating is not a problem at all. I mean, who in the world would be so ignorant not to know something as simple as this?

"I'm going out for a while." I went to ask for permission from my mother and father after breakfast.

"Okay. Bring some guards to accompany you." The Marquis agreed.

"Be careful out there and you need to come back early." The Marquess said.

"I will." I'm still not a hundred percent sure if this world is the game that's why I need to find more information.


I strolled and search for more information in the city until the sun was out.

When I came back, I ate dinner before excusing myself. I went into my room and laid down in my bed.

"I'm so tired. Now that I think of it it's been a long time since the last time I walked that much."

I already confirmed it and this time I'm a hundred percent sure that this world is from the game I created... The Kingdom is called the Kingdom of Azes.

The prince's name is Claude Azes, and the princess's name is Christina Azes which are exactly on point to the game I made.

Ahh, my prince really exists! I can't wait to meet him. However, right now the prince should be working very hard so I can't exactly meet him right away.

Even though this world is almost similar to the game, but there are some differences and anomalies. Like me, Rena from the game has no older sister, she is the only child of the Marquis and Marquess.

I got the feeling that there might be more things that are way different in the game. This world, Elysium. Is after all an Independent world, it can stand and exist on its own. It's not the same as the world in a game where the people are made and controlled by a bunch of codes and numbers.

This world here, is a real-world, with people having each of their own minds. Their feelings and actions can't be predicted, especially there are no options that will guide you.

My actions may cause a butterfly effect if I use my knowledge in the game. However, I don't care because in this world I will have the chance to fulfill my true dream.

I don't care how much effort and how long it takes... I'm coming to capture all of you my prince, my knight, my hero...

The place where the moon could be reached. I must go there on the last day of the year, this is after all one of the easiest ways to awaken magic, and most of all I will get a cheat that will put me above the rest, haha hehe.