Coming of Age

Natasha (POV)

Two years is about to gone by since the time I cleared the Rising Sun, and received Aphrodite.

This year, I'll be turning 10. Today, is my coming of age ceremony.

So far in this two years I actually still not have developed any contact with my prince, the only one who I got a close relationship with is my Knight.

With it being my birthday today, there is a hope that the prince will come. From what I remember, he was also turning 10 soon. His family wanted him to be acquainted with all the talented children, so it's possible that he would come.

My ability and talent is known by many, and that's a fact.

"Little Mistress, it's about to start."

Aphrodite called out.

Finally. It's time. I already prepared everything to give a good first impression, my dress is really cute, befitting for my cute face.

My body still have not matured. That's why having an adult charm, is still not possible.

"I'm coming."

I replied, looked at myself in the mirror for one last check

Hmm... yes, really cute and beautiful as expected.


On the way I met up with my little sister, Rena. Our relationship has been really good, I properly made sure of it, of course. However, there is still a problem. I'm afraid she is developing an interest towards my knight, which is not good.

I'll have to talk with her about this, or somehow transfer her affection to others. I'm pretty sure her feelings just started and knowing that, it'd be easy to change.

I don't know why I have so many problems, my knight is really a chick magnet. I hate that.

Enough of that. It's my time to shine.

We arrived at the venue, there were already a lot of people inside.

"Natasha, come here."

My father together with my mother, saw me and called me out.

Although it's my day today, it's still going to be quite tiring with all the introductions.

I smiled with the best I can manage, as I immediately went over to their side.

As expected, I introduced myself to a lot of noble families. This is basic etiquette.


Sigh. My body is perfectly fine, but my mind is tired. My strength have been progressing by leaps and bounds since then.

I pretty much have finished introducing myself to all the guest that are needed. To be accurate, it's the guests that have quite a considerable amount of power and authority. I don't really need to introduce myself to those who have lower status.

I don't have any opinion, but I guess this is how nobles wanted to keep pride and arrogance at the same time? Maybe.

The party started.

After father toasted while raising his glass. We started eating.

I was of course at the main table. I started eating not so slow but not so fast either, just enough. To maintain my image.

The giving of gifts should be next.


So many... not that I'm surprised. It could even pile a small mound. But well, back in my past life, this is normal. So I'm not surprised.

The party wont be lively if it was only about eating and gifts. There was also the presentation of young talents.

Talented children that are close to my age will present their skills and abilities.

It's lively for them, but for me it's boring. Even if they come at me altogether they won't stand a chance. I think only Luke can at least stand against me, literally. I don't mean to lower my knight by talking about this.

And regarding his training situation, he is still brandishing his sword, but I already did my wonders. So it's about time before he discovered his talent himself. His strength will then improve at a visible speed. That way, his strength would become closer to mine, and if I neglect my practice he will eventually surpass me.

Like how I created their talents, they are geniuses. To each their own.

Luke might be going to be the strongest among them if he finds his talent sooner, because I was here. While in the original the heroine did her wonders and he was already 16 at that time.


They are quite proud, huh? Even my parents are surprised. Well, I hid my true strength after all.

Suddenly, a black haired boy with blue eyes came at the center. It was his turn.

All those who have presented are 10-year-old like me, and had already awakened their magic.

This boy was, too. However, why can't I feel his power? Unless he didn't awaken his magic. Even if it's miniscule, I could still sense it.

He was a lightning element wielder. How he show cased it was lackluster. It was the same as the other children in the eyes of the crowed.

For me, however. It's different. He does posses magic but why can't I sense it? And the magic he casted just now... I felt a sense of suppression.


A memory that was hidden deep inside my memory that occurred two years ago, suddenly flashed.

That boy...

This was not the first time I felt like this, but was instead the second.

I thought he died, and I only met him once personally. Although his face is different from my memory. But that blue eyes that could make me feel that I was being pulled by the abyss. I never forgot that feeling.

I immediately called a maid to check the name of the guest.

And Aphrodite, why on the hell is she not here? I need her to check this boy. If his strength is truly that immense, could I even hope to cope against him?

Two years. Two years I repeat. His strength... I wouldn't dare to imagine.

"Young miss, the boy came with his mother. It was an invitation we sent to one of the many Baron rank families."


"What Household?"


"Do you have any information of their children?"

"I only know the name, young miss. Should I get more information?"

"Tell me the name."

"Ren Stratford and Arc Stratford."


It's real. He did leave his name before, but he didn't tell me his family name, so I though he was a commoner.

Ahh!!! A lot of problems keeps arising. This boy is an anomaly.

I couldn't help but scream in my my mind, filled with indignation.

That woman he was with before... she was not here. But I know they are on the same side.

I have a walking disaster right before me, and I can't do anything. This is extremely frustrating.

Could this day get any better? prince. Why are you still not here? I need you.