With Natasha

"I have to say my coming of age ceremony, couldn't be compared." Ren commented on the way home with Claire.

"...sorry." Claire was a bit down.

"Oh, it doesn't bother me. Honestly, it's good for me. I can move without much care for others.

"Mother cares a lot."

"I know. I'll be careful."

"Yes, be extra careful."

Despite already having a tracking magic without him noticing. Claire still wanted him to be careful.


Recently, Natasha has been checking on Ren secretly.

"If I don't concentrate. I really won't know her position. This concealment is by far one of the best."

"Why won't she just talk to you? She kept walking in circles while observing you like that."

"Maybe she wants to confirm something first?"

"Well, she might have noticed your strength. In your age category, not including you, she is the strongest. If she is given at least a year or two, she could surpass you. Of course, it only applies if you don't progress".

"You're right. After all, there is a chance that she is like me."

"Like you? How?"

"Afraid of the unknown, I say. Variables that are not within expectation appearing is a threat. Something like that?"

"She posses weird knowledge, like you do?"

"Don't call it weird, I just can't tell you now... but like me...huh? There is a small chance, although I'm more inclined to believe that we just have the same cautious personality."

"Humph. Why won't you just tell me. I'm vexed. It's been what? since we are together, and you still can't trust me?"

"I trust you. Just that this knowledge might even cause harm to you, it's too great. Until I can be confident with my strength, I'll tell you, okay?

"...Even with my strength you are not confident?"

"Like I said unknown variables still kept appearing, and I need to confirm it. And besides. Freya, you are still not—

"Still not?"

"My woman."



"You're still on that? Fufu, keep dreaming brat."

"I'd like to see if you are still laughing if I wanted another woman."

"I dare you! Unfaithful brat!"

"Shit! I don't understand you at all."


"...can we talk?"

Ren was currently facing Natasha. As she finally stopped dawdling around, and decided to come close to him.

For the reason of not exposing himself, Ren didn't bother with her. But he gotta say that being observed was really uncomfortable.

"What do you want, I wonder?... young miss from the Bluerose Marquis Household."

"You can call me Natasha."

"Okay. What are you here for?"

"I wanted to ask, do you recall the time we first met?"

"...I only saw you for the first time at your coming of age."

"Lies. We met 2 years ago."

"Was that so? I don't remember."

"...you actually forgot?!!" Natasha mumbled indignantly before adding: "Yes, we met 2 years ago but since you forgot. It doesn't matter. I wanted to ask if Ren could have a spar with me?"

"You want to fight me?"

"Yes, please. It is only meant for practice purposes only. I heard that you are really strong, so I wanted to have the permission to have a spar with you." Natasha lifted her dress and bowed slightly.

"You think too much of me, young m— Natasha. My talent can't be compared to you."

"Lies again!!!" Natasha mumbled, rolled her eyes in frustration.

She however maintained her smile as she spoke, "Even then, could you please comply of having a spar with me?"

"It's fine... if you say so." Ren reluctantly nodded.


30 minutes later.

"Ah, it's my defeat." Ren raised his hands as a sign of surrender.

"Lies. Lies. Lies. Lies." Natasha stared at him with a dark look while repeatedly mumbling.

"...I don't believe you..." Natasha whispered before adding: "I'll come back tomorrow, can I have your time by then to accompany me?"

"...well... it's my pleasure." Ren nodded after thinking for a bit.


Next day.

"Where are we going?"

"Hunt some bandits!"

"What...? Isn't that still too early?"

"I have already tested your strength, so I'm confident that you can cope with it. And we are not hunting some infamous figures, just a bunch of young bandits!"



A couple of hours later.

"Natasha, nice. I arrested one. I have to say that it's really hard." Ren wiped a sweat

"Lies. Lies. Lies. Lies." Natasha really won't believe. On her side, she already arrested more than 10 without breaking a sweat.

Natasha kept coming the following days.

A month later.

"I won't be coming back anymore. It's fun while it lasted. I'm going to have a close-door practice, that's why I don't know when I'll be out. Maybe we can meet at the school again."

"I see. Goodbye. I had fun too."

"Mhm... and remember this... I don't believe you because you are one despicable liar!"

"...Haha, you can be so direct at times. But what a leaving words to say. However, I don't really have no clue what you are talking about. I'm quite honest, if I say so myself"

"Humph. I'm leaving." Natasha didn't turn back.

But inwardly, she was so vexed. She didn't get any information from him this past month. And one might even be deceive that he was truly not strong, even she herself admit that she was not as sure as she was at first.

Was he strong or was he not? He indeed did mention that they have a heirloom that could hide his magic. But his mouth was full of lies, so she was finding it hard to believe.

'Lies. Lies. All of it are lies... I may not have found anything. But well, this lady at least won't call the time spent was a waste. I enjoyed his company I give him that. Liar, we will meet again. If you are strong or not, if you are a threat or not. I don't want to think anymore.

Let's find out in the future.'


Ren smiled wryly looking at Natasha's back.

"I don't know your identity. I was just protecting myself and the others on my side. After all, it's best that your possible enemy doesn't know what you are capable of.

Hmm... I wonder if that little girl will grow beautiful as a woman? She is cute after all. I won't mind accepting her then."

"Hey... did I hear that right?"

"Oh, Freya... you are here. You seem to have been out a lot lately during my time with her."

"You're imagining things... fufu, and don't change the subject. What did you say just now again?"

"Act like that if you become my woman."
