"Gio, any news?"

It's been two weeks ever since Uncle Mario died and the investigation has been ongoing.

"Niente di nuovo capo, sto ancora indagando, ma credo di averti tracciato il loro nascondiglio," Gio explains

[Translation: Nothing yet boss, I'm still investigating but I think I've tracked down their hiding place.]

"Dove si nascondono?"

[Translation: Where are they hiding?]

Gio pulls out a map and places it down on the table, spreading it out. A small block on the map was circled with a red marker.

"Nel settore industriale della città, dove la vecchia macchina di assemblaggio della fabbrica era," Gio points out.

[Translation: In the industry sector of town, where the old car assembling factory was.]

"Andiamo a uccidere quelle bastard," he says

[Translation: Let's go kill those bastards]

"Boss no, non possiamo. È troppo rischioso e oltre a spiegare al Consiglio perché non abbiamo dato il loro taglio."

[Translation: Boss No, we cannot. It's too risky and besides, we must explain to the Council why we haven't given their cut.]

Vincent kicks the nearest chair and screams, he was beyond frustrated, why couldn't he just kill them all and end his suffering.

"Vincent, I'm sorry but violence is not the answer to this," Gio says.

Vincent leans against the wall, tired and defeated.

"In my head it is, I can't just let them get away with murdering my uncle Gio, I can't," he sobs as he slides down to the floor.

Gio looks at him, he knew exactly how he felt, powerless as a man. He too lost his father during a shootout with the Russians, it was supposed to be his last day on the job, he didn't think it was his last day on earth. Vincent was there, every day, helping him through it, he paid for the funeral and counselling. He had to help his brother out in the same way, but Gio knew that revenge wasn't an option.

"Vincent, vai a casa e riposare" Gio suggests, "E capirò un modo per entrare nel loro livello"

[Translate: Go home and rest and I'll figure out a way to help you get to their building]

Vincent looks up at Gio, he wipes his tears, "Thank you brother."

"Farò lo stesso per te come hai fatto per me, l'onore del fratello."

[Translation: I'll do the same as you did for me, brother's honour]

He gets up from the floor and hugs Gio. Gio sighs, knowing that he's about to regret what he's going to do but he had to, Vincent had to heal, one way or another.

They bid their farewells and Vincent makes the drive back home when he gets and call from Angelo.


"How are you, Angelo?" He replies

"Better, you?"

"I'm doing fine, what's up?"

"Mi manca il fratello e penso che sia il momento in cui vogliamo vedere la zia."

[Translation: I miss you brother and I think it's time we go see Aunty]

"Me too and I think you're right, I feel bad for abandoning her like that, I'll give her a call and see if she's okay with us coming over."

"Okay, give me a call back once you've made the plans."

"I will."

"Okay, bye Vince."


Vincent let out a sigh, he's brother was okay and that was a relief for him, he was even back to his old state of mind, the mature, reasonable young man he was.

After their uncle had died, they didn't spend much time with their aunt, they attended the funeral and immediately returned home afterwards to deal with the mess the Russians had made. They owed it to her to spend time with her for a short time and make sure she was doing okay.

Vincent parks his car in the garage of his home, hopefully, Chanel was back from work.

He walks towards his door, to find the door open, he pulls out his gun from his pocket and slowly walks into the house, it had been ransacked, everything was on the floor, plates, pictures, curtains.

"Chanel?" he calls out, no answer.

Vincent looks around the house and doesn't find her.

Now he was worried, he takes his phone out of his pocket to call Gio and then he hears a knocking sound.


He walks over to the bathroom door and the knocking gets more vigorous, he slowly opens the door and finds Chanel half-naked on the floor, his hands tied up and a cloth wrapped around her mouth and eyes, beaten, and crying knocking her head against the shower door.

"Amore," he quickly rushes beside her and unties her arms and removes the cloth from her mouth, she starts bawling.

"They were here, looking for you and one of them tied me up and they..."

"Shh, don't talk, I'm here baby."

"He raped me," she cries, and Vincent holds her close.

This is more than just a battle, this is war!

- - -


"Ya ne ponimayu chto vy khotite ot menya," she says angrily

[Translation: I don't understand what you want from me]

"Perestan' lezhat' i rasskazhite nam gde on rasskazyvayet dragotsennosti," he yells back at her, he's fierce blue eyes were always her weakness

[Translation: Stop lying to us and tell us where he's hiding the jewels]

She didn't know what else to do, she was trying her best not to get her cover blown or arouse suspicion, she sighs.

"I'll try and speak to him and find out where he's hiding them but don't get your hopes up,"

"Good," he says in his Russian accent smirks, his pearly white teeth shining.

"I'm not doing this for nothing Nikolai, you better give me my damn cut," she threatens.

"You know I will baby; you'll get that and more," he stands up and walks around his desk to her, she stands up and they share a heated kiss.

"Ya lyublyu tebya Nikolai," she whispers.

[Translation: I love you, Nikolai]

"Ya tozhe lyublyu tebya detka. Eto skoro zakonchitsya i togda my mozhem byt' vmeste i naslazhdat'sya nashimi novymi bogatstvami," he replies, giving her another passionate kiss.

[Translation: I love you too baby, his will all be over soon and then we can be together and enjoy our newfound riches]

"I have to go; I don't want him getting worried."

"You care about him."

She chuckles, "No."

He looks deep into her eyes, searching but nothing.


"Bye Nikolai."

"We'll meet again soon," he replies, and she leaves his office.

She closes the door behind her and walks out of the building, she had to find out what was going on otherwise she was going to ended up dead and that was the last thing she wanted. She gets into her car and makes the drive home, praying to get there before he arrived.