Chapter 7 - James

Later in the day, Penelope, Marcus, Mavis, and James are in the office.

"So how did all the scavenging parties do? We we're able to send out so many this time." Asked James

"It's safe to say we don't even need to send out a singular party next week. We could focus on finding other kids next week instead. There's bound to be at least a couple hundred left scattered in the city" Said Penelope.

"I would definitely volunteer for that, I can only imagine how scared some of the poor kids out there are. We really do need to help them as soon as we can. Before the worst happens." Said Mavis

"That settles it then, we should go out 5 days next week with light scavenging and then prioritizing finding kids. I'm hoping we find at least five to ten more. Where do you guys think we should start looking first?" Asked James.

"There's a big group of apartments over here in north Mankato that I feel like will have a few kids in it. A bunch of people from my school lived there. It's a bit of a drive though." Said Marcus

"I was thinking we should also check some big stores, since you guys were able to make this a base. Maybe there's another group of 20 or 30 people around here somewhere." Suggested Mavis.

"There's a residential area over by the college I was going to go to. South Central would be a good place to set up base in, so I'd like to check it out too." Added Penelope

"Then that settles it, we've got three places to go. I'll get some input from some others later on. For now we're going to relax, let's enjoy this weekend." Said James.

The Leaders all disperse and go on about their day. Mavis and James walk out of the office together.

"So what do you plan on doing today? I don't really have any plans." Asked Mavis

"You want to go hang out on the roof? I feel like just hanging out for the rest of today. I don't have watch till the late in the morning tomorrow." Suggested James

"That sounds like a perfect idea, let's go" Said Mavis

The pair head up to the roof and lay down under a handmade awning

"This is a nice little place we got up here. I never see anyone up here besides when people are in the guard towers. So nice and peaceful." Said Mavis as she happily jumps onto the mattress they put under the awning.

Both Mavis and James snuggle up under the awning and watch the sunset.

"Days like this really make me think this isn't all that bad. Everything that's happened sucks. I had to kill my own parents, 7 of my neighbors. I watched little Lucy from down my hall get torn apart, but meeting you wasn't too bad." Said Mavis with a smile.

"I was hear when this all started, me and Penelope we're shopping and then all hell just broke loose. I wish I had my little sister Sarah with me. I have no idea what happened to her, but I know she's not dead yet. I agree though, meeting you was definitely a blessing in disguise." Said James

"We'll find her I'm sure of it. Maybe we'll even find her next week when we're out looking for more survivors. I hope we find a hell of a lot of people." Said Mavis.

"Life would get a heck of a lot better with her around here, she was always a fun person to be around. So I always have my fingers crossed when we go out searching

"Keep them crossed. I'm sure we'll find her at some point. Hope is what's gotten me this far, so don't lose it." Said Mavis

The pair of them lay there cuddled up and sleep most of the day away.

The weekend passes by relatively quickly with everyone having done their favorite hobbies to keep them busy. The four leaders once again meet up to talk about how they'll go about the days of searching for survivors.

"Alright, all four of our searches are going to be pretty big ones. So obviously we've got to talk a little bit about transport. We have plenty of trucks and stuff to use, but I'd rather use something bigger. I was thinking we could get a semi and load up some furniture into the back of it to make them all comfortable. I know it would be a lot of extra work, but I think it'd be worth it. What do you guys think?" Asked James.

"Honestly it sounds insanely extra, but I kind of like it." Said Mavis.

"Yeah I'll have to agree, let's do it. I'm sure it'll make them trust us just that much more." Said Marcus.

"Well that seems like it's decided then. There's a couple semis in the back that work still, so we can use those. Maneuvering around any clogged up roads will be pretty much impossible though, so we'll have to work around that. That's always a problem though." Said Penelope.

"Alright, so now we need to decide who will go. I'd like to bring all shapes and sizes on this one. We have I believe over 50 people here right now. We could probably bring out 15 every time we go out there. Especially if we're going to take a bus there." Explained James

"Alright that sounds like a plan, I'd say we take 2 leaders on each of the parties that go out. I think we should hit all the big stores first. I think we should start the search off good with trying to find a big group of kids. I think we should search a couple of schools as well though. It'll be pretty easy to tell if those are occupied or not." Said Mavis

"I agree, it'd be really good if we can start off with some really good results. I'll sit this first day out though, I'd like to be on the group that searches the colleges in North Mankato." Said Penelope.

"I'd like to sit this one out as well, I'll be going on the rest of them though. Said Marcus.

"Alright then it's me and you Mav. We'd better go scrounge up quite a few people for this. Penelope can you announce over the PA for 15 people to meet me in front of Barnes and Nobles?" Asked James.

"Yeah. Hello everyone, we're going to be doing that search party I talked about earlier in about an hour, if anyone would like to help out with that please meet in front of the Barnes and Noble book store. We'll need about fifteen people. Thank you." Announced Penelope.

James and Mavis leave the office and head towards the Barnes and Noble to find some volunteers.

"Are you excited? This is kind of your search party here. You've become a pretty important part of the leadership here. It's a big load off of my shoulders." Said James proudly.

"I bet we'll find a couple people at least. If I hadn't been in the apartments when this all started, then I'd probably go into a big store. So I'm sure someone else had the same idea." Said Mavis hopefully.

12 people willing to help find new people showed up. Many people here got separated from siblings at some point, and are all excited about a chance to find them somewhere in the city.

"Alright guys, thank you for volunteering to do this with us. We're going to be hitting some big stores hoping to find some new people to recruit. If they don't want to come with us then we'll leave them. They don't know what they're missing out on." Explained James.

The group of 14 people loaded up furniture into the back of the semi. James and Mavis get into the front seats and get ready to move out.

"Where'd you learn to drive a semi? Not exactly something everyone knows." Asked Mavis.

"I found a manual in the docking area, so I figured it would be good just in case we find somewhere with a lot of supplies to get. We've been able to use it 2 times so far, but I'm still not great at driving it yet." Explained James.

"Why don't you save some skills for the rest of the group, you're getting too good at everything." Said Mavis laughing.

"Nah, I've got to be the best at everything. I have to take as much weight off of the others as I can. I'm a true man among men." James said with a smile.

"You're a corny man is what you are. Just remember there's people like me who want to carry their own weight too. We all have to contribute." Said Mavis.

After driving 7 miles out from the mall avoiding groups of savages and clogged roads, they arrive at a cub foods that has several smaller stores connected to the same building.

"Alright everyone we've finally arrived. This should be the most likely to have people in it, if there is then we'll most likely to get confronted at the front before we even get in. That's only if it's a big group though. In other cases I've seen kids in small groups try to hide instead of greeting people at all." Explained James.

The group approached the building slowly while watching the surroundings. On their approach James noticed a group of 20 plus savages heading their way.

"Hey Mavis, take a few people with you inside, I'm going to stay outside and hold of these savages with the rest. Make it fast though, I don't know if we can take that many with the small amount that we have.

"Alright I'll be in and out as fast as I can, stay safe!" Exclaimed Mavis as she ran off.

(In the store) Mavis and three others enter the store and see some lights on in various places.

"Okay, some people have either just been or are still here. We'll split up into two groups of two, you guys go that way and Sam and I will go this way.

A few minutes into the search Mavis hears a muffled scream from where the other two were and assumes the worst.

"Sam we need to get out of here." Says Mavis.

"Wait, I hear someone in that aisle over there, it sounds like she's quietly arguing with someone. We should go talk to them." Said Sam

"Alright fine let's go." Said Mavis

The two of them go over to the isle to find 2 girls quietly arguing with each other. One of them has a striking resemblance to James.

"Hey you two, I don't have time to explain, but if you want more safety and a warmer place to stay then I'd recommend you to come with us. Also you look like James. Are you by chance Sarah?" Asked Mavis.

"Wait how do you know my brother? Where is he?!" Asked Sarah frantically.

"He's outside trying to hold off a lot of savages outside so we can leave, is there anyone else here?" Asked Mavis.

"No it's just us and a few savages that we constantly avoid, I think your friends ran into them though, they're very big ones. So I haven't tried to fight them yet." Said Sarah.

"Damn, okay well lets go, James is waiting for us." Said Mavis.

The 4 of them leave the cub foods to see James putting down the last savage in sight. Upon seeing him, Sarah runs as fast as she can towards her.

"James! You're alive!!" Exclaimed Sarah as she nearly tackles him.

"Sarah?! Holy shit it is you, oh thank god. Mom would've killed me if I let anything happen to you." Said James.

As the touching reunion is happening, two huge savages burst through the doors and barrels towards the group.

"Oh god, can we go? Please tell me you drove here!" Said Sarah.

"Yes of course we did, go hop in the front with Mavis. The rest of you get in the back, we're not fighting these two!" Exclaimed James.

After the group gets into the semi, James manages to start it up and drive off just in time before the two huge savages catch up to them.