Character Descriptions
Main Characters
James Steven Winthrow – James has short brown hair and blue eyes, he's white. He's 6'2, 20 years old and fairly lean. James was a 3 sport athlete in high school and had scholarships available to him for all 3 of them. James has always had natural leadership abilities when it came to just about anything in his life. The end of the world was no exception. Both parents' ethnicities are from Europe
Penelope Isuzu Wilson – Penelope is 19, 5'8, with short brown hair and brown eyes, she's half white, half Asian. Penelope has always been great friends with James throughout their childhoods. She is very smart and took her archery class very seriously in school. Mother is Asian, Father is white.
Mavis Ruby Wyatt – 5'7, 18 years old with long blonde hair and light blue eyes, she's white. Mavis has always been smart and quick witted. Not very physically strong, but a pretty fast runner. Used to be sassy before the end, but rarely sasses people anymore.
Marcus Paul Thomond – 20, Standing at 6'6 with brown eyes and very short black hair, he's African American. Marcus is very strong and is capable of fighting multiple savages at once because of his size. He's a capable leader that people listen to. He's surprisingly kind hearted despite his mean looking exterior.
Sarah Jewel Winthrow – 12, Sarah is the younger sister of James. She's 5'2 with long brown hair and blue eyes. While not sharing James athletic abilities, she made up for it with how smart she was. She was always in advanced classes in school and used her smarts to survive.
Side Characters
Spike Timothy Row – 15, 5'6. Spikey blonde hair and green eyes. He's fairly short but is strong for his size. Spike is hotheaded and does most things without thinking very hard. May be hard to control, but can usually be relied on.
Sierra May Hale – 16. Sierra has long curly brown hair, she's 5'3 with dark blue eyes, she's African American. She's usually very quiet but good under pressure. She's almost always trying to do something productive for the group. Very reliable.
Kane Tyler Franklin - 18. Kane is 5'11 with short black hair and green eyes. Kane is usually distant and cold, He's easily the best fighter from either one of the groups. He likes to rig rather unique weapons to fight with.
Bailey Fei Franklin – 18. Bailey is 5'7 with long blonde hair and green eyes. Bailey is Kane's younger sister, but is practically useless in a fight. Kane is the sole reason she was able to make it to the complex group. Marcus and Bailey are very close.
Rin Tai Sei
Wu Sing Sei
Tabitha Finley