The Black Door Part 1

With all sides human and Borne alike simultaneously closing in, Daniel lets his suit jacket slip off his shoulders and fall onto the ground. He pulls up his shirt sleeves and lets his soul energy culminate within his arms. Their muscles swell harden.

"I'll create a path for you to go through," Daniel tells them. "Get to my apartment an-"

"That's not an option," Noe interjects. "It's either we go together or go down together. Give me some time to figure out a solution."

"We have about thirty seconds," Daniel says.

Noe chuckles, "Always putting time constraints on me."

"Twenty-six," Daniel's stare focuses on the Borne up ahead - a gang of his old friends.

Noe thinks: Raging wind. Uncontrollable oxygen. Pulling Daniel's hair. Pulling. Pulling!