The Black Door Part 4

Rosalind clamps Vivian's mouth shut with her hand while putting pressure on Vivian's bleeding shoulder. Thousands of jagged spires protrude from the damp, rock ground; one of which is lodged in Vivian's shoulder blade. Snow lands upon the rock and instantly melts.

Beside their bodies, a colossal grey head sleeps silently, the neck and back attached to it camouflaging with the rocks. Behind them, the scalp of another glistens. The menacing jagged spires block Rosalind from seeing further down the gigantic bodies.

Clearly, they landed in a realm of giants. Their location: A back exfoliation spa.

Who knows what will happen if the giants awake to find tiny, alien-like creatures roaming their sacred relaxation grounds? Humans would instantly swat those creatures and Rosalind does not expect much different from giants.