Desire Knows My Name Part 2

Cover me, Noe asks Daniel.

Immediately, Daniel crouches and karate chops the ground as Noe lets the storm sweep him into the clouds. The ground groans before a partition forms, crack creeping towards the rampaging giant at lightning speed. Daniel runs out of view of the dividing rock.

When the giant notices its rooted feet moving apart, it looks down and is greeted with a gaping hole where earth used to be. 

Striving to stand straight, the giant's agitation shoots skyward when it realizes its legs are too widespread to reunite. If it jumps to put its legs back together, it will plummet into the earth.


The giant cries in powerlessness, hippopotamusesque teeth blistering the storm's eye. 

Daniel's voice reverberates triumphantly in Noe's mind. It won't be going anywhere for a while. Do your thing, Noe.

Thank you, my love.