Chaos, Calamity, and Car Chases Part 2

"Where am I?" 

A huge tree peers over Daniel, its leaves blooming every variation of green imaginable. By some magic, the wooden table beneath Daniel bends comfortably around the curves of his body. 

Sitting up, Daniel's surroundings seem much sharper than they have appeared in the decades he spent on Earth. Daniel must be in Xeron but which demonic home could possibly facilitate a life as magnificent as an enormous tree?

Shriveled, silky strands caress Daniel's bare arms. 

With one knee on the ground, fingers interlocked with Daniel's left hand, and head draped over Daniel's lap, Noe slumbers soundly over the wooden operating table. 

Noe's cheeks are slightly sunken and his lips chapped.

Braiding his untethered fingers through Noe's hair, Daniel smiles softly to himself. "How many miracles have I been blessed to see? I shall add witnessing the sight of your sleeping form as another."