Unbeatable Satan Spawn Part 4

The Greater Ephrene's head vibrates, shaking off more grey particles that waft through the hallway and cover Noe, Daniel, Jinn, and Rosalind in a whirlwind of dust-like granules. Coughing and shielding his eyes with his lower arm, Daniel pushes past the discomfort of sand brushing his eyes and maintains his focus on the Greater Ephrene.

"I am Agamedes, Ephrene of Knowledge,"  the Greater Ephrene's voice reverberates all around the Ephemerals. "Five thousand years ago, I was blessed with a brother, Trophonius. When all others revered me as an architect of greatest talent, I knew a tap on Trophonius' shoulder was all it would take for me to be wrestled to the ground. 'Agamedes,' laughter would rumble from Trophonius' stomach. Although we worked side by side when building, even Trophonius could not come close to my architectural capabilities. I always knew more in everything, but that never hindered Trophonius from remaining the most loyal of all my siblings.