Chasing the Labyrinth Part 1

Daniel knew of the intricate mining system Northville had constructed sub-ground but had no concept of how elaborate it truly is. Dashing through the mines, Daniel and Noe have seconds to make decisions on the paths they should take from roads that diverge in multiple directions.

Were it not for Daniel's Borne sight, that easily distinguishes objects in the dark, the Ephemerals could easily be lost within the maze the mine makes up. 

It only takes ten minutes to tire Noe and Daniel's cognitive skills in such a winding, never-ending labyrinth.

However, exhaustion is not an option. The Greater Ephrenes whose abilities do not depend on air or water are hot on their tracks, listening to each of the Ephemerals steps and using the echo of the tunnels to keep track of them. 

"Should we split up?" Jinn suggests. 

"No!" the Ephemerals agree unanimously.