She Came Back Part 2

Following the tingles rolling through his bones, Jinn interacts with the world in a new light. Jinn's nose fills with the scent of acid, yet it does not burn him. Instead, the acid particles connect Jinn to the air, which flows into the pouring rain and leads Jinn to feel the brewing clouds above. 

For the first time, Jinn sees the sky not as a limit but as a connection to the universe. The Earth's surface not as everything there is but a short layer of what can be. 

As raindrops pelt against Jinn's firm flesh, Jinn roots his feet into the rust beneath him. Unlike how Jinn had to yield to the rust's merciless edges just minutes before, the rust is now crushed by the weight of Jinn's body. 

Jinn can feel everything. His calves, his chest, his abdominal muscles, they all rise and fall to the occasion of Jinn's breaths. 

Taller than he has ever been, the horizon seems so far below him.