Journey through Hell Part 2

"I will be the one to kill him!" a soldier - who Noe recognizes as having carried Rosalind's make-shift casket-palanquin - heroically steps up. The soldier's brown hair glistens, "King Daniel has done nothing but bring us together and give us something to fight for. Eris threatens to end our unity and nullify the very people we are and could become. For King Daniel! For Xeron!"

"Kill Eris!" 

"KILL ERIS!" the battalion choruses. 

"I'll carve out his heart and feed it to my hellhounds!"

"I'll stew his eyes and make them my dinner!"

Noe's chin rests in his hands and is kept up by his forearms; his neck is too exhausted to remain upright on its own.

Four hours this exchange of brutal plans has continued with the next exclamation more gruesome than the last.

"He'll be alive when I get to him! His bones'll be crushed and I'll use 'em as me toothpicks! Maybe I'll be nice enough to kill 'im after that!"