
Upon exiting the library, grim didn't utter a single word. He walked closely behind Ellen, quietly adoring the latter. He also hadn't any idea why and how he was making things go there, he just felt that way right. When they crossed a street, Ellen looked behind to find grim still following her. She wanted to turn around and ask where he had been and since he's back, why was he following her but she didn't dare to as grim had a new haircut and heavens!

The boy was looking fucking handsome. She admitted.

The truth is that Ellen never looked at grim that way but ever since he was gone, Chloe never shut about praising Shawn's each exposed feature. Ellen couldn't help but pay grain-size attention to him.

They quietly walked, grim following Ellen. At first, he thought she was going to her home but when he crossed another street, his assumption disappeared in the night air of LA.

The city looked like a new bride wearing a luminous dress, adorning gems and stones of different sizes. The artificial lights had covered the ethereal beauty of the sky. A few pieces of dim lights could be seen up above at the sky. People wouldn't look out for them anyway. Hustle and bustle of the city had kept them from this wonderful serene. They were so busy to take even a glance at their loss. Indeed, it was a terrific loss for not sparing moments to stand and stare at the beauty of nature, to close eyes and let the wind recreate their souls, to stand by the ocean side and stare at their reflection in the waves shining under the moonlight, the glistening reflection of the moon. At one side of the picture, they were receiving the comforts of life in city life, on the other side, nonetheless, they were at a huge loss. And the loss that you don't realize you're under is certainly a tremendous one.

After a few minutes of walk quiet walk, they reached a seashore. It was the same shore where they had their first encounter. Ellen took off her shoes and sat on the sand. She could feel the sand soft and comfortable beneath her bare feet. The gentle blue waves were lapping on the beach. The fluffy strands of clouds were encircling the elegance of the night, moon. Their fibre-like structure was failing badly to block moonlight. The glistening reflection of the mirroring of the moon seemed to complete the ravishing picture.

First, grim was watching this little fawn, comprehending what she was trying to do. Upon seeing her taking a spot on a sandy beach, he nonchalantly walked up to her and settled down next to her, his eyes not tearing the gaze they were holding at Ellen. Her eyes were closed and she looked serene. Inhaling and exhaling calmly in the moist air by the seaside.

"What are you doing?", clearly grim couldn't pinpoint what this little fawn was trying to do. Working your a*s off in a library the whole day, you would suddenly end up at a shore instead of lounging on your couch?

"Have you ever tried this?", after a few seconds of pause, she opened her eyes and faced grim.

"Breathing with closed eyes?", her face knocked over against waves. What else she had expected from grim?

As much as she wanted to yell at him and pushed him into the sea, she continued in a steady posture.

"No. It's not something you wouldn't have done. I mean everyone breathes when they sleep. But who am I reasoning with anyway and since I don't want to cast a shadow over this relaxed and peaceful environment so I'm gonna let this one slide."

'She just implied that I'm stupid', grim thought looking at her with a poker face.

"Take off your shoes", Ellen's said words forced nonchalant curves up to his lips.

"Little fawn, you want it here? In open and wide?", grim mocked her with a derisive smile. Ellen shook her head at the outlandish statement of grim and bent over his legs to reach his shoes. Once having those under hold, she took them off one by one. She placed them aside and looked back at grim who was still reckoning what this little fawn just did.

"Now close your eyes and relax your breathing", Ellen waited for grim to do as he had been told to so that she could also proceed with that peaceful environment. Grim, on the other hand, was blankly looking into the eye of the girl who had no idea she was talking to her death. Unaware of the fact that she had some time left on earth, no not even some time, grim could finish it in an instant, she was continuing living a normal life.

"I promise you won't regret it", Ellen still remembered the time when she used to come to this beach with her parents, running, laughing, splashing water at each other, at the end of the day, the three of them would sit like this and enjoy the serenity. After they passed away, she had never done this with someone else except alone. When she exited the library today, she had no thoughts of coming here today but seeing grim following her, she changed her mind. She also didn't know what took over her, she just wanted to share this beautiful experience with him. Why? She also hadn't had an answer to this question yet.

Grim gave in to this little fawn and closed his eyes. Ellen clapped her hands together. Watching grim doing what she said drove an unbeknownst gush of excitement in her body. She faced the sea waves and closed her eyes as well. A few minutes passed to both of them remained in the same state.

The delightful sound of waves lapping against each other, moonlight liting up the whole place, sky wearing a blanket of twinkling stars, cool breeze blowing, moist sand beneath their feet, steady breaths, indeed, was demonstrating the fullest of the moment itself.

"Beautiful, isn't it?", Ellen replaced the dark covering her eyes with the light of hundreds and thousands of stars and moon shining down on her. Grim opened his eyes only to find Ellen smiling brightly at the lucid sky.

"It is", he didn't blink or tore his gaze away from this little fawn who had the whole galaxy shining in her eyes.

If you would ask Ellen what makes her happiest in the toughest times of her life, she would reply in a single word, Sky. She would nonchalantly smile just by finding a star shining in the sky. The amazing and wonderful patterns of clouds in the sky in the daytime would always leave her stunned. Looking up at the sky and talking to the moon and stars had become a beautiful part of her life. Whether day sky or night sky, she always found it an unbelievable piece of art.

She continued staring at the sky while grim went on with his gaze at this little fawn. Almost half of an hour passed when Ellen put on her shoes and stood up.

"It's getting late. Let's go", she strolled towards the road in small and slow steps, giving time to grim to catch up with her since she left without waiting for him to put on his shoes.

When grim reached her, they walked side by side. Street lights illuminating their path. Grim was so deeply lost in thoughts that he didn't realize they had reached Ellen's place.

"So how did it feel?", Ellen asked snapping him back to earth.

"It was good", grim replied. His mind was somewhere else, wandering in airless space between heavens and earth.

"Wow, gotta note down today's date and time", Ellen slipped her hands inside her pocket and took her phone out.

Sliding in the notes, she typed a few letters.

"What?", grim tried to take a peek at her screen but poor he. Ellen locked the screen and fished it back in her pocket.

"You replied for the first time without being a shithead", grim smiled. And again it wasn't the same smile Ellen had been seeing from time to time. It had a glint of purity which didn't last long.

"What am I hearing? You go around observing me. Aren't you getting interested in me, little fawn?", here came his same smirk.

"In your dreams", Ellen scoffed and sprinted inside her house.

Grim walked to his apartment building. When he unlocked the door, he wasn't any amused seeing Jeremy slumped on the couch in the living room, having a bowl of popcorns in his lap, watching a movie.

"Any news on Kol?", he asked taking a place on the couch which was placed perpendicular to the one Jeremy was sprawled at.

"Negative", when grim didn't say anything Jeremy grabbed the remote from the table and switched off the TV.

"You were with that girl again?", he asked, now facing grim.

"What do you mean by again? It had been days. We just came back to earth today", grim replied pulling his phone out.

"So now you're admitting that you've missed her?", grim tapped on the photos icon and clicked on the latest photo he had captured today.

"I'm reflecting on your wrong choice of words. Instead of asking 'You were with that girl again' you should've asked 'Did you meet that girl today?' but you shouldn't be even asking any questions here at a first place", grim's fingers went up on the screen, caressing the particular spot.

"When are you writing her name in the Death Note?", ignoring grim's previous remark, Jeremy asked him again.

"And what if I don't?", breaking his gape from Ellen's photo that he captured today in the library, he looked at Jeremy who had shocked impressions imprinted on his face.