Chapter 1: death and rebirth

The knife pierced through my heart.

Yes, it was the final moment of my life. I didn't dodge this knife, I had it coming. No one can run from the crime they committed.

But if I had a chance to do it over, I would still repeat the same thing, I have no regret over what I did.

But, but maybe...maybe I would have protected her, from those terrible things that happened to her. I wish I could have protected her. Maybe, I do have regret after all. But it doesn't matter now, I can't change the past, I can't change anything that happened to her and I can't change things I did to others.

I am dead, most probably. But why does my body feel wet? But it's warm, why does dying feel so peaceful. I can lie here for eternity.

"Hello....hello" I heard a voice.

Shut up, I don't want to wake up, I don't want to wake up from this peaceful sleep.

"Hellooooooooooooooooo....Hellooooooooooooooooooooooo". the voice kept ongoing.

So persistent. This is torture, maybe this is what hell feels like, I am in hell.

"I know you are awake, wake upppppppppppppppppppppp" the loud voice continued.

"Shut up, don't you see I am trying to sleep. I just died and I can't even stay at peace for a proper minute. What kind of place is this? Is this hell? Whose cruel idea was it, to make hell like this." I exclaimed in frustration.

"You finally woke up!!!. No, this isn't hell nor heaven, It's my own dimension." The voice replied. It was a female voice, but I don't remember it being a feminine voice at first, was it always a feminine voice?

The source of the voice was sitting on a branch of a cherry blossom tree. She was a young girl with long rose pink hair with pinkish-red eyes.

Wait …..she is just a loli and on top of that, she looks like a character from one of the anime I have seen. Am I inside an anime?

"What are you staring at? maybe are you enchanted by my looks. "She continued with a sneer on her face.

"Hell no, why would I be interested in a loli?"

"Bold of you to say that after wanting me to look like this."

"wanting me to look like this?" I repeated.

"I am a demigod; I don't have a real body. I look like what you imagine me to look like. But you imagined me to look like loli, you do have some dirty imagination."

she said as her liped curled up to form a mocking smile.

"No, I am not a pedophile. I am not interested in loli. It was just from random anime I saw, maybe I imagined you to look like a character from that anime." i said defending any misunderstanding directed towards me, "Anyways you do have one beautiful dimension" I said as i looked around.

Yes, it was a beautiful dimension. I was sitting in a lake. It wasn't deep, it was shallow enough for a person to sit. Sitting in this water felt comfortable. It's warm and calming. And right beside the lake, there is a forest of cherry blossom trees forest.

And on the other side, there was a range of mountains those icy mountains had fog covering their tips, the mountains looked like they kept going forever in the skies.

"Thank you, but this is also one of your imagination. My dimension changes its appearance to whatever your most ideal place looks like and indeed your imagination for most ideal places is beautiful.

But don't mistake it for being an illusion, even though me and my dimension changes to how you want it to look like, my current body and this place both are real."

Is this my most ideal place?.

"Anyways Why am I here? Wasn't I supposed to be dead?" I asked.

"Yes, you did die and got through the cycle of reincarnation. any moment now, you will be born in the new world. A world that is different from yours. Usually, you get reincarnated into a new world without memories of the past world. But I, as a demigod have some power, I can reincarnate a soul with memories of it's past life. "she replied.

"Do a person like me really deserve to be reincarnated?"

"That's something you yourself can answer. You cant find the answer anywhere other than yourself. Your second life is going to begin now. You won't be able to remember anything from your old life until a certain age but you will have basic information about your past world and your maturity will be still intact. give yourself another chance at life and show me what kind of life you will lead. I think it's time for your birth. We will meet again after some time, till then enjoy your new life and live a happy life. Oh, by the way, my name is Arianrhod, remember it.".

Huh? It's dark. Where did that world disappear to? Something is pushing me what is it?.

"It's a healthy baby boy, congratulations." It's the voice of a woman and a language I don't recognize.

I tried to open my eyes, it's too bright.....

"My son, he is handsome. Just like his dad" It was a voice of a man, I couldn't understand what was he saying.

Till now my eyes were used to this light.

A beautiful woman was the first thing I saw after opening my eyes. She was a woman with black hair with a faint shade of purple in it and she had a set of purple indigo eyes, it was mystically beautiful set of eyes.


think I have been born into a new world as the demigod stated and this woman must be my mom, I can't remember my mother from the past life, I think as demigod said, I have forgotten memories of my past life.

Beside my mom was a man with white hair and blue eyes, and a gentle face, damn this guy is handsome, he must be my dad.

I can't wait to check out my facial features that i have inherited from these two, I should have killer looks.

"What are you thinking about little kid?. Look dear he is looking at me!!!, I think he loves me right after being born." Mom said something I didn't understand.

"You sure are energetic for someone who just gave birth and this little boy loves his dad more right?." Dad picked me up and said something in a sweet tone. I wish I could record their voice. Adults do talk to kids in a funny tone.

"He is smiling. Look dear, look, he is smiling. My life is fulfilled, I don't want to see anything anymore." Mom exclaimed in joy.

"This smile, I might cry out of happiness."

Oye Oye why is my dad crying now?

"That's unusual, kids usually cry after birth. But it doesn't matter, the kid is smiling and responsive" this was the voice of another woman. Maybe she helped mom with delivery.

She was a very old woman with white hair and crooked posture, she had a really kind face.

"Give me the baby, let me check if the baby is healthy or not. Till then replenish your body with mana and take a good rest. It was a difficult delivery, but you did well." said The old lady.

"But I want to play with my baby more, I don't want to sleep" For some reason mom expression turned in to sadder one while saying this.... what did she just say?

"It's okay, you need to sleep now. You can play with baby later all you want." Dad said this to mom while patting her head.

This looks like a loving family, I don't remember anything about myself but for some reason, this makes me happy.

I think it doesn't matter what happened in my past life, that's something I can't remember now. Maybe I should just focus on my current life and live the best way I can.